Source: kdeui-doc.h

Annotated List
	A dummy source file for documenting the library.
	Sirtaj Singh Kang 
	$Id: kdeui-doc_h.html 203394 2003-01-28 18:16:22Z ctennis $
	Distributed under the LGPL.

* @libdoc The KDE User Interface library
* This library provides standard user interface elements for use in
* KDE applications. If your KDE application has a GUI, you will almost
* certainly link to libkdeui.
* Most applications with single or multiple toplevel widgets
* should use the @ref KMainWindow class in this library, which
* automatically provides features like session management and simplified
* toolbar/menubar/statusbar creation.

Generated by: caleb on tcdevel on Tue Jan 28 12:54:10 2003, using kdoc $.