Source: kfiledialog.h

Annotated List
// -*- c++ -*-
/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
    Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Richard Moore 
                  1998 Stephan Kulow 
                  1998 Daniel Grana 
                  2000,2001 Carsten Pfeiffer 
                  2001 Frerich Raabe 

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
    Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#ifndef __KFILEDIALOG_H__
#define __KFILEDIALOG_H__




class QCheckBox;
class QHBoxLayout;
class QGridLayout;
class QLabel;
class QPopupMenu;
class QVBoxLayout;

class KActionCollection;
class KDirOperator;
class KURLComboBox;
class KFileFilterCombo;
class KFileView;
class KFileItem;
class KPushButton;
class KToolBar;
class KPreviewWidgetBase;

struct KFileDialogPrivate;

 * Provides a user (and developer) friendly way to
 * select files and directories.
 * The widget can be used as a drop in replacement for the
 * @ref  QFileDialog widget, but has greater functionality and a nicer GUI.
 * You will usually want to use one of the static methods
 * @ref getOpenFileName(), @ref getSaveFileName(), @ref getOpenURL()
 * or for multiple files @ref getOpenFileNames() or @ref getOpenURLs().
 * The dialog has been designed to allow applications to customise it
 * by subclassing. It uses geometry management to ensure that subclasses
 * can easily add children that will be incorporated into the layout.
 * \image html kfiledialog.png "KDE File Dialog"
 * @short A file selection dialog.
 * @author Richard J. Moore , Carsten Pfeiffer 
class KFileDialog : public KDialogBase

     * Defines some default behavior of the filedialog.
     * E.g. in mode @p Opening and @p Saving, the selected files/urls will
     * be added to the "recent documents" list. The Saving mode also implies
     * @ref setKeepLocation() being set.
     * @p Other means that no default actions are performed.
     * @see #setOperationMode
     * @see #operationMode
    enum OperationMode { Other = 0, Opening, Saving };

      * Constructs a file dialog.
      * @param startDir This can either be
      *         @li The URL of the directory to start in.
      *         @li QString::null to start in the current working
      *		    directory, or the last directory where a file has been
      *		    selected.
      *         @li ':<keyword>' to start in the directory last used
      *             by a filedialog in the same application that specified
      *             the same keyword.
      *         @li '::<keyword>' to start in the direcotry last used
      *             by a filedialog in any application that specified the
      *             same keyword.
      * @param filter A shell glob or a mime-type-filter that specifies
                      which files to display.
      * See @ref setFilter() for details on how to use this argument.
      * @param acceptURLs If set to @p false, the dialog will
      * just accept files on the local filesystem.
    KFileDialog(const QString& startDir, const QString& filter,
		QWidget *parent, const char *name,
		bool modal);

      * Constructs a file dialog.
      * The parameters here are identical to the first constructor except
      * for the addition of a QWidget parameter.
      * Historical note: The original version of KFileDialog did not have this extra
      * parameter. It was added later, and, in order to maintain binary compatibility,
      * it was placed in a new constructor instead of added to the original one.
      * @param startDir This can either be
      *         @li The URL of the directory to start in.
      *         @li QString::null to start in the current working
      *		    directory, or the last directory where a file has been
      *		    selected.
      *         @li ':<keyword>' to start in the directory last used
      *             by a filedialog in the same application that specified
      *             the same keyword.
      *         @li '::<keyword>' to start in the direcotry last used
      *             by a filedialog in any application that specified the
      *             same keyword.
      * @param filter A shell glob or a mime-type-filter that specifies
      *               which files to display.
      * See @ref setFilter() for details on how to use this argument.
      * @param acceptURLs If set to @p false, the dialog will
      * just accept files on the local filesystem.
      * @param widget A widget, or a widget of widgets, for displaying custom
      *               data in the dialog. This can be used, for example, to
      *               display a check box with the caption "Open as read-only".
      *               When creating this widget, you don't need to specify a parent,
      *               since the widget's parent will be set automatically by KFileDialog.
      * @since 3.1
    KFileDialog(const QString& startDir, const QString& filter,
		QWidget *parent, const char *name,
		bool modal, QWidget* widget);

     * Destructs the file dialog.

     * @returns The selected fully qualified filename.
    KURL selectedURL() const;

     * @returns The list of selected URLs.
    KURL::List selectedURLs() const;

     * @returns the currently shown directory.
    KURL baseURL() const;

     * Returns the full path of the selected file in the local filesystem.
     * (Local files only)
    QString selectedFile() const;

     * Returns a list of all selected local files.
    QStringList selectedFiles() const;

     * Sets the directory to view.
     * @param url URL to show.
     * @param clearforward Indicates whether the forward queue
     * should be cleared.
    void setURL(const KURL &url, bool clearforward = true);

     * Sets the file name to preselect to @p name
     * This takes absolute URLs and relative file names.
    void setSelection(const QString& name);

     * Sets the operational mode of the filedialog to @p Saving, @p Opening
     * or @p Other. This will set some flags that are specific to loading
     * or saving files. E.g. @ref setKeepLocation() makes mostly sense for
     * a save-as dialog. So setOperationMode( KFileDialog::Saving ); sets
     * setKeepLocation for example.
     * The mode @p Saving, together with a default filter set via
     * @ref setMimeFilter() will make the filter combobox read-only.
     * The default mode is @p Opening.
     * Call this method right after instantiating KFileDialog.
     * @see #operationMode
     * @see KFileDialog::OperationMode
    void setOperationMode( KFileDialog::OperationMode );

     * @returns the current operation mode, Opening, Saving or Other. Default
     * is Other.
     * @see #operationMode
     * @see KFileDialog::OperationMode
    OperationMode operationMode() const;

     * Sets whether the filename/url should be kept when changing directories.
     * This is for example useful when having a predefined filename where
     * the full path for that file is searched.
     * This is implicitly set when @ref operationMode() is KFileDialog::Saving
     * getSaveFileName() and getSaveURL() set this to true by default, so that
     * you can type in the filename and change the directory without having
     * to type the name again.
    void setKeepLocation( bool keep );

     * @returns whether the contents of the location edit are kept when
     * changing directories.
    bool keepsLocation() const;

     * Sets the filter to be used to @p filter.
     * You can set more
     * filters for the user to select seperated by '\n'. Every
     * filter entry is defined through namefilter|text to diplay.
     * If no | is found in the expression, just the namefilter is
     * shown. Examples:
     * kfile->setFilter("*.cpp|C++ Source Files\n*.h|Header files");
     * kfile->setFilter("*.cpp");
     * kfile->setFilter("*.cpp|Sources (*.cpp)");
     * kfile->setFilter("*.cpp *.cc *.C|C++ Source Files\n*.h *.H|Header files");
     * Note: The text to display is not parsed in any way. So, if you
     * want to show the suffix to select by a specific filter, you must
     * repeat it.
     * If the filter contains an unescaped '/', a mimetype-filter is assumed.
     * If you would like a '/' visible in your filter it can be escaped with
     * a '\'. You can specify multiple mimetypes like this (separated with
     * space):
     * kfile->setFilter( "image/png text/html text/plain" );
     * kfile->setFilter( "*.cue|CUE\\/BIN Files (*.cue)" );
     * @see #filterChanged
     * @see #setMimeFilter
    void setFilter(const QString& filter);

     * Returns the current filter as entered by the user or one of the
     * predefined set via @ref setFilter().
     * @param filter Contains the new filter (only the extension part,
     * not the explanation), for example, "*.cpp" or "*.cpp *.cc".
     * @see setFilter()
     * @see filterChanged()
    QString currentFilter() const;

     * Sets the filter up to specify the output type.
     * @param label the label to use instead of "Filter:"
     * @param types a list of mimetypes that can be used as output format
     * @param defaultType the default mimetype to use as output format.
     * Do not use in conjunction with @ref setFilter()
     * @deprecated
    void setFilterMimeType(const QString &label, const KMimeType::List &types, const KMimeType::Ptr &defaultType);

     * Returns the mimetype for the desired output format.
     * This is only valid if @ref setFilterMimeType() has been called
     * previously.
     * @see setFilterMimeType()
    KMimeType::Ptr currentFilterMimeType();

     * Sets the filter up to specify the output type.
     * @param types a list of mimetypes that can be used as output format
     * @param defaultType the default mimetype to use as output format, if any.
     * If @p defaultType is set, it will be set as the current item.
     * Otherwise, a first item showing all the mimetypes will be created.
     * Typically, @p defaultType should be empty for loading and set for saving.
     * Do not use in conjunction with @ref setFilter()
    void setMimeFilter( const QStringList& types,
                        const QString& defaultType = QString::null );

     * The mimetype for the desired output format.
     * This is only valid if @ref setMimeFilter() has been called
     * previously.
     * @see setMimeFilter()
    QString currentMimeFilter() const;

     *  Clears any mime- or namefilter. Does not reload the directory.
    void clearFilter();

     * @deprecated
     * Add a preview widget and enter the preview mode.
     * In this mode
     * the dialog is split and the right part contains your widget.
     * This widget has to inherit @ref QWidget and it has to implement
     * a slot @ref showPreview(const KURL &); which is called
     * every time the file changes. You may want to look at
     * koffice/lib/kofficecore/ for some hints :)
     * Ownership is transferred to KFileDialog. You need to create the
     * preview-widget with "new", i.e. on the heap.
    void setPreviewWidget(const QWidget *w);

     * Adds a preview widget and enters the preview mode.
     * In this mode the dialog is split and the right part contains your
     * preview widget.
     * Ownership is transferred to KFileDialog. You need to create the
     * preview-widget with "new", i.e. on the heap.
     * @param w The widget to be used for the preview.
   void setPreviewWidget(const KPreviewWidgetBase *w);

     * Creates a modal file dialog and return the selected
     * filename or an empty string if none was chosen.
     * Note that with
     * this method the user must select an existing filename.
     * @param startDir This can either be
     *         @li The URL of the directory to start in.
     *         @li QString::null to start in the current working
     *		    directory, or the last directory where a file has been
     *		    selected.
     *         @li ':<keyword>' to start in the directory last used
     *             by a filedialog in the same application that specified
     *             the same keyword.
     *         @li '::<keyword>' to start in the direcotry last used
     *             by a filedialog in any application that specified the
     *             same keyword.
     * @param filter This is a space seperated list of shell globs.
     * You can set the text to be displayed for the glob, and
     * provide multiple globs.  See @ref setFilter() for details on
     * how to do this...
     * @param parent The widget the dialog will be centered on initially.
     * @param caption The name of the dialog widget.
    static QString getOpenFileName(const QString& startDir= QString::null,
				   const QString& filter= QString::null,
				   QWidget *parent= 0,
				   const QString& caption = QString::null);

     * Creates a modal file dialog and returns the selected
     * filenames or an empty list if none was chosen.
     * Note that with
     * this method the user must select an existing filename.
     * @param startDir This can either be
     *         @li The URL of the directory to start in.
     *         @li QString::null to start in the current working
     *		    directory, or the last directory where a file has been
     *		    selected.
     *         @li ':<keyword>' to start in the directory last used
     *             by a filedialog in the same application that specified
     *             the same keyword.
     *         @li '::<keyword>' to start in the direcotry last used
     *             by a filedialog in any application that specified the
     *             same keyword.
     * @param filter This is a space seperated list of shell globs.
     * You can set the text to be displayed for the glob, and
     * provide multiple globs.  See @ref setFilter() for details on
     * how to do this...
     * @param parent The widget the dialog will be centered on initially.
     * @param caption The name of the dialog widget.
    static QStringList getOpenFileNames(const QString& startDir= QString::null,
					const QString& filter= QString::null,
					QWidget *parent = 0,
					const QString& caption= QString::null);

     * Creates a modal file dialog and returns the selected
     * URL or an empty string if none was chosen.
     * Note that with
     * this method the user must select an existing URL.
     * @param startDir This can either be
     *         @li The URL of the directory to start in.
     *         @li QString::null to start in the current working
     *		    directory, or the last directory where a file has been
     *		    selected.
     *         @li ':<keyword>' to start in the directory last used
     *             by a filedialog in the same application that specified
     *             the same keyword.
     *         @li '::<keyword>' to start in the direcotry last used
     *             by a filedialog in any application that specified the
     *             same keyword.
     * @param filter This is a space seperated list of shell globs.
     * You can set the text to be displayed for the glob, and
     * provide multiple globs.  See @ref setFilter() for details on
     * how to do this...
     * @param parent The widget the dialog will be centered on initially.
     * @param caption The name of the dialog widget.
    static KURL getOpenURL(const QString& startDir = QString::null,
			   const QString& filter= QString::null,
			   QWidget *parent= 0,
			   const QString& caption = QString::null);

     * Creates a modal file dialog and returns the selected
     * URLs or an empty list if none was chosen.
     * Note that with
     * this method the user must select an existing filename.
     * @param startDir This can either be
     *         @li The URL of the directory to start in.
     *         @li QString::null to start in the current working
     *		    directory, or the last directory where a file has been
     *		    selected.
     *         @li ':<keyword>' to start in the directory last used
     *             by a filedialog in the same application that specified
     *             the same keyword.
     *         @li '::<keyword>' to start in the direcotry last used
     *             by a filedialog in any application that specified the
     *             same keyword.
     * @param filter This is a space seperated list of shell globs.
     * You can set the text to be displayed for the glob, and
     * provide multiple globs.  See @ref setFilter() for details on
     * how to do this...
     * @param parent The widget the dialog will be centered on initially.
     * @param caption The name of the dialog widget.
    static KURL::List getOpenURLs(const QString& startDir= QString::null,
				  const QString& filter= QString::null,
				  QWidget *parent = 0,
				  const QString& caption= QString::null);

     * Creates a modal file dialog and returns the selected
     * filename or an empty string if none was chosen.
     * Note that with this
     * method the user need not select an existing filename.
     * @param startDir This can either be
     *         @li The URL of the directory to start in.
     *         @li a relative path or a filename determining the
     *             directory to start in and the file to be selected.
     *         @li QString::null to start in the current working
     *		    directory, or the last directory where a file has been
     *		    selected.
     *         @li ':<keyword>' to start in the directory last used
     *             by a filedialog in the same application that specified
     *             the same keyword.
     *         @li '::<keyword>' to start in the direcotry last used
     *             by a filedialog in any application that specified the
     *             same keyword.
     * @param filter This is a space seperated list of shell globs.
     * You can set the text to be displayed for the glob, and
     * provide multiple globs.  See @ref setFilter() for details on
     * how to do this...
     * @param parent The widget the dialog will be centered on initially.
     * @param caption The name of the dialog widget.
    static QString getSaveFileName(const QString& startDir= QString::null,
				   const QString& filter= QString::null,
				   QWidget *parent= 0,
				   const QString& caption = QString::null);

     * Creates a modal file dialog and returns the selected
     * filename or an empty string if none was chosen.
     * Note that with this
     * method the user need not select an existing filename.
     * @param startDir This can either be
     *         @li The URL of the directory to start in.
     *         @li a relative path or a filename determining the
     *             directory to start in and the file to be selected.
     *         @li QString::null to start in the current working
     *		    directory, or the last directory where a file has been
     *		    selected.
     *         @li ':<keyword>' to start in the directory last used
     *             by a filedialog in the same application that specified
     *             the same keyword.
     *         @li '::<keyword>' to start in the direcotry last used
     *             by a filedialog in any application that specified the
     *             same keyword.
     * @param filter This is a space seperated list of shell globs.
     * You can set the text to be displayed for the glob, and
     * provide multiple globs.  See @ref setFilter() for details on
     * how to do this...
     * @param parent The widget the dialog will be centered on initially.
     * @param caption The name of the dialog widget.
    static KURL getSaveURL(const QString& startDir= QString::null,
			   const QString& filter= QString::null,
			   QWidget *parent= 0,
			   const QString& caption = QString::null);
     * Creates a modal file dialog and returns the selected
     * directory or an empty string if none was chosen.
     * @param startDir This can either be
     *         @li The URL of the directory to start in.
     *         @li QString::null to start in the current working
     *		    directory, or the last directory where a file has been
     *		    selected.
     *         @li ':<keyword>' to start in the directory last used
     *             by a filedialog in the same application that specified
     *             the same keyword.
     *         @li '::<keyword>' to start in the direcotry last used
     *             by a filedialog in any application that specified the
     *             same keyword.
     * @param parent The widget the dialog will be centered on initially.
     * @param caption The name of the dialog widget.
    static QString getExistingDirectory(const QString & startDir = QString::null,
					QWidget * parent = 0,
					const QString& caption= QString::null);

     * Creates a modal file dialog and returns the selected
     * directory or an empty string if none was chosen.
     * Contrary to @ref getExistingDirectory(), this method allows the
     * selection of a remote directory.
     * @param startDir This can either be
     *         @li The URL of the directory to start in.
     *         @li QString::null to start in the current working
     *		    directory, or the last directory where a file has been
     *		    selected.
     *         @li ':<keyword>' to start in the directory last used
     *             by a filedialog in the same application that specified
     *             the same keyword.
     *         @li '::<keyword>' to start in the direcotry last used
     *             by a filedialog in any application that specified the
     *             same keyword.
     * @param parent The widget the dialog will be centered on initially.
     * @param caption The name of the dialog widget.
     * @since 3.1
    static KURL getExistingURL(const QString & startDir = QString::null,
                                  QWidget * parent = 0,
                                  const QString& caption= QString::null);
     * Creates a modal file dialog with an image previewer and returns the
     * selected url or an empty string if none was chosen.
     * @param startDir This can either be
     *         @li The URL of the directory to start in.
     *         @li QString::null to start in the current working
     *		    directory, or the last directory where a file has been
     *		    selected.
     *         @li ':<keyword>' to start in the directory last used
     *             by a filedialog in the same application that specified
     *             the same keyword.
     *         @li '::<keyword>' to start in the direcotry last used
     *             by a filedialog in any application that specified the
     *             same keyword.
     * @param parent The widget the dialog will be centered on initially.
     * @param caption The name of the dialog widget.
    static KURL getImageOpenURL( const QString& startDir = QString::null,
				 QWidget *parent = 0,
				 const QString& caption = QString::null );
     * @reimplemented
    virtual void show();

     * @deprecated use @ref setMode( unsigned int ) instead
    void setMode( KFile::Mode m );

     * Sets the mode of the dialog.
     * The mode is defined as (in kfile.h):
     *    enum Mode {
     *         File         = 1,
     *         Directory    = 2,
     *         Files        = 4,
     *         ExistingOnly = 8,
     *         LocalOnly    = 16
     *    };
     * You can OR the values, e.g.
     * KFile::Mode mode = static_cast( KFile::Files |
     *                                              KFile::ExistingOnly |
     *                                              KFile::LocalOnly );
     * setMode( mode );
    void setMode( unsigned int m );

     * Returns the mode of the filedialog.
     * @see #setMode()
    KFile::Mode mode() const;

     * Sets the text to be displayed in front of the selection.
     * The default is "Location".
     * Most useful if you want to make clear what
     * the location is used for.
    void setLocationLabel(const QString& text);

     * Returns a pointer to the toolbar.
     * You can use this to insert custom
     * items into it, e.g.:
     *      yourAction = new KAction( i18n("Your Action"), 0,
     *                                this, SLOT( yourSlot() ),
     *                                this, "action name" );
     *      yourAction->plug( kfileDialog->toolBar() );
    KToolBar *toolBar() const { return toolbar; }

     * @returns a pointer to the OK-Button in the filedialog. You may use it
     * e.g. to set a custom text to it.
    KPushButton *okButton() const;

     * @returns a pointer to the Cancel-Button in the filedialog. You may use
     * it e.g. to set a custom text to it.
    KPushButton *cancelButton() const;

     * @returns a pointer to the action collection, holding all the used
     * KActions.
    KActionCollection *actionCollection() const;

     * @returns the index of the path combobox so when inserting widgets into
     * the dialog (e.g. subclasses) they can do so without hardcoding in an index
    int pathComboIndex();

     * This method implements the logic to determine the user's default directory
     * to be listed. E.g. the documents direcory, home directory or a recently 
     * used directory.
     * @param startDir A url/directory, to be used. May use the ':' and '::' syntax 
     *        as documented in the @ref KFileDialog() constructor.
     * @param recentDirClass If the ':' or '::' syntax is used, recentDirClass
     *        will contain the string to be used later for @ref KRecentDir::dir()
     * @return The URL that should be listed by default (e.g. by KFileDialog or
     *         KDirSelectDialog).
     * @since 3.1
    static KURL getStartURL( const QString& startDir, QString& recentDirClass );

      * Emitted when the user selects a file. It is only emitted in single-
      * selection mode. The best way to get notified about selected file(s)
      * is to connect to the okClicked() signal inherited from KDialogBase
      * and call @ref selectedFile(), @ref selectedFiles(),
      * @ref selectedURL() or @ref selectedURLs().
    void fileSelected(const QString&);

      * Emitted when the user highlights a file.
    void fileHighlighted(const QString&);

     * Emitted when the user hilights one or more files in multiselection mode.
     * Note: @ref fileHighlighted() or @ref fileSelected() are @em not
     * emitted in multiselection mode. You may use selectedItems() to
     * ask for the current highlighted items.
     * @see #fileSelected
    void selectionChanged();

     * Emitted when the filter changed, i.e. the user entered an own filter
     * or chose one of the predefined set via @ref setFilter().
     * @param filter contains the new filter (only the extension part,
     * not the explanation), i.e. "*.cpp" or "*.cpp *.cc".
     * @see setFilter()
     * @see currentFilter()
    void filterChanged( const QString& filter );

    KToolBar *toolbar;

    static KURL *lastDirectory;

    KURLComboBox *locationEdit;

    KFileFilterCombo *filterWidget;

     * adds a entry of the current directory. If disableUpdating is set
     * to true, it will care about clever updating
    void addDirEntry(KFileItem *entry, bool disableUpdating);

      * Perform basic initialization tasks. Called by constructors.
      * @since 3.1
    void init(const QString& startDir, const QString& filter, QWidget* widget);

      * rebuild geometry managment.
    virtual void initGUI();

     * called when an item is highlighted/selected in multiselection mode.
     * handles setting the locationEdit.
    void multiSelectionChanged();

     * Reads configuration and applies it (size, recent directories, ...)
    virtual void readConfig( KConfig *, const QString& group = QString::null );

     * Saves the current configuration
    virtual void writeConfig( KConfig *, const QString& group = QString::null );

     * Reads the recent used files and inserts them into the location combobox
    virtual void readRecentFiles( KConfig * );

     * Saves the entries from the location combobox.
    virtual void saveRecentFiles( KConfig * );

     * Parses the string "line" for files. If line doesn't contain any ", the
     * whole line will be interpreted as one file. If the number of " is odd,
     * an empty list will be returned. Otherwise, all items enclosed in " "
     * will be returned as correct urls.
    KURL::List tokenize(const QString& line) const;

protected slots:
    void urlEntered( const KURL& );
    void enterURL( const KURL& url );
    void enterURL( const QString& url );
    void locationActivated( const QString& url );

     * @deprecated
    void toolbarCallback(int);

    void slotFilterChanged();
    void pathComboChanged( const QString& );
    void fileHighlighted(const KFileItem *i);
    void fileSelected(const KFileItem *i);
    void slotStatResult(KIO::Job* job);
    void slotLoadingFinished();

    void dirCompletion( const QString& );
    void fileCompletion( const QString& );
     * @since 3.1
    void toggleSpeedbar( bool );

     * @deprecated
    virtual void updateStatusLine(int dirs, int files);

    virtual void slotOk();
    virtual void accept();
    virtual void slotCancel();

    void addToRecentDocuments();
    void initSpeedbar();

    KFileDialog(const KFileDialog&);
    KFileDialog operator=(const KFileDialog&);
    static void initStatic();

    KDirOperator *ops;
    bool autoDirectoryFollowing;

    KURL::List& parseSelectedURLs() const;

    virtual void virtual_hook( int id, void* data );
    KFileDialogPrivate *d;


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