
Try to find qtwaylandscanner.

If the qtwaylandscanner executable is not in your PATH, you can provide an alternative name or full path location with the QtWaylandScanner_EXECUTABLE variable.

This will define the following variables:


True if qtwaylandscanner is available


The qtwaylandscanner executable.

If QtWaylandScanner_FOUND is TRUE, it will also define the following imported target:


The qtwaylandscanner executable.

This module provides the following functions to generate C++ protocol implementations:

  • ecm_add_qtwayland_client_protocol

  • ecm_add_qtwayland_server_protocol

                                  PROTOCOL <xmlfile>
                                  BASENAME <basename>
                                  [PREFIX <prefix>]

                                  PROTOCOL <xmlfile>
                                  BASENAME <basename>
                                  [PREFIX <prefix>]

Generate C++ wrapper to Wayland client protocol files from <xmlfile> XML definition for the <basename> interface and append those files to <source_files_var> or <target>. Pass the <prefix> argument if the interface names don’t start with qt_ or wl_. PRIVATE_CODE instructs wayland-scanner to hide marshalling code from the compiled DSO for use in other DSOs. The default is to export this code.

WaylandScanner is required and will be searched for.

                                  PROTOCOL <xmlfile>
                                  BASENAME <basename>
                                  [PREFIX <prefix>]

                                  PROTOCOL <xmlfile>
                                  BASENAME <basename>
                                  [PREFIX <prefix>]

Generate C++ wrapper to Wayland server protocol files from <xmlfile> XML definition for the <basename> interface and append those files to <source_files_var> or <target>. Pass the <prefix> argument if the interface names don’t start with qt_ or wl_. PRIVATE_CODE instructs wayland-scanner to hide marshalling code from the compiled DSO for use in other DSOs. The default is to export this code.

WaylandScanner is required and will be searched for.

Since 1.4.0.