7#include "aztecbarcode_p.h"
8#include "barcodeutil_p.h"
9#include "bitvector_p.h"
10#include "prison_debug.h"
11#include "reedsolomon_p.h"
26 FullGridInterval = 16,
27 FullModeMessageSize = 40,
32 CompactModeMessageSize = 28,
33 CompactLayerCount = 4,
37 : AbstractBarcodePrivate(
40AztecBarcode::~AztecBarcode() =
43struct aztec_layer_property_t {
49static const aztec_layer_property_t aztec_layer_properties[] = {{2, 6, ReedSolomon::GF64},
50 {8, 8, ReedSolomon::GF256},
51 {22, 10, ReedSolomon::GF1024},
52 {32, 12, ReedSolomon::GF4096}};
55static int aztecCompactDataBits(
int layer)
57 return (88 + 16 * layer) * layer;
60static int aztecFullDataBits(
int layer)
62 return (112 + 16 * layer) * layer;
65QImage AztecBarcode::paintImage()
67 const auto inputData = aztecEncode(BarCodeUtil::asLatin1ByteArray(m_data));
70 int codewordCount = 0;
71 int availableBits = 0;
73 bool compactMode =
74 BitVector encodedData;
79 for (
auto i = 1; i <= FullLayerCount; ++i) {
80 if (aztecFullDataBits(i) * 0.77 > (inputData.size() + stuffSize)) {
85 for (
auto i = 1; i <= CompactLayerCount; ++i) {
86 if (aztecCompactDataBits(i) * 0.77 > (inputData.size() + stuffSize)) {
92 if (layerCount == 0) {
93 qCWarning(
Log) <<
"data too large for Aztec code" << inputData.size();
98 const auto propIt = std::lower_bound(aztec_layer_properties, aztec_layer_properties + 4, layerCount, [](
const aztec_layer_property_t &lhs,
int rhs) {
99 return lhs.layer < rhs;
103 auto stuffedData = bitStuffAndPad(inputData, (*propIt).codeWordSize);
104 stuffSize = stuffedData.size() - inputData.size();
106 availableBits = compactMode ? aztecCompactDataBits(layerCount) : aztecFullDataBits(layerCount);
107 codewordCount = stuffedData.size() / (*propIt).codeWordSize;
108 const auto rsWordCount = availableBits / (*propIt).codeWordSize - codewordCount;
111 ReedSolomon rs((*propIt).gf, rsWordCount);
112 const auto rsData = rs.encode(stuffedData);
115 encodedData.reserve(availableBits);
116 if (
int diff = availableBits - stuffedData.size() - rsData.size()) {
117 encodedData.appendMSB(0, diff);
119 encodedData.append(stuffedData);
120 encodedData.append(rsData);
123 }
while (encodedData.size() > availableBits);
128 modeMsg.appendMSB(layerCount - 1, 2);
129 modeMsg.appendMSB(codewordCount - 1, 6);
130 ReedSolomon rs(ReedSolomon::GF16, 5);
131 modeMsg.append(rs.encode(modeMsg));
133 modeMsg.appendMSB(layerCount - 1, 5);
134 modeMsg.appendMSB(codewordCount - 1, 11);
135 ReedSolomon rs(ReedSolomon::GF16, 6);
136 modeMsg.append(rs.encode(modeMsg));
142 img.fill(m_background);
143 paintCompactGrid(&img);
144 paintCompactData(&img, encodedData, layerCount);
145 paintCompactModeMessage(&img, modeMsg);
146 return cropAndScaleCompact(&img, layerCount);
149 img.fill(m_background);
151 paintFullData(&img, encodedData, layerCount);
152 paintFullModeMessage(&img, modeMsg);
153 return cropAndScaleFull(&img, layerCount);
183static const aztec_code_t aztec_code_table[] = {
185 {2, Mixed}, {3, Mixed}, {4, Mixed},
186 {5, Mixed}, {6, Mixed}, {7, Mixed},
188 {9, Mixed}, {10, Mixed}, {11, Mixed},
189 {12, Mixed}, {13, Mixed}, {CarriageReturn, Special},
190 {14, Binary}, {15, Binary}, {16, Binary},
191 {17, Binary}, {18, Binary}, {19, Binary},
193 {21, Binary}, {22, Binary}, {23, Binary},
194 {24, Binary}, {25, Binary}, {26, Binary},
196 {16, Mixed}, {17, Mixed}, {18, Mixed},
197 {19, Mixed}, {Space, Special},
198 {6, Punct}, {7, Punct}, {8, Punct},
199 {9, Punct}, {10, Punct}, {11, Punct},
200 {12, Punct}, {13, Punct},
201 {14, Punct}, {15, Punct}, {16, Punct},
207 {3, Digit}, {4, Digit}, {5, Digit},
208 {6, Digit}, {7, Digit}, {8, Digit},
209 {9, Digit}, {10, Digit}, {11, Digit},
213 {24, Punct}, {25, Punct},
217 {3, Upper}, {4, Upper}, {5, Upper},
218 {6, Upper}, {7, Upper}, {8, Upper},
219 {9, Upper}, {10, Upper}, {11, Upper},
220 {12, Upper}, {13, Upper}, {14, Upper},
221 {15, Upper}, {16, Upper}, {17, Upper},
222 {18, Upper}, {19, Upper}, {20, Upper},
223 {21, Upper}, {22, Upper}, {23, Upper},
224 {24, Upper}, {25, Upper}, {26, Upper},
233 {3, Lower}, {4, Lower}, {5, Lower},
234 {6, Lower}, {7, Lower}, {8, Lower},
235 {9, Lower}, {10, Lower}, {11, Lower},
236 {12, Lower}, {13, Lower}, {14, Lower},
237 {15, Lower}, {16, Lower}, {17, Lower},
238 {18, Lower}, {19, Lower}, {20, Lower},
239 {21, Lower}, {22, Lower}, {23, Lower},
240 {24, Lower}, {25, Lower}, {26, Lower},
sizeof(aztec_code_table) == 256);
254} aztec_code_double_symbols[] = {
255 {
'\n', {2, Punct}},
256 {
' ', {3, Punct}},
257 {
' ', {4, Punct}},
258 {
' ', {5, Punct}}
261static const int aztec_code_size[] = {0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 8};
sizeof(aztec_code_size) /
int) == MODE_COUNT);
265static const aztec_code_t aztec_special_chars[SPECIAL_CHAR_COUNT][MODE_COUNT] = {
267 {{0, NoMode}, {1, Upper}, {1, Lower}, {1, Mixed}, {1, Upper}, {1, Digit}, {0, NoMode}},
268 {{0, NoMode}, {1, Punct}, {1, Punct}, {14, Mixed}, {1, Punct}, {1, Punct}, {0, NoMode}},
269 {{0, NoMode}, {17, Punct}, {17, Punct}, {17, Punct}, {17, Punct}, {12, Digit}, {0, NoMode}},
270 {{0, NoMode}, {19, Punct}, {19, Punct}, {19, Punct}, {19, Punct}, {13, Digit}, {0, NoMode}},
275static const aztec_code_t aztec_shift_codes[MODE_COUNT - 1][MODE_COUNT - 1] = {
277 {{0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}},
278 {{0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, Punct}, {0, NoMode}},
279 {{0, NoMode}, {28, Upper}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, Punct}, {0, NoMode}},
280 {{0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, Punct}, {0, NoMode}},
281 {{0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}},
282 {{0, NoMode}, {15, Upper}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, Punct}, {0, NoMode}}};
285static const aztec_code_t aztec_latch_codes[MODE_COUNT - 1][MODE_COUNT] = {
287 {{0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}},
288 {{0, NoMode}, {0, NoMode}, {28, Lower}, {29, Mixed}, {29, Mixed}, {30, Digit}, {31, Binary}},
289 {{0, NoMode}, {30, Digit}, {0, NoMode}, {29, Mixed}, {29, Mixed}, {30, Digit}, {31, Binary}},
290 {{0, NoMode}, {29, Upper}, {28, Lower}, {0, NoMode}, {30, Punct}, {28, Lower}, {31, Binary}},
291 {{0, NoMode}, {31, Upper}, {31, Upper}, {31, Upper}, {0, NoMode}, {31, Upper}, {31, Upper}},
292 {{0, NoMode}, {14, Upper}, {14, Upper}, {14, Upper}, {14, Upper}, {0, NoMode}, {14, Upper}}};
294static Mode aztecCodeLatchTo(Mode currentMode, Mode targetMode, BitVector *v)
296 if (currentMode == targetMode) {
299 const auto latchCode = aztec_latch_codes[currentMode][targetMode];
300 qCDebug(
Log) <<
"latch" << latchCode.code << aztec_code_size[currentMode];
301 v->appendMSB(latchCode.code, aztec_code_size[currentMode]);
302 return static_cast<Mode
305static void aztecEncodeBinary(std::vector<aztec_code_t>::iterator &it,
const std::vector<aztec_code_t>::iterator &end, BitVector *v)
308 const auto binEndIt = std::find_if(it, end, [](aztec_code_t sym) {
309 return sym.mode != Binary;
311 const auto length = std::distance(it, binEndIt);
314 qCDebug(
Log) <<
"binary length" << length;
316 v->appendMSB(length, 5);
319 v->appendMSB(length - 31, 11);
323 for (; it != binEndIt; ++it) {
324 qCDebug(
Log) <<
"binary data" << (*it).code;
325 v->appendMSB((*it).code, 8);
329static void aztecEncodeResolveAmbigious(Mode currentMode,
const std::vector<aztec_code_t>::iterator &begin,
const std::vector<aztec_code_t>::iterator &end)
331 Q_ASSERT(begin != end);
332 Q_ASSERT(currentMode != (*begin).mode);
333 Q_ASSERT((*begin).mode == Special);
337 for (; it !=
end && (*it).mode == Special; ++it) {
338 if (aztec_special_chars[(*it).code][currentMode].mode == currentMode) {
339 qCDebug(
Log) <<
"special resolved to current mode by forward search";
340 (*it).mode = aztec_special_chars[(*it).code][currentMode].mode;
341 (*it).code = aztec_special_chars[(*it).code][currentMode].code;
347 while (std::distance(begin, backIt) >= 1 && it != end) {
349 if ((*backIt).mode == Special && aztec_special_chars[(*backIt).code][(*it).mode].mode == (*it).mode) {
350 qCDebug(
Log) <<
"special resolved by backward search";
351 (*backIt).mode = aztec_special_chars[(*backIt).code][(*it).mode].mode;
352 (*backIt).code = aztec_special_chars[(*backIt).code][(*it).mode].code;
359 if ((*begin).mode != Special) {
362 (*begin).mode = aztec_special_chars[(*begin).code][currentMode].mode;
363 (*begin).code = aztec_special_chars[(*begin).code][currentMode].code;
365 if (it != end && (*it).mode == Special) {
366 aztecEncodeResolveAmbigious(
>((*begin).mode), it, end);
370static Mode aztecNextMode(Mode currentMode,
const std::vector<aztec_code_t>::iterator &nextSym,
const std::vector<aztec_code_t>::iterator &end,
bool &tryShift)
372 Q_ASSERT(currentMode != (*nextSym).mode);
373 Q_ASSERT(nextSym != end);
374 Q_ASSERT((*nextSym).mode != Special);
377 if (it != end && (*it).mode == Special) {
378 aztecEncodeResolveAmbigious(
>((*nextSym).mode), it, end);
381 if ((it == end || (*it).mode == currentMode) && std::distance(nextSym, it) == 1) {
385 qCDebug(
Log) << currentMode << (*nextSym).mode << tryShift << std::distance(nextSym, it);
386 return static_cast<Mode
389BitVector AztecBarcode::aztecEncode(
const QByteArray &data)
392 std::vector<aztec_code_t> codes;
393 codes.reserve(data.
394 for (
int i = 0; i < data.
size(); ++i) {
395 const uint8_t c1 = data.
397 if (i < data.
size() - 1) {
398 const uint8_t c2 = data.
at(i + 1);
400 for (
const auto &dblCode : aztec_code_double_symbols) {
401 if (dblCode.c1 != c1 || dblCode.c2 != c2) {
404 codes.push_back(dblCode.sym);
415 codes.push_back({c1, Binary});
418 codes.push_back(aztec_code_table[c1]);
423 Mode currentMode = Upper;
425 for (
auto it = codes.begin(); it != codes.end();) {
426 if ((*it).mode == Binary) {
427 auto newMode = aztecCodeLatchTo(currentMode, Binary, &result);
428 while (newMode != Binary) {
429 currentMode = newMode;
430 newMode = aztecCodeLatchTo(currentMode, Binary, &result);
432 aztecEncodeBinary(it, codes.end(), &result);
436 if ((*it).mode == Special) {
437 aztecEncodeResolveAmbigious(currentMode, it, codes.end());
441 Mode nextMode = currentMode;
442 if ((*it).mode != currentMode) {
443 bool tryShift =
444 const auto newMode = aztecNextMode(currentMode, it, codes.end(), tryShift);
447 if (tryShift && aztec_shift_codes[currentMode][newMode].mode != NoMode) {
448 qCDebug(
Log) <<
"shift" << aztec_shift_codes[currentMode][newMode].code << aztec_code_size[currentMode];
449 result.appendMSB(aztec_shift_codes[currentMode][newMode].code, aztec_code_size[currentMode]);
450 currentMode = newMode;
454 while (currentMode != newMode && newMode != NoMode && currentMode != NoMode) {
455 currentMode = aztecCodeLatchTo(currentMode, newMode, &result);
456 nextMode = currentMode;
460 qCDebug(
Log) << (*it).code << aztec_code_size[currentMode];
461 result.appendMSB((*it).code, aztec_code_size[currentMode]);
464 currentMode = nextMode;
470BitVector AztecBarcode::bitStuffAndPad(
const BitVector &input,
int codeWordSize)
473 res.reserve(input.size());
477 while (i < input.size() - (codeWordSize - 1)) {
478 int v = input.valueAtMSB(i, codeWordSize - 1);
479 res.appendMSB(v, codeWordSize - 1);
480 i += codeWordSize - 1;
483 }
else if (v == (1 << (codeWordSize - 1)) - 1) {
484 res.appendBit(
486 res.appendBit(input.at(i++));
489 while (i < input.size()) {
490 res.appendBit(input.at(i++));
494 const auto trailingBits = res.size() % codeWordSize;
502 for (
int i = res.size() - trailingBits; i < res.size(); ++i) {
503 allOnes &= res.at(i);
505 while (res.size() % codeWordSize) {
506 if ((res.size() % codeWordSize) == (codeWordSize - 1)) {
507 res.appendBit(allOnes ?
false :
516void AztecBarcode::paintFullGrid(
QImage *img)
522 QPen pen(m_foreground);
523 pen.setDashPattern({1, 1});
525 for (
int i = 0; i < img->
width() / 2; i += FullGridInterval) {
526 p.drawLine(-i, -FullRadius, -i, FullRadius);
527 p.drawLine(i, -FullRadius, i, FullRadius);
528 p.drawLine(-FullRadius, -i, FullRadius, -i);
529 p.drawLine(-FullRadius, i, FullRadius, i);
533 p.setBrush(m_background);
535 p.drawRect(-7, -7, 14, 14);
539 p.setPen(m_foreground);
541 p.drawRect(-2, -2, 4, 4);
542 p.drawRect(-4, -4, 8, 8);
543 p.drawRect(-6, -6, 12, 12);
546 p.drawRect(-7, -7, 1, 1);
547 p.drawRect(7, -7, 0, 1);
551static const int aztecFullLayerOffset[] = {
553 66, 64, 62, 60, 57, 55, 53, 51, 49, 47, 45, 42, 40, 38, 36, 34, 32, 30, 28, 25, 23, 21, 19, 17, 15, 13, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0};
555void AztecBarcode::paintFullData(
QImage *img,
const BitVector &data,
int layerCount)
558 p.setPen(m_foreground);
560 auto it = data.begin();
561 for (
int layer = layerCount - 1; layer >= 0; --layer) {
562 const auto x1 = aztecFullLayerOffset[layer];
564 const auto gridInMiddle = (x1 - FullRadius) % FullGridInterval == 0;
565 const auto x2 = gridInMiddle ? x1 + 2 : x1 + 1;
566 const auto segmentLength = FullMaxSize - 2 * y1 - 2 - (gridInMiddle ? 1 : 0);
568 for (
int rotation = 0; rotation < 4; ++rotation) {
571 p.rotate(-90 * rotation);
572 p.translate(-img->
width() / 2, -img->
height() / 2);
574 for (
int i = 0; it != data.end(); ++i, ++it) {
575 const auto x = (i % 2 == 0) ? x1 : x2;
577 if (((y - FullRadius - 1) % FullGridInterval) == 0) {
581 if (y >= y1 + segmentLength) {
592void AztecBarcode::paintFullModeMessage(
QImage *img,
const BitVector &modeData)
594 Q_ASSERT(modeData.size() == FullModeMessageSize);
597 p.setPen(m_foreground);
599 auto it = modeData.begin();
600 for (
int rotation = 0; rotation < 4; ++rotation) {
603 p.rotate(90 * rotation);
605 for (
int i = -5; i <= 5; ++i) {
617QImage AztecBarcode::cropAndScaleFull(
QImage *img,
int layerCount)
619 const auto offset = aztecFullLayerOffset[layerCount - 1];
620 const auto minSize = FullMaxSize - 2 * offset;
625 const auto srcRect = img->
adjusted(offset, offset, -offset, -offset);
626 p.drawImage(out.rect(), *img, srcRect);
630void AztecBarcode::paintCompactGrid(
QImage *img)
636 p.setPen(m_foreground);
638 p.drawRect(-2, -2, 4, 4);
639 p.drawRect(-4, -4, 8, 8);
642 p.drawRect(-5, -5, 1, 1);
643 p.drawRect(5, -5, 0, 1);
647static const int aztecCompactLayerOffset[] = {6, 4, 2, 0};
649void AztecBarcode::paintCompactData(
QImage *img,
const BitVector &data,
int layerCount)
652 p.setPen(m_foreground);
654 auto it = data.begin();
655 for (
int layer = layerCount - 1; layer >= 0; --layer) {
656 const auto x1 = aztecCompactLayerOffset[layer];
658 const auto x2 = x1 + 1;
659 const auto segmentLength = CompactMaxSize - 2 * y1 - 2;
661 for (
int rotation = 0; rotation < 4; ++rotation) {
664 p.rotate(-90 * rotation);
665 p.translate(-img->
width() / 2, -img->
height() / 2);
667 for (
int i = 0; it != data.end(); ++i, ++it) {
668 const auto x = (i % 2 == 0) ? x1 : x2;
670 if (y >= y1 + segmentLength) {
681void AztecBarcode::paintCompactModeMessage(
QImage *img,
const BitVector &modeData)
683 Q_ASSERT(modeData.size() == CompactModeMessageSize);
686 p.setPen(m_foreground);
688 auto it = modeData.begin();
689 for (
int rotation = 0; rotation < 4; ++rotation) {
692 p.rotate(90 * rotation);
694 for (
int i = -3; i <= 3; ++i) {
703QImage AztecBarcode::cropAndScaleCompact(
QImage *img,
int layerCount)
705 const auto offset = aztecCompactLayerOffset[layerCount - 1];
706 const auto minSize = CompactMaxSize - 2 * offset;
711 const auto srcRect = img->
adjusted(offset, offset, -offset, -offset);
712 p.drawImage(out.rect(), *img, srcRect);
A barcode generator for a fixed barcode format.
QAction * end(const QObject *recvr, const char *slot, QObject *parent)
const QList< QKeySequence > & begin()
Provides classes and methods for generating barcodes.
char at(qsizetype i) const const
qsizetype size() const const
QRect adjusted(int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2) const const