
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Kevin Ottens <>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
10#include <QSet>
11#include <QVariant>
13#include <solid/solid_export.h>
15#include <solid/deviceinterface.h>
17namespace Solid
19class Device;
22 * @class Solid::Predicate predicate.h <Solid/Predicate>
23 *
24 * This class implements predicates for devices.
25 *
26 * A predicate is a logical condition that a given device can match or not.
27 * It's a constraint about the value a property must have in a given device
28 * interface, or any combination (conjunction, disjunction) of such
29 * constraints.
30 *
31 * A predicate can be:
32 * - a single comparison, or
33 * - a conjunction ("AND") of exactly two predicates, or
34 * - a disjunction ("OR") of exactly two predicates.
35 *
36 * Since these can be nested, it is possible to express "a StorageVolume
37 * that is not ignored AND that StorageVolume contains a FileSystem
38 * AND that StorageVolume is removable". Since conjunctions use exactly
39 * two predicates (and this expression has three), square brackets are
40 * used to group the nested predicates when writing them out in full:
41 *
42 * ```
43 * [ [ StorageVolume.ignored == false AND StorageVolume.usage == 'FileSystem' ]
44 * AND StorageVolume.removable == true ]
45 * ```
46 *
47 * Predicates can be constructed programmatically by creating single
48 * comparisons with the Predicate constructor, and then building
49 * conjunctions with `operator&` and disjunctions with `operator|`.
50 *
51 * Predicates can be constructed from a string by calling `fromString()`
52 * which parses the given string and returns a predicate. If there
53 * are any errors in parsing the string, an empty predicate is returned;
54 * use `isValid()` to detect whether that is the case.
55 *
56 * The string language is described exactly in `predicate_parser.y`,
57 * but boils down to:
58 *
59 * - a single comparison is written as `<interface>.<property> == <value>`
60 * - a single bitmask check is written as `<interface>.<property> & <value>`
61 * - a conjunction is written as `[ <predicate> AND <predicate> ]`
62 * - a disjunction is written as `[ <predicate> OR <predicate> ]`
63 *
64 * Note the mandatory use of `[` and `]` around conjunctions and disjunctions.
65 */
66class SOLID_EXPORT Predicate
69 /**
70 * The comparison operator which can be used for matching within the predicate.
71 *
72 * - Equals, the property and the value will match for strict equality
73 * - Mask, the property and the value will match if the bitmasking is not null
74 */
75 enum ComparisonOperator { Equals, Mask };
77 /**
78 * The predicate type which controls how the predicate is handled
79 *
80 * - PropertyCheck, the predicate contains a comparison that needs to be matched using a ComparisonOperator
81 * - Conjunction, the two contained predicates need to be true for this predicate to be true
82 * - Disjunction, either of the two contained predicates may be true for this predicate to be true
83 * - InterfaceCheck, the device type is compared
84 */
85 enum Type { PropertyCheck, Conjunction, Disjunction, InterfaceCheck };
87 /**
88 * Constructs an invalid predicate.
89 */
90 Predicate();
92 /**
93 * Copy constructor.
94 *
95 * @param other the predicate to copy
96 */
97 Predicate(const Predicate &other);
99 /**
100 * Constructs a predicate matching the value of a property in
101 * a given device interface.
102 *
103 * @param ifaceType the device interface type the device must have
104 * @param property the property name of the device interface
105 * @param value the value the property must have to make the device match
106 * @param compOperator the operator to apply between the property and the value when matching
107 */
108 Predicate(const DeviceInterface::Type &ifaceType, const QString &property, const QVariant &value, ComparisonOperator compOperator = Equals);
110 /**
111 * Constructs a predicate matching the value of a property in
112 * a given device interface.
113 *
114 * @param ifaceName the name of the device interface the device must have
115 * @param property the property name of the device interface
116 * @param value the value the property must have to make the device match
117 * @param compOperator the operator to apply between the property and the value when matching
118 */
119 Predicate(const QString &ifaceName, const QString &property, const QVariant &value, ComparisonOperator compOperator = Equals);
121 /**
122 * Constructs a predicate matching devices being of a particular device interface
123 *
124 * @param ifaceType the device interface the device must have
125 */
126 explicit Predicate(const DeviceInterface::Type &ifaceType);
128 /**
129 * Constructs a predicate matching devices being of a particular device interface
130 *
131 * @param ifaceName the name of the device interface the device must have
132 */
133 explicit Predicate(const QString &ifaceName);
135 /**
136 * Destroys a Predicate object.
137 */
138 ~Predicate();
140 /**
141 * Assignment operator.
142 *
143 * @param other the predicate to assign
144 * @return this predicate after having assigned 'other' to it
145 */
146 Predicate &operator=(const Predicate &other);
148 /**
149 * 'And' operator.
150 *
151 * @param other the second operand
152 * @return a new 'and' predicate having 'this' and 'other' as operands
153 */
154 Predicate operator&(const Predicate &other);
156 /**
157 * 'AndEquals' operator.
158 *
159 * @param other the second operand
160 * @return assigns to 'this' a new 'and' predicate having 'this' and 'other' as operands
161 */
162 Predicate &operator&=(const Predicate &other);
164 /**
165 * 'Or' operator.
166 *
167 * @param other the second operand
168 * @return a new 'or' predicate having 'this' and 'other' as operands
169 */
170 Predicate operator|(const Predicate &other);
172 /**
173 * 'OrEquals' operator.
174 *
175 * @param other the second operand
176 * @return assigns to 'this' a new 'or' predicate having 'this' and 'other' as operands
177 */
178 Predicate &operator|=(const Predicate &other);
180 /**
181 * Indicates if the predicate is valid.
182 *
183 * Predicate() is the only invalid predicate.
184 *
185 * @return true if the predicate is valid, false otherwise
186 */
187 bool isValid() const;
189 /**
190 * Checks if a device matches the predicate.
191 *
192 * @param device the device to match against the predicate
193 * @return true if the given device matches the predicate, false otherwise
194 */
195 bool matches(const Device &device) const;
197 /**
198 * Retrieves the device interface types used in this predicate.
199 *
200 * @return all the device interface types used in this predicate
201 */
202 QSet<DeviceInterface::Type> usedTypes() const;
204 /**
205 * Converts the predicate to its string form.
206 *
207 * @return a string representation of the predicate
208 */
209 QString toString() const;
211 /**
212 * Converts a string to a predicate.
213 *
214 * @param predicate the string to convert
215 * @return a new valid predicate if the given string is syntactically
216 * correct, Predicate() otherwise
217 */
218 static Predicate fromString(const QString &predicate);
220 /**
221 * Retrieves the predicate type, used to determine how to handle the predicate
222 *
223 * @since 4.4
224 * @return the predicate type
225 */
226 Type type() const;
228 /**
229 * Retrieves the interface type.
230 *
231 * @note This is only valid for InterfaceCheck and PropertyCheck types
232 * @since 4.4
233 * @return a device interface type used by the predicate
234 */
235 DeviceInterface::Type interfaceType() const;
237 /**
238 * Retrieves the property name used when retrieving the value to compare against
239 *
240 * @note This is only valid for the PropertyCheck type
241 * @since 4.4
242 * @return a property name
243 */
244 QString propertyName() const;
246 /**
247 * Retrieves the value used when comparing a devices property to see if it matches the predicate
248 *
249 * @note This is only valid for the PropertyCheck type
250 * @since 4.4
251 * @return the value used
252 */
253 QVariant matchingValue() const;
255 /**
256 * Retrieves the comparison operator used to compare a property's value
257 *
258 * @since 4.4
259 * @note This is only valid for Conjunction and Disjunction types
260 * @return the comparison operator used
261 */
262 ComparisonOperator comparisonOperator() const;
264 /**
265 * A smaller, inner predicate which is the first to appear and is compared with the second one
266 *
267 * @since 4.4
268 * @note This is only valid for Conjunction and Disjunction types
269 * @return The predicate used for the first operand
270 */
271 Predicate firstOperand() const;
273 /**
274 * A smaller, inner predicate which is the second to appear and is compared with the first one
275 *
276 * @since 4.4
277 * @note This is only valid for Conjunction and Disjunction types
278 * @return The predicate used for the second operand
279 */
280 Predicate secondOperand() const;
283 class Private;
284 Private *const d;
This enum type defines the type of device interface that a Device can have.
This class allows applications to deal with devices available in the underlying system.
This class implements predicates for devices.
Definition predicate.h:67
Constructs an invalid predicate.
Definition predicate.cpp:41
The comparison operator which can be used for matching within the predicate.
Definition predicate.h:75
The predicate type which controls how the predicate is handled.
Definition predicate.h:85
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Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:56:53 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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