
Plugins: icon

This plugin introduces a new template tag icon. The tag allows easily displaying standard icons in the templates by using XDG icon names. The behaviour is identical to resolving icon path via KIconLoader::iconPath() and passing the path to the template as a string.

The icon tag supports up to three arguments:

  • ICON_NAME is the name of the icon you would normally pass to QIcon::fromTheme() to get the icon. The name can be a string or a name of a context variable holding the string. This argument is mandatory.
  • SIZE_OR_GROUP can either be requested icon size in pixels, or one of the keywords desktop, toolbar, maintoolbar, small, panel, dialog, sizesmall, sizesmallmedium, sizemedium, sizelarge, sizehuge or sizeenormous. Those strings map to values in KIconLoader::Group and KIconLoader::StdSizes enumerators. This argument is optional, the default value is small.
  • ALT_TEXT A string to be used as an alt text for the image in the generated HTML code. The string must be wrapped in localizer function (_("Some string")) or can be a name of a context variable holding the string. This argument is optional.


Show an icon called "kontact", size medium, no alt text:

{% icon kontact }

Show an icon called "kontact", size small, alt text in variable kontact_icon_alt:

{% icon kontact kontact_icon_alt }

Show an icon called "edit-redo", size medium, alt text "Redo" (localized):

{% icon edit-redo medium _("Redo") }

Show an icon as specified in button.icon context variable, size small, alt test specified in button.label context variable:

{% icon button.icon small button.label }
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