DCOPSignals ()
| DCOPSignals |
void emitSignal ( DCOPConnection *conn, const QCString &fun, const QByteArray &data, bool excludeSelf)
| emitSignal |
Client "conn" emits the signal "fun" with "data" as arguments.
The emitting object is encoded in "fun".
If "excludeSelf" is true, signal is never send to "conn" itself.
bool connectSignal ( const QCString &sender, const QCString &senderObj, const QCString &signal, DCOPConnection *conn, const QCString &receiverObj, const QCString &slot, bool Volatile)
| connectSignal |
Connects "signal" of the client named "sender" with the "slot" of "receiverObj" in the "conn" client.
If "Volatile" is true the connection will be removed when either "sender" or "conn" unregisters.
If "Volatile" is false the connection will only be removed when "conn" unregisters.
Returns true if succesfull. False on failure. An attempt to create a Volatile connection to a non-existing client results in a failure.
bool disconnectSignal ( const QCString &sender, const QCString &senderObj, const QCString &signal, DCOPConnection *conn, const QCString &receiverObj, const QCString &slot)
| disconnectSignal |
Disconnects "signal" of the client named "sender" from the "slot" of "receiverObj" in the "conn" client.
If "receiverObj" is empty, every object is disconnected. If "slot" is empty, every slot is disconnected.
Returns true if successfull, false if no connection was found.
void removeConnections (DCOPConnection *conn, const QCString &obj=0)
| removeConnections |
Removes all connections related to the "conn" client. This means: All connections for which "conn" is the receiver. All volatile connections for which "conn" is the sender.
QAsciiDict<DCOPSignalConnectionList> connections | connections |
Generated by: dfaure on Tue Feb 27 12:45:59 2001, using kdoc 2.0a50. |