KDE System Tray Window class
This class implements system tray windows.
A tray window is a small window (typically 24x24 pixel) that docks into the system tray in the desktop panel. It usually displays an icon or an animated icon there. The icon serves as representative for the application, similar to a taskbar button, but consumes less screen space.
When the user clicks with the left mouse button on the icon, the main application window is shown/raised and activated. With the right mouse button, she gets a popupmenu with application specific commands, including "Minimize/Restore" and "Quit".
Docking happens magically when calling show(). The window undocks with either hide() or when it is destroyed.
KSystemTray inherits methods such as setPixmap() and setMovie() to specify an icon or movie (animated icon) respectively. It is designed to be usable "as is", without the need to subclass it. In case you need to provide something special (such as an additional popupmenu on a click with the left mouse button), you can subclass anyway, of course.
Having an icon on the system tray is a useful technique for daemon-like applications that may run for some time without user interaction but have to be there immediately when the user needs them. Examples are kppp, kisdn, kscd, kmix or knotes. With kppp and kisdn, the docked icon even provides real-time information about the network status.
KSystemTray ( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 )
| KSystemTray |
Construct a KSystemTray widget just like any other widget.
The parent widget parent
has a special meaning:
Besides owning the tray window, the parent widget will
dissappear from taskbars when it is iconified while the tray
window is visible. This is the desired behaviour. After all,
the tray window is
the parent's taskbar icon.
Furthermore, the parent widget is shown or raised respectively when the user clicks on the trray window with the left mouse button.
~KSystemTray ()
| ~KSystemTray |
void mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * )
| mousePressEvent |
[protected: ]
Reimplemented to provide the standard show/raise behaviour for the parentWidget() and the context menu.
Feel free to reimplement this if you need something special.
void mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * )
| mouseReleaseEvent |
[protected: ]
Reimplemented to provide the standard show/raise behaviour for the parentWidget() and the context menu.
Feel free to reimplement this if you need something special.
KPopupMenu* contextMenu ()
| contextMenu |
[protected: ]
Access to the context menu. This makes it easy to add new items to it.
void contextMenuAboutToShow ( KPopupMenu* menu )
| contextMenuAboutToShow |
[protected: virtual]
Makes it easy to adjust some menu items right before the context menu becomes visible.
void showEvent ( QShowEvent * )
| showEvent |
[protected: ]
Reimplemented for internal reasons.
void enterEvent ( QEvent* )
| enterEvent |
[protected: ]
Reimplemented for internal reasons.