Source: kcontainer.h

Annotated List
/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
    Copyright (C) 1998 Jorge Monteiro <>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
    Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#ifndef __KCONTAINER_H__
#define __KCONTAINER_H__

#include <qframe.h>
#include <qlist.h>

 * Alternative Layout manager widget.
 * Here is an example of using this class:
 * @author Jorge Monteiro <>
 * @version 0.1
class KContainerLayout : public QFrame
enum { Horizontal = 0, Vertical };
     * Constructs a KContainerLayout as child of parent
     * @param parent The parent widget of the KContainerLayout
     * @param name The name of the widget
     * @param orientation The orientation of the container, either
     * KContainerLayout::Horizontal or KContainer::Vertical
     * @param homogeneous If the container should split available size
     * by all KContainerLayoutItem in equal parts
     * @param spacing The space to add between each widget and between
     * the first/last and the borders
     * @param f Flags (see @ref QFrame#QFrame)
     * @param allowLines Flags (see @ref QFrame#QFrame)
    KContainerLayout(QWidget * parent=0, const char * name=0, 
    		int orientation = KContainerLayout::Horizontal,
		bool homogeneos = FALSE,
		int spacing = 5, WFlags f=0, bool allowLines=TRUE);
     * The destructor
    virtual ~KContainerLayout();
     * Returns the number of widgets inside this container
    int getNumberOfWidgets() const;
     * Pack one widget to the start of the container after the previously packed on start widgets
     * @param w The widget to be packed
     * @param e If the widget should use the whole size allocated to it
     * @param f If the widget should be sized to fill the whole space allocated to it (only makes sense with Expand=TRUE)
     * @param p Padding that should be used as the borders in each side of the widget
    int packStart(QWidget *w, bool e=FALSE, bool f=FALSE,int p=1);
     * Pack one widget to the end of the container after the previously packed on end widgets
     * @param w The widget to be packed
     * @param e If the widget should use the whole size allocated to it
     * @param f If the widget should be sized to fill the whole space allocated to it (only makes sense with Expand=TRUE)
     * @param p Padding that should be used as the borders in each side of the widget
    int packEnd(QWidget *w, bool e=FALSE, bool f=FALSE,int p=1);
     * Sets the orientation of the container, one of KContainerLayout::Horizontal or KContainer::Vertical
    void setOrientation(int i);
     * Sets the container to use the same size to each widget he contains (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
     * When homogeneous is true all widgets will be packed as if they had the Expand set to TRUE
     * @see KContainerLayout#packStart
     * @see KContainer#packEnd
    void setHomogeneos(bool b);
     * Sets the space to be used between each widget and between the first/last widget and the container borders
    void setSpacing(int i);
     * Sets the starting offset for this container 
     * @see _startOffset
    void setStartOffset(int i);
     * Sets the ending offset for this container 
     * @see _endOffset
    void setEndOffset(int i);
     * Returns the current orientation of the container 
     * @see KContainerLayout#setOrientation
    const int orientation() const	{ return _orientation; }
     * Returns the current homogeneous state of the container 
     * @see KContainerLayout#setHomogeneous
    const bool homogeneos() const	{ return _homogeneos; }
     * Returns the current spacing of the container
     * @see KContainerLayout#setSpacing
    const int spacing() const		{ return _spacing; }
     * Returns the starting offset for this container 
     * @see _startOffset
    const int startOffset() const	{ return _startOffset; }
     * Returns the ending offset for this container
     * @see _endOffset
    const int endOffset() const		{ return _endOffset; }
     * Resizes the container to be as small as necessary to display
     * all widgets
    void sizeToFit();

     * This class represents one widget inside the one KContainerLayout.
     * @internal
     * @author Jorge Monteiro <>
     * @version 0.1
     * @see KContainerLayout
    class KContainerLayoutItem
	     * Creates one KContIem
	     * @param w The widget associated with this KContainerLayoutItem
	     * @param e Expand will make the widget to use all space
	     * alocated to it
	     * @param f Fill will make the widget be sized to ocupy all the
	     * space allocated to it. Only makes sense with expand = TRUE
	     * @param p Padding is the size the widget will use as borders on
	     * both sides of the space allocated to it.
	    KContainerLayoutItem(QWidget *w,bool e=FALSE,bool f=FALSE,int p=0)
		    _widget = w;
		    _expand = e;
		    _fill = f;
		    _padding = p;
	    void setExpand(bool b)		{ _expand = b; }
	    void setFill(bool b)		{ _fill = b; }
	    void setPadding(int i)		{ _padding = i; }
	    QWidget *widget()			{ return _widget; }
	    const bool expand() const		{ return _expand; }
	    const bool fill() const		{ return _fill; }
	    const int padding() const		{ return _padding; }
	    QWidget *_widget;
	    bool _expand;
	    bool _fill;
	    int _padding;

     * Calculates the size necessary to display all widgets
    void recalcLayout();
     * Returns the size necessary for the widget represented by this
     * KContainerLayoutItem
    QSize widgetSize(KContainerLayoutItem *item)
	QSize sz = item->widget()->sizeHint();
	if (!sz.isValid())
	   // well, some widgets will not return sizeHint()
	    sz = QSize(50,25); 
	return sz;
     * Reposition all widgets on the container.
    void repositionWidgets();
     * Returns the number of widgets that share the extra space on
     * the container.
    int numberOfWidgetsWithExpand();
     * Calculate our size hint based on the sizeHint() of all out
     * widgets, on our properties - expand and homogeneous, and on the
     * KContainerLayoutItem properties.
     * @see KContainerLayoutItem
     * @see packStart 
     * @see packEnd
    void calculateSizeHint();
     * Return the size necessary by the largest widget on the container.
    QSize sizeOfLargerWidget();
     * Returns the ideal size for the widget represented by this
     * KContainerLayoutItem.
    QSize idealSizeOfWidget(KContainerLayoutItem *item);
     * Return TRUE if this is an horizontal container.
    const bool horizontal() const 	
	{ return (_orientation == KContainerLayout::Horizontal); }
     * Resizes the widget and repositions all widgets.
    virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *ev);
     * Used to filter resize events from our parent if it isn't a
     * KContainerLayout.
    virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *ev);
     * Returns our size hint. The size necessary to display this container.
    virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
     * Keeps the orientation of the container one of
     * KContainerLayout::Horizontal or KContainer::Vertical
    int _orientation;
     * Should we split our size in equal parts by all the widgets?
    bool _homogeneos;
     * Space to be used between widgets and between the first/last widget and
     * the container borders.
    int _spacing;
     * Space between the starting border and the first widget
    int _startOffset;
     * Space between the last widget and ending border
    int _endOffset;
     * The list of all widgets packed on the start
    QList<KContainerLayoutItem> _startWidgets;
     * The list of all widgets packed at the end
    QList<KContainerLayoutItem> _endWidgets;
     * width or height we have for each widget
    int _sizeForEach;	
     * our sizeHint that we will return on our implementation of sizeHint()
    QSize _sizeHint;

    class KContainerLayoutPrivate;
    KContainerLayoutPrivate *d;

#endif // __KCONTAINER_H__

Generated by: dfaure on Tue Feb 27 12:46:33 2001, using kdoc 2.0a50.