Source: kprotocolmanager.h

Annotated List
/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
   Copyright (C) 1999 Torben Weis <>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef __kprotocolmanager_h__
#define __kprotocolmanager_h__

#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <kapp.h>

#define DEFAULT_USERAGENT_STRING    QString("Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/")+KDE_VERSION_STRING+QString("; X11)")

class KConfig;

 * Information about I/O (Internet, etc.) settings.
 * KProtocolManager has a heap of static functions that
 * allow you to read and write IO related KDE settings.
 * These include proxies, resuming, timeouts.
 * However, please note that these settings apply to all applications.
 * This means that the proxy, timeouts etc. are saved in the users config
 * file and @em not in the config file of the application.
 * @author Torben Weis <>
class KProtocolManager
  static int readTimeout();
  static bool markPartial();
  static int minimumKeepSize();
  static bool autoResume();
  static bool persistentConnections();

  static bool useProxy();

   * This method has been deprecated, please
   * use @ref proxyFor.
   * @deprecated
  static QString ftpProxy();

   * This method has been deprecated, please
   * use @ref proxyFor.
   * @deprecated
  static QString httpProxy();

  static QString noProxyFor();

   * Returns the proxy server address for a given
   * protocol
   * @param protocol the protocol whose proxy info is needed
   * @returns the proxy server address if one is available
  static QString proxyFor( const QString& /* protocol */);

   * Return the protocol to use in order to handle the given @p protocol
   * It's usually the same, except that FTP, when handled by a proxy,
   * needs an HTTP ioslave.
  static QString slaveProtocol( const QString & protocol );

  static bool useCache();
  static int maxCacheAge();  // Maximum cache age in seconds.
  static int maxCacheSize(); // Maximum cache size in Kb.

   * Sets timeout for read operations.
   * This applies to FTP and HTTP connections.
   * If after a time @p timeout, the read operation doesn't finish
   * reading a packet, the read operation is
   * stopped with alarm command and the operation is restarted.
   * This value is used if the remote server supports resuming.
   * For the opposite case see @ref setReadTimeoutNoResume()
  static void setReadTimeout( int _time );

   * Set this flag if you want slaves to add the extension .PART
   *  to all files during transfer.
   * This extension will be removed when file is fully transferred.
   * This is a better way to discern finished transfers in case
   *  of transfer errors.
   * @param _mode Default value is @p false: Don't add the extension .PART.
  static void setMarkPartial( bool _mode );

   * Set the minimum size for keeping an interrupted transfer.
   * A downloaded file whose transfer was interrupted will only be kept if
   * its size is bigger than @ _size, otherwise it will be deleted.
   * Default value is 5000 bytes
  static void setMinimumKeepSize( int _size );

   * Set this flag if you want slaves to automatically resume
   * downloading files without asking the user in the "rename" dialog.
   * @param _mode Default value is @p false: Don't resume automatically.
  static void setAutoResume( bool _mode );

   * Set this flag if you want slaves to have persistent connections (FTP).
   * @param _mode Default value is true: Keep persistent connections.
  static void setPersistentConnections( bool _mode );

  static void setUseCache( bool _mode );

  static void setMaxCacheSize( int cache_size );

  static void setMaxCacheAge( int cache_age );

   * Set this flag if you want use proxies.
   * @param Default value is false: Don't use proxies.
  static void setUseProxy( bool _mode );

   * Set the proxy for FTP transfer.
   * This method has been deprecated, please
   * use @ref setProxyFor.
   * @deprecated
  static void setFtpProxy( const QString& _proxy );

   * Set the proxy for HTTP transfer
   * This method has been deprecated, please
   * use @ref setProxyFor.
   * @deprecated
  static void setHttpProxy( const QString& _proxy );

   * Sets the proxy for the protocol given by @p protocol.
   * When setting the proxy for a given protocol, do not
   * include any separator characters.  For example, to
   * set the proxy info for the "ftp" protocol , simply
   * use "ftp" and not "ftp://". However, the case does
   * not matter as it is always converted to lower
   * characters.
   * @param protocol type of protocol to set proxy for
   * @param _proxy the proxy server address
  static void setProxyFor( const QString& /* protocol */, const QString& /* _proxy */ );

   * Set the URLs for which we should not use the proxy.
  static void setNoProxyFor( const QString& _noproxy );

  static void reparseConfiguration();

   * Returns the userAgent string configured for the
   * specified host.
   * If hostname is not found or is empty (i.e. "" or
   * QString::null) this function will return the default
   * agent string as defined above in DEFAULT_USERAGENT_STRING.
   * @param hostname name of the host
   * @return specified userAgent string
  static QString userAgentForHost( const QString& /*hostname*/ );

   * Sets the list of userAgent.
   * Sets the user agent name to be sent when connecting
   * to different sites. The default user agent string is
   * defined above by DEFAULT_USERAGENT_STRING.
   * @param list the list of user agent strings to use.
  static void setUserAgentList( const QStringList& /*agentlist*/ );

   * Returns the list of user agents.
   * @return the list of user agent strings.
  static QStringList userAgentList();

  static KConfig *config();

  static KConfig *_config;


Generated by: dfaure on Tue Feb 27 12:46:56 2001, using kdoc 2.0a50.