Source: kabapi.h

Annotated List
/* -*- C++ -*-
   Dialog widget using the addressbook,
   provided for inclusion in other programs.

   the KDE addressbook

   $ Author: Mirko Boehm $
   $ Copyright: (C) 1996-2000, Mirko Boehm $
   $ Contact: $
   $ License: GPL with the following explicit clarification:
         This code may be linked against any version of the Qt toolkit
         from Troll Tech, Norway. $

   $Id: kabapi_h.html 132191 2002-01-17 21:32:13Z dfaure $
#ifndef KABAPI_H
#define KABAPI_H

#include "addressbook.h"

class QPushButton;
class QFrame;
class KListBox;

/** The class KabAPI provides a public interface to access the
  * users address database created using kab. The complete
  * functionality regarding database operations provided by kab is
  * available using an object of this class.
  * The class is derived from the class KDialogBase, thus objects
  * can be used as a KDE dialog where the user may select a person
  * out of the entries in his personal database.
  * The following code may be used to let the user select an address:
  * KabAPI kabapi(this);
  * if(dialog.init()!=KabAPI::NoError)
  *   {
  *     ... error handling
  *   }
  * AddressBook::Entry entry;
  * if(kabapi.exec())
  *   {
  *     if(!kabapi.getEntry(entry))
  *       {
  *         // ... the database is empty
  *       } else {
  *         // ... use the entry
  *       }
  *   }
  * ...
* Some methods declared here return keys of entries. The keys are of the * datatype KabKey. Every key * is (of course) unique and identifying. If you store it, you can access * the entry it represents with it. Be careful that the entry may have been * deleted by another program instance meanwhile! * Please be careful to test for the return code NotImplemented as * long the kab API is not completely finished. * @short The class KabAPI defines the API to access user address databases. * @author Mirko Boehm * @version $Id: kabapi_h.html 132191 2002-01-17 21:32:13Z dfaure $ * @see #AddressBook #KDialogBase */ class KabAPI : public KDialogBase { // ############################################################################ Q_OBJECT // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public: /** The constructor creates a KabAPI object, but it does not load the * database itselfes, as you could not query if this could be done * without failures. Thus you have to call @ref #init before you can * use the database. * @param parent The QWidget pointer to the parent widget. */ KabAPI(QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0); /** You must call init before accessing the database. init opens the * database file (usually $HOME/.kde/share/apps/kab/addressbook.database) * and loads its contents. * @return NoError if all succeeded or a valid ErrorCode. * @see #AddressBook::ErrorCode */ AddressBook::ErrorCode init(); /** Get the addressbook object of this API. This is probably the most powerful * method in the KabAPI since it allows you to access the database backend * itselfes. * If the API has not been initialized (using #init) before, zero is returned. * @see init */ AddressBook* addressbook(); /** Save the database to the file. * This method is used to force the database to save its contents. * If force is true, the method will try to get writing permissions to * the file if the database is opened readonly. After finishing saving, * the r/o state is reset. This allows easier file sharing, since by default, * all files are opened readonly aand closed after all read accesses. */ AddressBook::ErrorCode save(bool force=false); /** The method getEntry returns the selected entry. * @return NoError if all succeeded or a valid ErrorCode. * @see #AddressBook::ErrorCode * @param entry Reference to an AddressBook::Entry -object. * @param key Reference to a KabKey where the key of the entry is stored. */ AddressBook::ErrorCode getEntry(AddressBook::Entry& entry, KabKey& key); /** Using the method getEntries, the caller will get a copy of all entries * in the database. This might seem unneeded, but the address database can be * used by multiple instances of the kab API at the same time, so that, * if the programmer wants, for example, print a letter header for all * persons, the database might change during the operation. That is why * she can retrieve the whole database in one operation. * It is required that the referenced list is empty. * Note that the function returns NoEntry if the database is empty. * @see #AddressBook::ErrorCode * @short Retrieves all entries out of the database. * @param entries Reference to a list of entries. * @return NoError or a valid error code. */ AddressBook::ErrorCode getEntries(std::list& entries); /** The method requires that the database is not opened readonly. * @short Adds an entry to the users default database. * @return NoError if all succeeded or a valid ErrorCode, especially PermDenied. * @param entry Reference to the entry to be added. * @param key Reference to a KabKey where the key of the new entry is stored. * @param update Whether to update the mirror map or not. * Note: The functionality to edit an entry herein has been removed. */ AddressBook::ErrorCode add(const AddressBook::Entry& entry, KabKey& key, bool update=true); /** If the preferences of kab say to query before deleting, the user has * to click "yes" on a message box that appeares. * If called for a read only database, the method will return * PermDenied. * @short Deletes an entry in the database by its key. * @param key The key of the entry to delete. * @return NoEntry if there is no entry with this key or another ErrorCode. */ AddressBook::ErrorCode remove(const KabKey& key); /** Use getEntryByName to find entries that look like the name given. * The name might be incomplete or diffuse. * @short This method delivers the closest matches to the given name. * @param name The name, containing "." for abbreviations. * @param entries Reference to a list of entries where matches are stored. * @param max Maximum number of returned entries. * @return NoError if an entry is found or NoEntry. */ AddressBook::ErrorCode getEntryByName(const QString& name, std::list& entries, const int max=5); /** This method also searches for close matches to the pattern, * but it compares the whole entry given. This way you can search for, * for example, nearly similar email addresses. Empty parts of the * entry are not considered as criteria. * @short This method delivers the closest matches to the given entry. * @param name The name, containing "." for abbreviations. * @param entries Reference to a list of entries where matches are stored. * @param max Maximum number of returned entries. * @return NoError if an entry is found or NoEntry. */ AddressBook::ErrorCode getEntryByName(const AddressBook::Entry& pattern, std::list& entries, const int max=5); /** Execute this dialog. This overloads QDialog::exec to fill the list box * before showing. */ int exec(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected: /** This is our backend to the users address database. */ AddressBook* book; /** This displays the overview over the addresses in the dialog. */ KListBox* listbox; /** The index of the selected entry. This value is only valid after the * KabAPI dialog has been executed and accepted by the user. */ int selection; protected slots: /** Capture selections in the dialog (listbox). */ void entrySelected(int); /** Capture status messages from book. */ void setStatusSlot(const QString&); void slotDoubleClicked ( QListBoxItem * ); signals: /** Send status messages. */ void setStatus(const QString&); // ############################################################################ private: class KAbAPIPrivate; KAbAPIPrivate *d; }; #endif // KABAPI_H

Generated by: dfaure on on Thu Jan 17 22:19:37 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53.