Source: kdesktopfile.h

Annotated List
/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
   Copyright (c) 1999 Pietro Iglio 

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// $Id: kdesktopfile_h.html 132191 2002-01-17 21:32:13Z dfaure $


#include "kconfig.h"

class KDesktopFilePrivate;

 * KDE Desktop File Management.
 * @author Pietro Iglio 
 * @version $Id: kdesktopfile_h.html 132191 2002-01-17 21:32:13Z dfaure $
 * @see  KConfigBase  KConfig
 * @short KDE Desktop File Management class
class KDesktopFile : public KConfig

   * Construct a KDesktopFile object and make it either read-write
   * or read-only.  
   * @param pFileName The file used for saving the data. The
   *                  full path must be specified.
   * @param bReadOnly Whether the object should be read-only.
   * @param resType   Allows you to change what sort of resource
   *                  to search for if @p pFileName is not absolute.  For
   *                  instance, you might want to specify "config".
  KDesktopFile( const QString &pFileName, bool bReadOnly = false,
		const char * resType = "apps");

   * Destructor. 
   * Write back any dirty configuration entries.
  virtual ~KDesktopFile();

   * Check to see whether this is a desktop file.
   * The check is performed looking at the file extension (the file is not
   * opened).
   * Currently, valid extensions are ".kdelnk" and ".desktop".
   * @return @p true if the file appears to be a desktop file.
  static bool isDesktopFile(const QString& path);

   * Retrieve the value of the "Type=" entry.
  QString readType() const;

   * Retrieve the value of the "Icon=" entry.
  QString readIcon() const;

   * Retrieve the value of the "Name=" entry.
  QString readName() const;

   * Retrieve the value of the "Comment=" entry.
  QString readComment() const;

   * Retrieve the value of the "Path=" entry.
   * @deprecated
  QString readPath() const;

   * Retrieve the value of the "Dev=" entry.
  QString readDevice() const;

   * Retrieve the value of the "URL=" entry.
  QString readURL() const;

   * Returns a list of the "Actions=" entries.
  QStringList readActions() const;

   * Sets the desktop action group.
  void setActionGroup(const QString &group);

   * Returns @p if the action group exists.
  bool hasActionGroup(const QString &group) const;

   * Check to see if there is a "Type=Link" entry.
   * The link points to the "URL=" entry.
  bool hasLinkType() const;

   * Check to see if there is an entry "Type=Application".
  bool hasApplicationType() const;

   * Check to see if there is an entry "Type=MimeType".
  bool hasMimeTypeType() const; // funny name :)

   * Check to see if there is an entry "Type=FSDev".
  bool hasDeviceType() const;

   * Check to see if the TryExec field contains a binary
   * which is found on the local system.
  bool tryExec() const;

   * @return The filename as passed to the constructor.
  QString filename() const;
   * @return The resource type as passed to the constructor.
  QString resource() const;

  QStringList sortOrder() const;


  // copy-construction and assignment are not allowed
  KDesktopFile( const KDesktopFile& );
  KDesktopFile& operator= ( const KDesktopFile& );

  KDesktopFilePrivate *d;


Generated by: dfaure on on Thu Jan 17 22:15:01 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53.