WId win | win |
long unsigned int state | state |
NET::MappingState mappingState | mappingState |
NETStrut strut | strut |
NET::WindowType windowType | windowType |
QString visibleName | visibleName |
QString name | name |
int desktop | desktop |
bool onAllDesktops | onAllDesktops |
pid_t pid | pid |
bool isIconified ()
| isIconified |
QRect geometry | geometry |
QRect frameGeometry | frameGeometry |
QString visibleNameWithState ()
| visibleNameWithState |
Returns a visible name with state.
This is a simple convenience function that returns the visible name but with parentheses around iconified windows
Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:49:00 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53. |