/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Ellis WhiteheadThis library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _KACCELACTION_H #define _KACCELACTION_H #include #include #include #include #include class KAccelBase; class QObject; class KConfig; class KConfigBase; /* KAccelAction holds information an a given action, such as "Execute Command" 1) KAccelAction = "Execute Command" Default3 = "Alt+F2" Default4 = "Meta+Enter;Alt+F2" 1) KShortcut = "Meta+Enter" 1) KKeySequence = "Meta+Enter" 1) KKey = "Meta+Enter" 1) Meta+Enter 2) Meta+Keypad_Enter 2) KShortcut = "Alt+F2" 1) KKeySequence = "Alt+F2" 1) Alt+F2 2) KAccelAction = "Something" Default3 = "" Default4 = "" 1) KShortcut = "Meta+X,Asterisk" 1) KKeySequence = "Meta+X,Asterisk" 1) KKey = "Meta+X" 1) Meta+X 2) KKey = "Asterisk" 1) Shift+8 (English layout) 2) Keypad_Asterisk */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // KAccelAction //--------------------------------------------------------------------- class KAccelAction { public: KAccelAction(); KAccelAction( const KAccelAction& ); KAccelAction( const QString& sName, const QString& sLabel, const QString& sWhatsThis, const KShortcut& cutDef3, const KShortcut& cutDef4, const QObject* pObjSlot, const char* psMethodSlot, bool bConfigurable, bool bEnabled ); ~KAccelAction(); void clear(); bool init( const QString& sName, const QString& sLabel, const QString& sWhatsThis, const KShortcut& cutDef3, const KShortcut& cutDef4, const QObject* pObjSlot, const char* psMethodSlot, bool bConfigurable, bool bEnabled ); KAccelAction& operator=( const KAccelAction& ); const QString& name() const { return m_sName; } const QString& label() const { return m_sLabel; } const QString& whatsThis() const { return m_sWhatsThis; } const KShortcut& shortcut() const { return m_cut; } const KShortcut& shortcutDefault() const; const KShortcut& shortcutDefault3() const { return m_cutDefault3; } const KShortcut& shortcutDefault4() const { return m_cutDefault4; } const QObject* objSlotPtr() const { return m_pObjSlot; } const char* methodSlotPtr() const { return m_psMethodSlot; } bool isConfigurable() const { return m_bConfigurable; } bool isEnabled() const { return m_bEnabled; } void setName( const QString& ); void setLabel( const QString& ); void setWhatsThis( const QString& ); bool setShortcut( const KShortcut& rgCuts ); void setSlot( const QObject* pObjSlot, const char* psMethodSlot ); void setConfigurable( bool ); void setEnabled( bool ); int getID() const { return m_nIDAccel; } void setID( int n ) { m_nIDAccel = n; } bool isConnected() const; bool setKeySequence( uint i, const KKeySequence& ); void clearShortcut(); bool contains( const KKeySequence& ); QString toString() const; QString toStringInternal() const; static bool useFourModifierKeys(); static void useFourModifierKeys( bool ); protected: QString m_sName, m_sLabel, m_sWhatsThis; KShortcut m_cut; KShortcut m_cutDefault3, m_cutDefault4; const QObject* m_pObjSlot; const char* m_psMethodSlot; bool m_bConfigurable, m_bEnabled; int m_nIDAccel; uint m_nConnections; void incConnections(); void decConnections(); private: static int g_bUseFourModifierKeys; class KAccelActionPrivate* d; friend class KAccelActions; friend class KAccelBase; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // KAccelActions //--------------------------------------------------------------------- class KAccelActions { public: KAccelActions(); KAccelActions( const KAccelActions& ); virtual ~KAccelActions(); void clear(); bool init( const KAccelActions& ); bool init( KConfigBase& config, const QString& sGroup ); void updateShortcuts( KAccelActions& ); int actionIndex( const QString& sAction ) const; KAccelAction* actionPtr( uint ); const KAccelAction* actionPtr( uint ) const; KAccelAction* actionPtr( const QString& sAction ); const KAccelAction* actionPtr( const QString& sAction ) const; KAccelAction* actionPtr( KKeySequence cut ); KAccelAction& operator []( uint ); const KAccelAction& operator []( uint ) const; KAccelAction* insert( const QString& sAction, const QString& sLabel, const QString& sWhatsThis, const KShortcut& rgCutDefaults3, const KShortcut& rgCutDefaults4, const QObject* pObjSlot = 0, const char* psMethodSlot = 0, bool bConfigurable = true, bool bEnabled = true ); KAccelAction* insert( const QString& sName, const QString& sLabel ); bool remove( const QString& sAction ); bool readActions( const QString& sConfigGroup = "Shortcuts", KConfigBase* pConfig = 0 ); bool writeActions( const QString& sConfigGroup = "Shortcuts", KConfigBase* pConfig = 0, bool bWriteAll = false, bool bGlobal = false ) const; void emitKeycodeChanged(); uint count() const; protected: KAccelBase* m_pKAccelBase; KAccelAction** m_prgActions; uint m_nSizeAllocated, m_nSize; void resize( uint ); void insertPtr( KAccelAction* ); private: class KAccelActionsPrivate* d; KAccelActions( KAccelBase* ); void initPrivate( KAccelBase* ); KAccelActions& operator =( KAccelActions& ); friend class KAccelBase; }; #endif // _KACCELACTION_H
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