Source: kconfig.h

Annotated List
   This file is part of the KDE libraries
   Copyright (c) 1999 Preston Brown 
   Copyright (C) 1997 Matthias Kalle Dalheimer 

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

// $Id: kconfig_h.html 149726 2002-04-16 07:39:43Z dfaure $

#ifndef _KCONFIG_H
#define _KCONFIG_H

class QTimer;

#include "kconfigbase.h"

class KConfigPrivate;

* Access KDE Configuration entries.
* This class implements KDE's default configuration system.
* @author Kalle Dalheimer , Preston Brown 
* @version $Id: kconfig_h.html 149726 2002-04-16 07:39:43Z dfaure $
* @see KGlobal::config(), KConfigBase, KSimpleConfig
* @short KDE Configuration Management class
class KConfig : public KConfigBase

   * Constructs a KConfig object.
   * @param fileName A file to parse in addition to the
   *        system-wide file(s).  If it is not provided, only global
   *        KDE configuration data will be read (depending on the value of
   *        @p bUseKDEGlobals).
   * @param bReadOnly Set the config object's read-only status.
   * @param bUseKDEGlobals Toggle reading the global KDE configuration file.
   * @param resType the place to look in (config, data, etc) See @ref KStandardDirs.
  KConfig( const QString& fileName = QString::null,
          bool bReadOnly = false, bool bUseKDEGlobals = true, const char *resType="config");

   * Destructs the KConfig object.
   * Writes back any dirty configuration entries, and destroys
   * dynamically created objects.
  virtual ~KConfig();

   * Clears all entries out of the @p dirtyEntryMap, so the
   * values will not be written to disk on a later call to
   * @ref sync().
   * @param bDeep If true, the dirty map is actually emptied.
   *        otherwise, the config object's global dirty flag is set to
   *        false, but the dirty entries remain in the dirty entry
   *        map.
   * @see KConfigBase::rollback
  virtual void rollback(bool bDeep = true);

   * Returns a list of groups that are known.
  virtual QStringList groupList() const;

   * Returns a map (tree) of entries for all entries in a particular
   * group.
   *  Only the actual entry string is returned, none of the
   * other internal data should be included.
   * @param pGroup A group to get keys from.
   * @return A map of entries in the group specified, indexed by key.
   *         The returned map may be empty if the group is not found.
  virtual QMap entryMap(const QString &pGroup) const;

   * Clears all internal data structures and then reread
   * configuration information from disk.
  virtual void reparseConfiguration();

   * Set the file mode for newly created files.
   * @see man:chmod(2) for a description of @p mode
  void setFileWriteMode(int mode);

   * Forces all following write-operations being performed on kdeglobals,
   * independent of the bGlobal flag in writeEntry().
   * @see #forceGlobal
  void setForceGlobal( bool force ) { bForceGlobal = force; }

   * Returns true if all entries are being written into kdeglobals.
   * @see #setForceGlobal
  bool forceGlobal() const { return bForceGlobal; }

   * Returns true if the specified group is known.
   * @param group The group to search for.
   * @returns @p true if the group exists.
  virtual bool internalHasGroup(const QCString &group) const;

   * Returns a map (tree) of the entries in the specified group.
   * Do not use this function, the implementation / return type are
   * subject to change.
   * @param pGroup the group to provide a KEntryMap for.
   * @return The map of the entries in the group.
   * @internal
  virtual KEntryMap internalEntryMap(const QString &pGroup) const;

   * Returns a copy of the internal map used to hold all entries.
   * Do not use this function, the implementation / return type are
   * subject to change.
   * @param pGroup the group to provide a KEntryMap for.
   * @return The map of the entries in the group.
   * @internal
   virtual KEntryMap internalEntryMap() const { return aEntryMap; }

   * Inserts a (key, value) pair into the internal storage mechanism of
   * the configuration object.
   * @param _key The key to insert.  It contains information both on
   *        the group of the key and the key itself. If the key already
   *        exists, the old value will be replaced.
   * @param _data the KEntry that is to be stored.
   * @param _checkGroup When false, assume that the group already exists.
  virtual void putData(const KEntryKey &_key, const KEntry &_data, bool _checkGroup=true);

   * Looks up an entry in the config object's internal structure.
   * @param _key The key to look up  It contains information both on
   *        the group of the key and the entry's key itself.
   * @return the KEntry value (data) found for the key.  KEntry.aValue
   * will be the null string if nothing was located.
  virtual KEntry lookupData(const KEntryKey &_key) const;

   * Contains all key,value entries, as well as some "special"
   * keys which indicate the start of a group of entries.
   * These special keys will have the .key portion of their @ref KEntryKey
   * set to QString::null.
  KEntryMap aEntryMap;

   * @internal
   * copy-construction and assignment are not allowed
  KConfig( const KConfig& );
   * @internal
   * copy-construction and assignment are not allowed
  KConfig& operator= ( const KConfig& rConfig );

  bool bGroupImmutable : 1; // Current group is immutable.
  bool bFileImmutable  : 1; // Current file is immutable.
  bool bForceGlobal    : 1; // Apply everything to kdeglobals.
  virtual void virtual_hook( int id, void* data );
  KConfigPrivate *d;


Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:49:00 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53.