Source: kglobalaccel_x11.h

Annotated List


#include "kaccelbase.h"
#include "kkeyserver_x11.h"
#include "kshortcut.h"

class CodeMod
	uchar code;
	uint mod;

	bool operator < ( const CodeMod& b ) const
		if( code < b.code ) return true;
		if( code == b.code && mod < b.mod ) return true;
		return false;
typedef QMap CodeModMap;

class KGlobalAccelPrivate : public QWidget, public KAccelBase
	friend class KGlobalAccel;
	virtual ~KGlobalAccelPrivate();

	virtual void setEnabled( bool );

	virtual bool emitSignal( Signal );
	virtual bool connectKey( KAccelAction&, const KKeyServer::Key& );
	virtual bool connectKey( const KKeyServer::Key& );
	virtual bool disconnectKey( KAccelAction&, const KKeyServer::Key& );
	virtual bool disconnectKey( const KKeyServer::Key& );

	void activated();
	void activated( int );
	void activated( const QString& sAction, const QString& sDesc, const KKeySequence& seq );

	CodeModMap m_rgCodeModToAction;

	 * @param bGrab Set to true to grab key, false to ungrab key.
	bool grabKey( const KKeyServer::Key&, bool bGrab, KAccelAction* );

	 * Filters X11 events ev for key bindings in the accelerator dictionary.
	 * If a match is found the activated activated is emitted and the function
	 * returns true. Return false if the event is not processed.
	 * This is public for compatibility only. You do not need to call it.
	virtual bool x11Event( XEvent* );
	void x11MappingNotify();
	bool x11KeyPress( const XEvent *pEvent );
	void activate( KAccelAction* pAction, const KKeySequence& seq );

 protected slots:
	void slotActivated( int iAction );

#endif // _KGLOBALACCEL_X11_H

Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:49:00 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53.