An integer inputline with scrollbar and slider.
The class provides an easy interface to use other numeric systems then the decimal.
KIntSpinBox ( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0)
| KIntSpinBox |
Constructs a widget with an integer inputline with a little scrollbar and a slider, with minimal value 0, maximal value 99, step 1, base 10 and initial value 0.
KIntSpinBox (int lower, int upper, int step, int value, int base = 10,
QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0)
| KIntSpinBox |
Constructs a widget with an integer inputline with a little scrollbar and a slider.
lower | The lowest valid value. |
upper | The greatest valid value. |
step | The step size of the scrollbar. |
value | The actual value. |
base | The base of the used number system. |
parent | The parent of the widget. |
name | The Name of the widget. |
~KIntSpinBox ()
| ~KIntSpinBox |
void setBase (int base)
| setBase |
Sets the base in which the numbers in the spin box are represented.
int base ()
| base |
Returns: the base in which numbers in the spin box are represented.
void setEditFocus (bool mark)
| setEditFocus |
sets focus and optionally marks all text
QString mapValueToText (int)
| mapValueToText |
[protected virtual]
Overloaded the method in QSpinBox to make use of the base given in the constructor.
int mapTextToValue (bool*)
| mapTextToValue |
[protected virtual]
Overloaded the method in QSpinBox to make use of the base given in the constructor.
void virtual_hook ( int id, void* data )
| virtual_hook |
[protected virtual]
Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:49:25 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53. |