/* vi: ts=8 sts=4 sw=4
* $Id: kpixmapio_h.html 149726 2002-04-16 07:39:43Z dfaure $
* This file is part of the KDE project, module kdeui.
* Copyright (C) 2000 Geert Jansen
* You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU Library General
* Public License. See the file "COPYING.LIB" for the exact licensing terms.
#ifndef __KPixmapIO_h_Included__
#define __KPixmapIO_h_Included__
class QPixmap;
class QImage;
class KPixmapIOPrivate;
* @short Fast QImage to/from QPixmap conversion.
* @author Geert Jansen
* @version $Id: kpixmapio_h.html 149726 2002-04-16 07:39:43Z dfaure $
* KPixmapIO implements a fast path for QPixmap to/from QImage conversions.
* It uses the MIT-SHM shared memory extension for this. If this extension is
* not available, it will fall back to standard Qt methods.
* @sect Typical usage
* You can use KPixmapIO for load/saving pixmaps.
* KPixmapIO io;
* pixmap = io.convertToPixmap(image);
* image = io.convertToImage(pixmap);
* It also has functionality for partially updating/saving pixmaps, see
* @ref #putImage and @ref #getImage.
* @sect KPixmapIO vs. Qt speed comparison
* Speed measurements were taken. These show that usage of KPixmapIO for
* images up to a certain threshold size, offers no speed advantage over
* the Qt routines. Below you can see a plot of these measurements.
* @image kpixmapio-perf.png Ignored_But_Necessary_Word_For_Kdoc
* The threshold size, amongst other causes, is determined by the shared
* memory allocation policy. If the policy is @p ShmDontKeep, the
* shared memory segment is discarded right after usage, and thus needs to
* be allocated before each transfer. This introduces a a setup penalty not
* present when the policy is @p ShmKeepAndGrow. In this case the
* shared memory segment is kept and resized when necessary, until the
* KPixmapIO object is destroyed.
* The default policy is @p ShmDontKeep. This policy makes sense when
* loading pixmaps once. The corresponding threshold is taken at 5.000
* pixels as suggested by experiments. Below this threshold, KPixmapIO
* will not use shared memory and fall back on the Qt routines.
* When the policy is @p ShmKeepAndGrow, the threshold is taken at
* 2.000 pixels. Using this policy, you might want to use @ref #preAllocShm
* to pre-allocate a certain amount of shared memory, in order to avoid
* resizes. This allocation policy makes sense in a multimedia type
* application where you are constantly updating the screen.
* Above a couple times the threshold size, KPixmapIO's and Qt's speed become
* linear in the number of pixels, KPixmapIO being at least 2, and mostly around
* 4 times faster than Qt, depending on the screen and image depth.
* Speed difference seems to be the most at 16 bpp, followed by 32 and 24
* bpp respectively. This can be explained by the relatively poor
* implementation of 16 bit RGB packing in Qt, while at 32 bpp we need to
* transfer more data, and thus gain more, than at 24 bpp.
* @sect Conclusion
* For large pixmaps, there's a definite speed improvement when using
* KPixmapIO. On the other hand, there's no speed improvement for small
* pixmaps. When you know you're only transferring small pixmaps, there's no
* point in using it.
class KPixmapIO
* Convert an image to a pixmap.
* @param image The image to convert.
* @return The pixmap containing the image.
QPixmap convertToPixmap(const QImage &image);
* Convert a pixmap to an image.
* @param pixmap The pixmap to convert.
* @return The image.
QImage convertToImage(const QPixmap &pixmap);
* Bitblt an image onto a pixmap.
* @param dst The destination pixmap.
* @param dx Destination x offset.
* @param dy Destination y offset.
* @param src The image to load.
void putImage(QPixmap *dst, int dx, int dy, const QImage *src);
* This function is identical to the one above. It only differs in the
* arguments it accepts.
void putImage(QPixmap *dst, const QPoint &offset, const QImage *src);
* Transfer (a part of) a pixmap to an image.
* @param src The source pixmap.
* @param sx Source x offset.
* @param sy Source y offset.
* @param sw Source width.
* @param sh Source height.
* @return The image.
QImage getImage(const QPixmap *src, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh);
* This function is identical to the one above. It only differs in the
* arguments it accepts.
QImage getImage(const QPixmap *src, const QRect &rect);
* Shared memory allocation policies.
enum ShmPolicies {
* Set the shared memory allocation policy. See the introduction for
* KPixmapIO for a discussion.
* @param policy The alloction policy.
void setShmPolicy(int policy);
* Pre-allocate shared memory. KPixmapIO will be able to transfer images
* up to this size without resizing.
* @param size The size of the image in @p pixels.
void preAllocShm(int size);
* Supported XImage byte orders. The notation ARGB means bytes
* containing A:R:G:B succeed in memory.
enum ByteOrders {
bo32_ARGB, bo32_BGRA, bo24_RGB, bo24_BGR,
bo16_RGB_565, bo16_BGR_565, bo16_RGB_555,
bo16_BGR_555, bo8
bool m_bShm;
void initXImage(int w, int h);
void doneXImage();
void createXImage(int w, int h);
void destroyXImage();
void createShmSegment(int size);
void destroyShmSegment();
void convertToXImage(const QImage &);
QImage convertFromXImage();
KPixmapIOPrivate* d;
#endif // __KPixmapIO_h_Included__
Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:49:25 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53. |