CustomNodeFilter can be used to define your own NodeFilter for use with NodeIterators and TreeWalkers. You can create a custom filter by doing the follwing:
class MyCustomNodeFilter { ..... virtual short acceptNode (const Node &n); ..... }
Then in your program:
short MyCustomNodeFilter::acceptNode (const Node &n) { if (condition) return NodeFilter::FILTER_ACCEPT; else .... }
MyCustomFilter *filter = new MyCustomFilter(); NodeFilter nf = NodeFilter::createCutsom(filter); NodeIterator ni = document.createNodeIterator(document,NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL,nf,false);
The default implementation of acceptNode() returns NodeFilter::FILTER_ACCEPT for all nodes.
CustomNodeFilter ()
| CustomNodeFilter |
~CustomNodeFilter ()
| ~CustomNodeFilter |
short acceptNode (const Node &n)
| acceptNode |
bool isNull ()
| isNull |
DOMString customNodeFilterType ()
| customNodeFilterType |
not part of the DOM
Returns a name specifying the type of custom node filter. Useful for checking if an custom node filter is of a particular sublass.
CustomNodeFilterImpl * impl | impl |
Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:50:42 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53. |