Source: kmimemagic.h

Annotated List
/* This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis 

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

 * KMimeMagic is inspired by the code of the
 * Apache Web Server.
 * Rewritten for KDE by Fritz Elfert
 * Adaptations by Torben Weis 
 * Fixes and documentation by David Faure 



class KMimeMagic; // see below (read this one first)

 * @deprecated Use KMimeType::findByContent() instead
 * May be removed in KDE 4.0
 * Returned by @ref KMimeMagic @p find...Type methods.
 * It contains the mimetype and the encoding of
 * the file or buffer read.
class KMimeMagicResult
  KMimeMagicResult() { m_iAccuracy = 100; }
  ~KMimeMagicResult() { }

   * Retrieve the mimetype (e.g. "text/html") of the file or buffer parsed.
  QString mimeType() const { return m_strMimeType; }
   * Retrieve the accuracy of the matching.
  int accuracy() const { return m_iAccuracy; }
   * Returns whether the result is valid (i.e. mimetype not empty).
  bool isValid() const { return !m_strMimeType.isEmpty(); }

  // Internal functions only
  void setMimeType( const QString& _mime ) { m_strMimeType = _mime; }
  void setAccuracy( int _accuracy ) { m_iAccuracy = _accuracy; }
  void setInvalid() { m_strMimeType = QString::null; }

  QString m_strMimeType;
  int m_iAccuracy;

 * @deprecated Use KMimeType::findByContent() instead
 * May be removed in KDE 4.0
 * Determine auto-magically the type of file,
 * not only by using its extension, but also by reading its contents.
 * Unless specified otherwise, KMimeMagic uses
 * $KDEDIR/share/mimelnk/magic for this purpose.
 * To make KMimeMagic restore the 'atime' of a file after it opened it,
 * add its directory in kmimemagicrc like:
 * [Settings]
 * atimeDirs=/tmp,/var/tmp,/home/dfaure/tmp
 * This isn't done by default because it changes the 'ctime'.
 * See kmimemagic.cpp for a full discussion on this issue.
 * The basic usage of KMimeMagic is :
 * @li Get a pointer to it, using @ref KMimeMagic::self().
 * @li Use it for any file or buffer you want, using one of the three
 * @p find...Type() methods.
 * The result is contained in the class @ref KMimeMagicResult.
class KMimeMagic
   * Create a parser and initialize it with the given config file.
  KMimeMagic( const QString & configFile );

   * Destroy the parser.

   * Merge an existing parse table with the data from the
   * given file.
   * @return @p true on success.
  bool mergeConfig( const QString & configFile );

   * Merge an existing parse table with the data from the
   * given buffer.
   * @return @p true on success.
  bool mergeBufConfig(char *);

   * Enable/Disable follow-links.
   * (Default is disabled.)
  void setFollowLinks( bool _enable );

   * Try to find a MimeType for the given file.
   * If no special
   * MimeType is found, the default MimeType is returned.
   * This function looks at the content of the file.
   * @return A pointer to the result object. Do @em not delete the
   *         result object. After another call to KMimeMagic
   *         the returned result object changes its value
   *         since it is reused by KMimeMagic.
  KMimeMagicResult* findFileType( const QString & _filename );

   * Same functionality as above, except data is not
   * read from a file.
   * Instead a buffer can be supplied which
   * is examined.
   * @return A pointer to the result object. Do @em not delete the
   *         result object. After another call to KMimeMagic
   *         the returned result object changes its value
   *         since it is reused by KMimeMagic.
  KMimeMagicResult* findBufferType( const QByteArray &p );

   * Same functionality as @ref findBufferType() but with
   * additional capability of distinguishing between
   * C-headers and C-Source.
   * For this purpose this function looks
   * at the extension of the filename. This means that 'filename'
   * can be a filename on some FTP server, too.
   * @return A pointer to the result object. Do @em not delete the
   *         result object. After another call to KMimeMagic
   *         the returned result object changes its value
   *         since it is reused by KMimeMagic.
  KMimeMagicResult * findBufferFileType( const QByteArray &, const QString & filename );

   * Returns a pointer to the unique KMimeMagic instance in this process.
  static KMimeMagic* self();

   * The result type.
  KMimeMagicResult * magicResult;

  static void initStatic();
  static KMimeMagic* s_pSelf;

   * If true, follow symlinks.
  bool followLinks;

   * The current result buffer during inspection.
  QString resultBuf;

  int finishResult();
  void process(const QString &);
  void tryit(unsigned char *, int);
  int fsmagic(const char *, struct stat *);
  int match(unsigned char *, int);
  int parse_line(char *line, int *rule, int lineno);
  int parse(char *, int);
  int buff_apprentice(char*buff);
  int apprentice();
  int ascmagic(unsigned char *, int);
  int textmagic(unsigned char *, int);

  struct config_rec *conf; // this is also our "d pointer"
  int accuracy;


Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:49:48 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53.