Source: types.h

Annotated List
// -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
 *  This file is part of the KDE libraries
 *  Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (
 *  Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Library General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 *  along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 *  Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 *  $Id: types_h.html 149726 2002-04-16 07:39:43Z dfaure $

#ifndef _KJS_TYPES_H_
#define _KJS_TYPES_H_

// internal data types

#include "value.h"

namespace KJS {

  class Reference : public Value {
    Reference(const Object& b, const UString& p);
    Reference(const Null& b, const UString& p);
    Reference(ReferenceImp *v);
    Reference(const Reference &v);
    virtual ~Reference();

    Reference& operator=(const Reference &v);

     * Converts a Value into an Reference. If the value's type is not
     * ReferenceType, a null object will be returned (i.e. one with it's
     * internal pointer set to 0). If you do not know for sure whether the
     * value is of type ReferenceType, you should check the @ref isNull()
     * methods afterwards before calling any methods on the returned value.
     * @return The value converted to an Reference
    static Reference dynamicCast(const Value &v);

  class List;
  class ListIterator;
  class ListNode;

   * @short Iterator for @ref KJS::List objects.
  class ListIterator {
    friend class List;
    friend class ListImp;
    ListIterator(ListNode *n);
     * Construct an iterator that points to the first element of the list.
     * @param l The list the iterator will operate on.
    ListIterator(const List &l);
     * Assignment constructor.
    ListIterator& operator=(const ListIterator &iterator);
     * Copy constructor.
    ListIterator(const ListIterator &i);
     * Dereference the iterator.
     * @return A pointer to the element the iterator operates on.
    ValueImp* operator->() const;
    //    operator Value* () const { return node->member; }
    Value operator*() const;
     * Conversion to @ref KJS::Value*
     * @return A pointer to the element the iterator operates on.
    //    operator Value*() const { return node->member; }
     * Postfix increment operator.
     * @return The element after the increment.
    Value operator++();
     * Prefix increment operator.
    Value operator++(int);
     * Postfix decrement operator.
    Value operator--();
     * Prefix decrement operator.
    Value operator--(int);
     * Compare the iterator with another one.
     * @return True if the two iterators operate on the same list element.
     * False otherwise.
    bool operator==(const ListIterator &it) const;
     * Check for inequality with another iterator.
     * @return True if the two iterators operate on different list elements.
    bool operator!=(const ListIterator &it) const;
    ListNode *node;

   * @short Native list type.
   * List is a native ECMAScript type. List values are only used for
   * intermediate results of expression evaluation and cannot be stored
   * as properties of objects.
   * The list is explicitly shared. Note that while copy() returns a deep
   * copy of the list the referenced objects are still shared.
  class List : public Value {
    friend class ListIterator;
    List(ListImp *v);
    List(const List &v);
    virtual ~List();

    List& operator=(const List &v);

     * Converts a Value into an List. If the value's type is not
     * ListType, a null object will be returned (i.e. one with it's
     * internal pointer set to 0). If you do not know for sure whether the
     * value is of type List, you should check the @ref isNull()
     * methods afterwards before calling any methods on the returned value.
     * @return The value converted to an List
    static List dynamicCast(const Value &v);
     * Append an object to the end of the list.
     * @param val Pointer to object.
    void append(const Value& val);
     * Insert an object at the beginning of the list.
     * @param val Pointer to object.
    void prepend(const Value& val);
     * Appends the items of another list at the end of this one.
    void appendList(const List& lst);
     * Prepend the items of another list to this one.
     * The first item of @p lst will become the first item of the list.
    void prependList(const List& lst);
     * Remove the element at the beginning of the list.
    void removeFirst();
     * Remove the element at the end of the list.
    void removeLast();
     * Remove val from list.
    void remove(const Value &val);
     * Remove all elements from the list.
    void clear();
     * Returns a deep copy of the list. Ownership is passed to the user
     * who is responsible for deleting the list then.
    List copy() const;
     * @return A @ref KJS::ListIterator pointing to the first element.
    ListIterator begin() const;
     * @return A @ref KJS::ListIterator pointing to the last element.
    ListIterator end() const;
     * @return true if the list is empty. false otherwise.
    bool isEmpty() const;
     * @return the current size of the list.
    int size() const;
     * Retrieve an element at an indexed position. If you want to iterate
     * trough the whole list using @ref KJS::ListIterator will be faster.
     * @param i List index.
     * @return Return the element at position i. @ref KJS::Undefined if the
     * index is out of range.
    Value at(int i) const;
     * Equivalent to @ref at.
    Value operator[](int i) const;
     * Returns a pointer to a static instance of an empty list. Useful if a
     * function has a @ref KJS::List parameter.
    static const List empty();

   * Completion types.
  enum ComplType { Normal, Break, Continue, ReturnValue, Throw };

   * Completion objects are used to convey the return status and value
   * from functions.
   * See @ref FunctionImp::execute()
   * @see FunctionImp
   * @short Handle for a Completion type.
  class Completion : public Value {
    Completion(ComplType c = Normal, const Value& v = Value(),
               const UString &t = UString::null);
    Completion(CompletionImp *v);
    Completion(const Completion &v);
    virtual ~Completion();

    Completion& operator=(const Completion &v);

     * Converts a Value into an Completion. If the value's type is not
     * CompletionType, a null object will be returned (i.e. one with it's
     * internal pointer set to 0). If you do not know for sure whether the
     * value is of type CompletionType, you should check the @ref isNull()
     * methods afterwards before calling any methods on the returned value.
     * @return The value converted to an Completion
    static Completion dynamicCast(const Value &v);

    ComplType complType() const;
    Value value() const;
    UString target() const;
    bool isValueCompletion() const;

}; // namespace

#endif // _KJS_TYPES_H_

Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:50:27 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53.