This class extends KRun to provide additional functionality for browsers: - "save or open" dialog boxes - "save" functionality - support for HTTP POST (including saving the result to a temp file if opening a separate application) - warning before launching executables off the web - custom error handling (i.e. treating errors as HTML pages) - generation of SSL metadata depending on the previous URL shown by the part
BrowserRun ( const KURL& url, const KParts::URLArgs& args,
KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part, QWidget *window,
bool removeReferrer, bool trustedSource )
| BrowserRun |
url | the URL we're probing |
args | URL args - includes data for a HTTP POST, etc. |
part | the part going to open this URL - can be 0L if not created yet |
window | the mainwindow - passed to KIO::Job::setWindow() |
removeReferrer | if true, the "referrer" metadata from args isn't passed on
trustedSource | if false, a warning will be shown before launching an executable
Always pass false for trustedSource , except for local directory views.
~BrowserRun ()
| ~BrowserRun |
KURL url ()
| url |
enum AskSaveResult { Save, Open, Cancel } | AskSaveResult |
AskSaveResult askSave ( const KURL & url, KService::Ptr offer, const QString& mimeType, const QString & suggestedFilename = QString::null )
| askSave |
void save ( const KURL & url, const QString & suggestedFilename )
| save |
void simpleSave ( const KURL & url, const QString & suggestedFilename )
| simpleSave |
bool allowExecution ( const QString &serviceType, const KURL &url )
| allowExecution |
bool isExecutable ( const QString &serviceType )
| isExecutable |
bool isTextExecutable ( const QString &serviceType )
| isTextExecutable |
void scanFile ()
| scanFile |
[protected virtual]
Reimplemented from KRun.
void handleError ( KIO::Job * job )
| handleError |
[protected virtual]
enum NonEmbeddableResult { Handled, NotHandled, Delayed } | NonEmbeddableResult |
NonEmbeddableResult handleNonEmbeddable ( const QString& mimeType )
| handleNonEmbeddable |
Helper for foundMimeType: call this if the mimetype couldn't be embedded
void slotBrowserScanFinished (KIO::Job *job)
| slotBrowserScanFinished |
[protected slots slot]
void slotBrowserMimetype (KIO::Job *job, const QString &type)
| slotBrowserMimetype |
[protected slots slot]
void slotCopyToTempFileResult (KIO::Job *job)
| slotCopyToTempFileResult |
[protected slots slot]
void slotStatResult ( KIO::Job *job )
| slotStatResult |
[protected slots virtual slot]
Reimplemented from KRun.
KParts::URLArgs m_args | m_args |
KParts::ReadOnlyPart * m_part | m_part |
QWidget * m_window | m_window |
QString m_suggestedFilename | m_suggestedFilename |
QString m_sMimeType | m_sMimeType |
bool m_bRemoveReferrer | m_bRemoveReferrer |
bool m_bTrustedSource | m_bTrustedSource |