PlayerController is a struct that is used by the MidiPlayer object to tell other parts of the application about the status of the MIDI playing.
volatile ulong ticksTotal | ticksTotal |
volatile ulong ticksPlayed | ticksPlayed |
volatile double millisecsPlayed | millisecsPlayed |
volatile ulong beginmillisec | beginmillisec |
volatile int tempo | tempo |
volatile int num | num |
volatile int den | den |
volatile int SPEVprocessed | SPEVprocessed |
volatile int SPEVplayed | SPEVplayed |
volatile int OK | OK |
volatile int playing | playing |
volatile int paused | paused |
volatile int moving | moving |
volatile int finished | finished |
volatile int message | message |
volatile ulong gotomsec | gotomsec |
volatile int error | error |
volatile int gm | gm |
volatile int volumepercentage | volumepercentage |
volatile bool forcepgm[16] | forcepgm[16] |
volatile int pgm[16] | pgm[16] |
volatile double ratioTempo | ratioTempo |
volatile bool isSendingAllNotesOff | isSendingAllNotesOff |
volatile MidiEvent * ev | ev |