A combobox that lists the available fonts.
The items are painted using the respective font itself, so the user can easily choose a font based on its look. This can be turned off globally if the user wishes so.
KFontCombo (QWidget *parent, const char *name = 0)
| KFontCombo |
parent | The parent widget |
name | The object name for the widget |
KFontCombo (const QStringList &fonts, QWidget *parent, const char *name = 0)
| KFontCombo |
Constructor that takes an already initialzed font list
fonts | A list of fonts to show |
parent | The parent widget |
name | The object name for the widget |
~KFontCombo ()
| ~KFontCombo |
void setFonts (const QStringList &fonts)
| setFonts |
Sets the font list.
fonts | Font list to show |
void setCurrentFont (const QString &family)
| setCurrentFont |
Sets the currently selected font.
family | Font to select. |
QString currentFont ()
| currentFont |
Returns: the currently selected font.
void setBold (bool bold)
| setBold |
Sets the listed fonts to bold or normal.
bold | Set to true to display fonts in bold |
bool bold ()
| bold |
Returns the current bold status.
Returns: true if fonts are bold
void setItalic (bool bold)
| setItalic |
Sets the listed fonts to italic or regular.
italic | Set to true to display fonts italic |
bool italic ()
| italic |
Returns the current italic status
Returns: True if fonts are italic
void setUnderline (bool bold)
| setUnderline |
Sets the listed fonts to underlined or not underlined
underline | Set to true to display fonts underlined |
bool underline ()
| underline |
Returns the current underline status
Returns: True if fonts are underlined
void setStrikeOut (bool bold)
| setStrikeOut |
Sets the listed fonts to striked out or not
strikeOut | Set to true to display fonts striked out |
bool strikeOut ()
| strikeOut |
Returns the current strike out status
Returns: True if fonts are striked out
void setSize (int size)
| setSize |
Sets the listed fonts' size
size | Set to the point size to display the fonts in |
int size ()
| size |
Returns the current font size
Returns: The point size of the fonts
bool displayFonts ()
| displayFonts |
Returns the user's setting of whether the items should be painted in the respective fonts or not
Returns: True if the respective fonts are used for painting
void setCurrentItem (int i)
| setCurrentItem |
Reimplemented from KComboBox.
void updateFonts ()
| updateFonts |
Updated the combo's listBox() to reflect changes made to the fonts' attributed
void virtual_hook ( int id, void* data )
| virtual_hook |
[protected virtual]
Reimplemented from KComboBox.