, including all inherited members.
addChild(QPtrVector< DocumentWidget > *wdgList) | PageView | |
QScrollView::addChild(QWidget *child, int x=0, int y=0) | QScrollView | |
atBottom() const | PageView | |
atTop() const | PageView | |
bottomMargin() const | QScrollView | |
calculateCurrentPageNumber() | PageView | [slot] |
center(int x, int y) | QScrollView | |
center(int x, int y, float xmargin, float ymargin) | QScrollView | |
childX(QWidget *child) | QScrollView | |
childY(QWidget *child) | QScrollView | |
clipper() const | QScrollView | |
contentsContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) | QScrollView | |
contentsDragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *) | QScrollView | |
contentsDragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *) | QScrollView | |
contentsDragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *) | QScrollView | |
contentsDropEvent(QDropEvent *) | QScrollView | |
contentsHeight() const | QScrollView | |
contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) | QScrollView | |
contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *) | PageView | [protected] |
contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *) | PageView | [protected] |
contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) | PageView | [protected] |
contentsMoving(int x, int y) | QScrollView | |
contentsToViewport(int x, int y, int &vx, int &vy) const | QScrollView | |
contentsToViewport(const QPoint &p) const | QScrollView | |
contentsWheelEvent(QWheelEvent *) | PageView | [protected] |
contentsWidth() const | QScrollView | |
contentsX() const | QScrollView | |
contentsY() const | QScrollView | |
cornerWidget() const | QScrollView | |
currentPageChanged(const PageNumber &) | PageView | [signal] |
distanceBetweenPages() | PageView | [inline] |
dragAutoScroll() const | QScrollView | |
drawContents(QPainter *p, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph) | QScrollView | |
drawContentsOffset(QPainter *p, int offsetx, int offsety, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph) | QScrollView | |
enableClipper(bool y) | QScrollView | |
ensureVisible(int x, int y) | QScrollView | |
ensureVisible(int x, int y, int xmargin, int ymargin) | QScrollView | |
enum{Default, Manual, AutoOne, AutoOneFit} | QScrollView | |
enum{Auto, AlwaysOff, AlwaysOn} | QScrollView | |
eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e) | QScrollView | |
fullScreenMode() | PageView | [inline] |
getNrColumns() const | PageView | [inline] |
getNrRows() const | PageView | [inline] |
hasStaticBackground() const | QScrollView | |
horizontalScrollBar() const | QScrollView | |
horizontalSliderPressed() | QScrollView | |
horizontalSliderReleased() | QScrollView | |
hScrollBarMode() const | QScrollView | |
isContinuous() const | PageView | [inline] |
isHorizontalSliderPressed() | QScrollView | |
isMoveToolEnabled() const | PageView | [inline] |
isVerticalSliderPressed() | QScrollView | |
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *) | PageView | [protected] |
layoutPages(bool zoomChanged=false) | PageView | [slot] |
leftMargin() const | QScrollView | |
moveChild(QWidget *child, int x, int y) | QScrollView | |
moveViewportToWidget(QWidget *widget, int y=0) | PageView | |
overviewMode() | PageView | [inline] |
pageSizeChanged(const QSize &size) | PageView | [signal] |
PageView(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0) | PageView | |
prop-the height of the contents area | QScrollView | |
prop-the width of the contents area | QScrollView | |
prop-the X coordinate of the contents that are at the left edge of the viewport | QScrollView | |
prop-the Y coordinate of the contents that are at the top edge of the viewport | QScrollView | |
prop-whether autoscrolling in drag move events is enabled | QScrollView | |
prop-the mode for the horizontal scroll bar | QScrollView | |
prop-the resize policy | QScrollView | |
prop-the mode for the vertical scroll bar | QScrollView | |
prop-the vertical amount of the content that is visible | QScrollView | |
prop-the horizontal amount of the content that is visible | QScrollView | |
QScrollView(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, WFlags f=0) | QScrollView | |
QScrollView() | QScrollView | |
readDown() | PageView | [slot] |
readUp() | PageView | [slot] |
removeChild(QWidget *child) | QScrollView | |
repaintContents(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool erase=TRUE) | QScrollView | |
repaintContents(const QRect &r, bool erase=TRUE) | QScrollView | |
repaintContents(bool erase=TRUE) | QScrollView | |
resizeContents(int w, int h) | QScrollView | |
resizePolicy() const | QScrollView | |
rightMargin() const | QScrollView | |
scrollBottom() | PageView | [slot] |
scrollBy(int dx, int dy) | QScrollView | |
scrollDown() | PageView | [slot] |
scrollLeft() | PageView | [slot] |
scrollRight() | PageView | [slot] |
scrollTop() | PageView | [slot] |
scrollUp() | PageView | [slot] |
setContentsPos(int x, int y) | QScrollView | |
setContinuousViewMode(bool continuous) | PageView | |
setCornerWidget(QWidget *corner) | QScrollView | |
setDragAutoScroll(bool b) | QScrollView | |
setFullScreenMode(bool fullScreen) | PageView | [slot] |
setHBarGeometry(QScrollBar &hbar, int x, int y, int w, int h) | QScrollView | |
setHScrollBarMode(ScrollBarMode) | QScrollView | |
setMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) | QScrollView | |
setNrColumns(Q_UINT8 cols) | PageView | |
setNrRows(Q_UINT8 rows) | PageView | |
setResizePolicy(ResizePolicy) | QScrollView | |
setStaticBackground(bool y) | QScrollView | |
setVBarGeometry(QScrollBar &vbar, int x, int y, int w, int h) | QScrollView | |
setVScrollBarMode(ScrollBarMode) | QScrollView | |
singlePageFullScreenMode() | PageView | |
slotEnableMoveTool(bool enable) | PageView | [slot] |
slotShowScrollbars(bool) | PageView | [slot] |
topMargin() const | QScrollView | |
updateContents(int x, int y, int w, int h) | QScrollView | |
updateContents(const QRect &r) | QScrollView | |
updateContents() | QScrollView | |
updateScrollBars() | QScrollView | |
verticalScrollBar() const | QScrollView | |
verticalSliderPressed() | QScrollView | |
verticalSliderReleased() | QScrollView | |
viewport() const | QScrollView | |
viewportPaintEvent(QPaintEvent *) | PageView | [protected] |
viewportResizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) | PageView | [protected] |
viewportSize(int x, int y) const | QScrollView | |
viewportToContents(int vx, int vy, int &x, int &y) const | QScrollView | |
viewportToContents(const QPoint &vp) const | QScrollView | |
viewSizeChanged(const QSize &size) | PageView | [signal] |
visibleHeight() const | QScrollView | |
visibleWidth() const | QScrollView | |
vScrollBarMode() const | QScrollView | |
wheelEventReceived(QWheelEvent *) | PageView | [signal] |
~PageView() | PageView | [inline] |