, including all inherited members.
activated(const QString &) | KCompletionBox | [signal] |
activateOnSelect | KCompletionBox | |
activateOnSelect() const | KCompletionBox | |
autoBottomScrollBar() const | QListBox | |
autoScrollBar() const | QListBox | |
bottomScrollBar() const | QListBox | |
calculateGeometry() const | KCompletionBox | [protected] |
cancelledText | KCompletionBox | |
cancelledText() const | KCompletionBox | [slot] |
centerCurrentItem() | QListBox | |
changeItem(const QListBoxItem *lbi, int index) | QListBox | |
changeItem(const QString &text, int index) | QListBox | |
changeItem(const QPixmap &pixmap, int index) | QListBox | |
changeItem(const QPixmap &pixmap, const QString &text, int index) | QListBox | |
clear() | QListBox | |
clearSelection() | QListBox | |
clicked(QListBoxItem *item) | QListBox | |
clicked(QListBoxItem *item, const QPoint &pnt) | QListBox | |
columnMode() const | QListBox | |
contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) | KListBox | [protected, virtual] |
contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) | KListBox | [protected, virtual] |
contextMenuRequested(QListBoxItem *item, const QPoint &pos) | QListBox | |
count() const | QListBox | |
currentChanged(QListBoxItem *item) | QListBox | |
currentItem() const | QListBox | |
currentText() const | QListBox | |
doLayout() const | QListBox | |
doubleClicked(QListBoxItem *item, const QPoint &pos) | KListBox | [signal] |
QListBox::doubleClicked(QListBoxItem *item) | QListBox | |
down() | KCompletionBox | [slot] |
emitExecute(QListBoxItem *item, const QPoint &pos) | KListBox | [protected] |
end() | KCompletionBox | [slot] |
ensureCurrentVisible() | QListBox | |
enum{Single, Multi, Extended, NoSelection} | QListBox | |
enum{FixedNumber, FitToWidth, FitToHeight=FitToWidth, Variable} | QListBox | |
eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *) | KCompletionBox | [protected, virtual] |
executed(QListBoxItem *item) | KListBox | [signal] |
executed(QListBoxItem *item, const QPoint &pos) | KListBox | [signal] |
findItem(const QString &text, ComparisonFlags compare=BeginsWith) const | QListBox | |
firstItem() const | QListBox | |
focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *fe) | KListBox | [protected, virtual] |
hide() | KCompletionBox | [virtual, slot] |
highlighted(int index) | QListBox | |
highlighted(const QString &) | QListBox | |
highlighted(QListBoxItem *) | QListBox | |
home() | KCompletionBox | [slot] |
index(const QListBoxItem *lbi) const | QListBox | |
insertItem(const QListBoxItem *lbi, int index=-1) | QListBox | |
insertItem(const QListBoxItem *lbi, const QListBoxItem *after) | QListBox | |
insertItem(const QString &text, int index=-1) | QListBox | |
insertItem(const QPixmap &pixmap, int index=-1) | QListBox | |
insertItem(const QPixmap &pixmap, const QString &text, int index=-1) | QListBox | |
insertItems(const QStringList &items, int index=-1) | KCompletionBox | [slot] |
insertStringList(const QStringList &list, int index=-1) | QListBox | |
insertStrList(const QStrList *list, int index=-1) | QListBox | |
insertStrList(const QStrList &list, int index=-1) | QListBox | |
insertStrList(const char **strings, int numStrings=-1, int index=-1) | QListBox | |
invertSelection() | QListBox | |
isRubberSelecting() const | QListBox | |
isSelected(int i) const | QListBox | |
isSelected(const QListBoxItem *i) const | QListBox | |
isTabHandling | KCompletionBox | |
isTabHandling() const | KCompletionBox | [slot] |
item(int index) const | QListBox | |
itemAt(const QPoint &p) const | QListBox | |
itemHeight(int index=0) const | QListBox | |
itemRect(QListBoxItem *item) const | QListBox | |
items() const | KCompletionBox | [slot] |
itemVisible(int index) | QListBox | |
itemVisible(const QListBoxItem *item) | QListBox | |
KCompletionBox(QWidget *parent, const char *name=0) | KCompletionBox | |
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) | KListBox | [protected, virtual] |
KListBox(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, WFlags f=0) | KListBox | |
leaveEvent(QEvent *e) | KListBox | [protected, virtual] |
m_autoSelectDelay | KListBox | [protected] |
m_bChangeCursorOverItem | KListBox | [protected] |
m_bUseSingle | KListBox | [protected] |
m_pAutoSelect | KListBox | [protected] |
m_pCurrentItem | KListBox | [protected] |
maxItemWidth() const | QListBox | |
mouseButtonClicked(int button, QListBoxItem *item, const QPoint &pos) | QListBox | |
mouseButtonPressed(int button, QListBoxItem *item, const QPoint &pos) | QListBox | |
numColumns() const | QListBox | |
numItemsVisible() const | QListBox | |
numRows() const | QListBox | |
onItem(QListBoxItem *i) | QListBox | |
onViewport() | QListBox | |
pageDown() | KCompletionBox | [slot] |
pageUp() | KCompletionBox | [slot] |
paintCell(QPainter *p, int row, int col) | QListBox | |
pixmap(int index) const | QListBox | |
popup() | KCompletionBox | [virtual, slot] |
pressed(QListBoxItem *item) | QListBox | |
pressed(QListBoxItem *item, const QPoint &pnt) | QListBox | |
prop-the column layout mode for this list box | QListBox | |
prop-the number of items in the list box | QListBox | |
prop-the current highlighted item | QListBox | |
prop-the text of the current item | QListBox | |
prop-the number of columns in the list box | QListBox | |
prop-the number of visible items | QListBox | |
prop-the number of rows in the list box | QListBox | |
prop-the row layout mode for this list box | QListBox | |
prop-the selection mode of the list box | QListBox | |
prop-the index of an item at the top of the screen | QListBox | |
prop-whether this list box has variable-height rows | QListBox | |
prop-whether this list box has variable-width columns | QListBox | |
QListBox(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, WFlags f=0) | QListBox | |
QListBox() | QListBox | |
removeItem(int index) | QListBox | |
returnPressed(QListBoxItem *) | QListBox | |
rightButtonClicked(QListBoxItem *, const QPoint &) | QListBox | |
rightButtonPressed(QListBoxItem *, const QPoint &) | QListBox | |
rowMode() const | QListBox | |
scrollBar() const | QListBox | |
selectAll(bool select) | QListBox | |
selected(int index) | QListBox | |
selected(const QString &) | QListBox | |
selected(QListBoxItem *) | QListBox | |
selectedItem() const | QListBox | |
selectionChanged() | QListBox | |
selectionChanged(QListBoxItem *item) | QListBox | |
selectionMode() const | QListBox | |
setActivateOnSelect(bool state) | KCompletionBox | [slot] |
setAutoBottomScrollBar(bool enable) | QListBox | |
setAutoScrollBar(bool enable) | QListBox | |
setBottomItem(int index) | QListBox | |
setBottomScrollBar(bool enable) | QListBox | |
setCancelledText(const QString &txt) | KCompletionBox | [slot] |
setColumnMode(LayoutMode) | QListBox | |
setColumnMode(int) | QListBox | |
setCurrentItem(int index) | QListBox | |
setCurrentItem(QListBoxItem *i) | QListBox | |
setItems(const QStringList &items) | KCompletionBox | [slot] |
setRowMode(LayoutMode) | QListBox | |
setRowMode(int) | QListBox | |
setScrollBar(bool enable) | QListBox | |
setSelected(QListBoxItem *item, bool select) | QListBox | |
setSelected(int index, bool select) | QListBox | |
setSelectionMode(SelectionMode) | QListBox | |
setTabHandling(bool enable) | KCompletionBox | [slot] |
setTopItem(int index) | QListBox | |
setVariableHeight(bool) | QListBox | |
setVariableWidth(bool) | QListBox | |
show() | KCompletionBox | [virtual, slot] |
sizeAndPosition() | KCompletionBox | [protected] |
sizeHint() const | KCompletionBox | [virtual] |
slotActivated(QListBoxItem *) | KCompletionBox | [protected, virtual, slot] |
slotAutoSelect() | KListBox | [protected, slot] |
slotOnItem(QListBoxItem *item) | KListBox | [protected, slot] |
slotOnViewport() | KListBox | [protected, slot] |
slotSettingsChanged(int) | KListBox | [protected, slot] |
sort(bool ascending=TRUE) | QListBox | |
takeItem(const QListBoxItem *item) | QListBox | |
text(int index) const | QListBox | |
toggleCurrentItem() | QListBox | |
topItem() const | QListBox | |
triggerUpdate(bool doLayout) | QListBox | |
up() | KCompletionBox | [slot] |
updateItem(int index) | QListBox | |
updateItem(QListBoxItem *i) | QListBox | |
userCancelled(const QString &) | KCompletionBox | [signal] |
variableHeight() const | QListBox | |
variableWidth() const | QListBox | |
virtual_hook(int id, void *data) | KCompletionBox | [protected, virtual] |
~KCompletionBox() | KCompletionBox | |