, including all inherited members.
acceptLocalizedNumbers | KDoubleSpinBox | |
acceptLocalizedNumbers() const | KDoubleSpinBox | |
buttonSymbols() const | QSpinBox | |
cleanText() const | QSpinBox | |
currentValueText() | QSpinBox | |
downRect() const | QSpinBox | |
editor() const | QSpinBox | |
enum{UpDownArrows, PlusMinus} | QSpinBox | |
eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *ev) | QSpinBox | |
interpretText() | QSpinBox | |
KDoubleSpinBox(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0) | KDoubleSpinBox | |
KDoubleSpinBox(double lower, double upper, double step, double value, int precision=2, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0) | KDoubleSpinBox | |
lineStep() const | KDoubleSpinBox | |
mapTextToValue(bool *) | KDoubleSpinBox | [protected, virtual] |
mapValueToText(int) | KDoubleSpinBox | [protected, virtual] |
maxValue() const | KDoubleSpinBox | |
minValue() const | KDoubleSpinBox | |
precision | KDoubleSpinBox | |
precision() const | KDoubleSpinBox | |
prefix() const | QSpinBox | |
prop-the current button symbol mode | QSpinBox | |
prop-the spin box's text with no prefix(), suffix() or leading or trailing whitespace | QSpinBox | |
prop-the line step | QSpinBox | |
prop-the maximum value of the spin box | QSpinBox | |
prop-the minimum value of the spin box | QSpinBox | |
prop-the spin box's prefix | QSpinBox | |
prop-the special-value text | QSpinBox | |
prop-the suffix of the spin box | QSpinBox | |
prop-the spin box's text, including any prefix() and suffix() | QSpinBox | |
prop-the value of the spin box | QSpinBox | |
prop-whether it is possible to step the value from the highest value to the lowest value and vice versa | QSpinBox | |
QSpinBox(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0) | QSpinBox | |
QSpinBox(int minValue, int maxValue, int step=1, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0) | QSpinBox | |
QSpinBox() | QSpinBox | |
rangeChange() | QSpinBox | |
selectAll() | QSpinBox | |
setAcceptLocalizedNumbers(bool accept) | KDoubleSpinBox | [virtual] |
setButtonSymbols(ButtonSymbols) | QSpinBox | |
setLineStep(double step) | KDoubleSpinBox | |
QSpinBox::setLineStep(int) | QSpinBox | |
setMaxValue(double value) | KDoubleSpinBox | |
QSpinBox::setMaxValue(int) | QSpinBox | |
setMinValue(double value) | KDoubleSpinBox | |
QSpinBox::setMinValue(int) | QSpinBox | |
setPrecision(int precision) | KDoubleSpinBox | |
setPrecision(int precision, bool force) | KDoubleSpinBox | [virtual] |
setPrefix(const QString &text) | QSpinBox | |
setRange(double lower, double upper, double step=0.01, int precision=2) | KDoubleSpinBox | |
setSpecialValueText(const QString &text) | QSpinBox | |
setSuffix(const QString &text) | QSpinBox | |
setValidator(const QValidator *) | KDoubleSpinBox | |
setValue(double value) | KDoubleSpinBox | [virtual, slot] |
QSpinBox::setValue(int value) | QSpinBox | |
setWrapping(bool on) | QSpinBox | |
slotValueChanged(int value) | KDoubleSpinBox | [protected, slot] |
specialValueText() const | QSpinBox | |
stepDown() | QSpinBox | |
stepUp() | QSpinBox | |
suffix() const | QSpinBox | |
text() const | QSpinBox | |
textChanged() | QSpinBox | |
updateDisplay() | QSpinBox | |
upRect() const | QSpinBox | |
validator() const | QSpinBox | |
value() const | KDoubleSpinBox | |
valueChange() | QSpinBox | |
valueChanged(double value) | KDoubleSpinBox | [signal] |
QSpinBox::valueChanged(int value) | QSpinBox | |
QSpinBox::valueChanged(const QString &valueText) | QSpinBox | |
virtual_hook(int id, void *data) | KDoubleSpinBox | [protected, virtual] |
wrapping() const | QSpinBox | |
~KDoubleSpinBox() | KDoubleSpinBox | [virtual] |