, including all inherited members.
aboutToShowContextMenu(QPopupMenu *p) | KLineEdit | [signal] |
alignment() const | QLineEdit | |
autoSuggest() const | KLineEdit | [protected] |
backspace() | QLineEdit | |
clear() | KLineEdit | [virtual, slot] |
clearModified() | QLineEdit | |
clearValidator() | QLineEdit | |
clickMessage | KLineEdit | |
clickMessage() const | KLineEdit | |
completion(const QString &) | KLineEdit | [signal] |
completionBox(bool create=true) | KLineEdit | |
completionBoxActivated(const QString &) | KLineEdit | [signal] |
completionModeChanged(KGlobalSettings::Completion) | KLineEdit | [signal] |
contextMenuEnabled | KLineEdit | |
contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *) | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual] |
copy() const | KLineEdit | [virtual] |
create(WId=0, bool initializeWindow=true, bool destroyOldWindow=true) | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual] |
createPopupMenu() | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual] |
cursorAtEnd() | KLineEdit | [inline] |
cursorBackward(bool mark, int steps=1) | QLineEdit | |
cursorForward(bool mark, int steps=1) | QLineEdit | |
cursorPosition() const | QLineEdit | |
cursorWordBackward(bool mark) | QLineEdit | |
cursorWordForward(bool mark) | QLineEdit | |
cut() | QLineEdit | |
del() | QLineEdit | |
deselect() | QLineEdit | |
displayText() const | QLineEdit | |
dragEnabled() const | QLineEdit | |
drawContents(QPainter *p) | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual] |
dropEvent(QDropEvent *) | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual] |
echoMode() const | QLineEdit | |
enableSqueezedText | KLineEdit | |
end(bool mark) | QLineEdit | |
enum{Normal, NoEcho, Password} | QLineEdit | |
eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *) | KLineEdit | [virtual] |
focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *) | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual] |
focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *) | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual] |
frame() const | QLineEdit | |
hasAcceptableInput() const | QLineEdit | |
hasSelectedText() const | QLineEdit | |
home(bool mark) | QLineEdit | |
inputMask() const | QLineEdit | |
insert(const QString &newText) | QLineEdit | |
isContextMenuEnabled() const | KLineEdit | [inline] |
isModified() const | QLineEdit | |
isReadOnly() const | QLineEdit | |
isRedoAvailable() const | QLineEdit | |
isSqueezedTextEnabled() const | KLineEdit | |
isUndoAvailable() const | QLineEdit | |
isURLDropsEnabled() const | KLineEdit | |
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *) | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual] |
KLineEdit(const QString &string, QWidget *parent, const char *name=0) | KLineEdit | |
KLineEdit(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0) | KLineEdit | |
lostFocus() | QLineEdit | |
makeCompletion(const QString &) | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual, slot] |
maxLength() const | QLineEdit | |
minimumSizeHint() const | QLineEdit | |
mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *) | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual] |
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *) | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual] |
mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual] |
originalText() const | KLineEdit | |
paste() | QLineEdit | |
prop-holds whether the input satisfies the inputMask and the validator | QLineEdit | |
prop-the alignment of the line edit | QLineEdit | |
prop-the current cursor position for this line edit | QLineEdit | |
prop-the displayed text | QLineEdit | |
prop-whether the lineedit starts a drag if the user presses and moves the mouse on some selected text | QLineEdit | |
prop-the line edit's echo mode | QLineEdit | |
prop-whether the line edit draws itself with a frame | QLineEdit | |
prop-whether there is any text selected | QLineEdit | |
prop-the validation input mask | QLineEdit | |
prop-the maximum permitted length of the text | QLineEdit | |
prop-whether the line edit's content has been modified by the user | QLineEdit | |
prop-whether the line edit is read only | QLineEdit | |
prop-whether redo is available | QLineEdit | |
prop-the selected text | QLineEdit | |
prop-the line edit's text | QLineEdit | |
prop-whether undo is available | QLineEdit | |
QLineEdit(QWidget *parent, const char *name=0) | QLineEdit | |
QLineEdit(const QString &contents, QWidget *parent, const char *name=0) | QLineEdit | |
QLineEdit(const QString &contents, const QString &inputMask, QWidget *parent, const char *name=0) | QLineEdit | |
QLineEdit() | QLineEdit | |
redo() | QLineEdit | |
resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual] |
returnPressed(const QString &) | KLineEdit | [signal] |
QLineEdit::returnPressed() | QLineEdit | |
rotateText(KCompletionBase::KeyBindingType type) | KLineEdit | [slot] |
selectAll() | QLineEdit | |
selectedText() const | QLineEdit | |
selectionChanged() | QLineEdit | |
selectionStart() const | QLineEdit | |
setAlignment(int flag) | QLineEdit | |
setClickMessage(const QString &msg) | KLineEdit | |
setCompletedItems(const QStringList &items) | KLineEdit | [slot] |
setCompletedItems(const QStringList &items, bool autoSuggest) | KLineEdit | [slot] |
setCompletedText(const QString &) | KLineEdit | [virtual, slot] |
setCompletedText(const QString &, bool) | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual] |
setCompletionBox(KCompletionBox *box) | KLineEdit | |
setCompletionMode(KGlobalSettings::Completion mode) | KLineEdit | [virtual] |
setCompletionObject(KCompletion *, bool hsig=true) | KLineEdit | [virtual] |
setContextMenuEnabled(bool showMenu) | KLineEdit | [inline, virtual] |
setCursorPosition(int) | QLineEdit | |
setDragEnabled(bool b) | QLineEdit | |
setEchoMode(EchoMode) | QLineEdit | |
setEnableSqueezedText(bool enable) | KLineEdit | |
setFrame(bool) | QLineEdit | |
setInputMask(const QString &inputMask) | QLineEdit | |
setMaxLength(int) | QLineEdit | |
setReadOnly(bool) | KLineEdit | [virtual, slot] |
setSelection(int start, int length) | QLineEdit | |
setSqueezedText(const QString &text) | KLineEdit | [slot] |
setText(const QString &) | KLineEdit | [virtual, slot] |
setTrapReturnKey(bool trap) | KLineEdit | |
setURL(const KURL &url) | KLineEdit | |
setURLDropsEnabled(bool enable) | KLineEdit | |
setUserSelection(bool userSelection) | KLineEdit | [protected] |
setValidator(const QValidator *v) | QLineEdit | |
sizeHint() const | QLineEdit | |
slotAboutToShow() | KLineEdit | [inline, protected, slot] |
slotCancelled() | KLineEdit | [inline, protected, slot] |
substringCompletion(const QString &) | KLineEdit | [signal] |
text() const | QLineEdit | |
textChanged(const QString &) | QLineEdit | |
textRotation(KCompletionBase::KeyBindingType) | KLineEdit | [signal] |
trapEnterKeyEvent | KLineEdit | |
trapReturnKey() const | KLineEdit | |
undo() | QLineEdit | |
urlDropsEnabled | KLineEdit | |
userCancelled(const QString &cancelText) | KLineEdit | [protected, slot] |
validator() const | QLineEdit | |
virtual_hook(int id, void *data) | KLineEdit | [protected, virtual] |
~KLineEdit() | KLineEdit | [virtual] |