KSeparator Member List
This is the complete list of members for
KSeparator, including all inherited members.
contentsRect() const | QFrame | |
drawContents(QPainter *) | QFrame | |
drawFrame(QPainter *p) | KSeparator | [protected, virtual] |
enum{NoFrame=0, Box=0x0001, Panel=0x0002, WinPanel=0x0003, HLine=0x0004, VLine=0x0005, StyledPanel=0x0006, PopupPanel=0x0007, MenuBarPanel=0x0008, ToolBarPanel=0x0009, LineEditPanel=0x000a, TabWidgetPanel=0x000b, GroupBoxPanel=0x000c, MShape=0x000f} | QFrame | |
enum{Plain=0x0010, Raised=0x0020, Sunken=0x0030, MShadow=0x00f0} | QFrame | |
frameChanged() | QFrame | |
frameRect() const | QFrame | |
frameShadow() const | QFrame | |
frameShape() const | QFrame | |
frameStyle() const | QFrame | |
frameWidth() const | QFrame | |
KSeparator(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, WFlags f=0) | KSeparator | |
KSeparator(int orientation, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, WFlags f=0) | KSeparator | |
lineWidth() const | QFrame | |
margin() const | QFrame | |
midLineWidth() const | QFrame | |
orientation | KSeparator | |
orientation() const | KSeparator | |
paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) | QFrame | |
prop-the rectangle inside the frame | QFrame | |
prop-the frame rectangle | QFrame | |
prop-the frame shadow value from the frame style | QFrame | |
prop-the frame shape value from the frame style | QFrame | |
prop-the width of the frame that is drawn | QFrame | |
prop-the line width | QFrame | |
prop-the width of the margin | QFrame | |
prop-the width of the mid-line | QFrame | |
QFrame(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, WFlags f=0) | QFrame | |
resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) | QFrame | |
setFrameRect(const QRect &) | QFrame | |
setFrameShadow(Shadow) | QFrame | |
setFrameShape(Shape) | QFrame | |
setFrameStyle(int style) | QFrame | |
setLineWidth(int) | QFrame | |
setMargin(int) | QFrame | |
setMidLineWidth(int) | QFrame | |
setOrientation(int orient) | KSeparator | |
sizeHint() const | KSeparator | [virtual] |
virtual_hook(int id, void *data) | KSeparator | [protected, virtual] |