acceptDrops() const | QWidget | |
adjustSize() | QWidget | |
autoMask() const | QWidget | |
backgroundBrush() const | QWidget | |
backgroundMode() const | QWidget | |
backgroundOrigin() const | QWidget | |
baseSize() const | QWidget | |
caption() const | QWidget | |
childAt(int x, int y, bool includeThis=FALSE) const | QWidget | |
childAt(const QPoint &p, bool includeThis=FALSE) const | QWidget | |
childrenRect() const | QWidget | |
childrenRegion() const | QWidget | |
clearFocus() | QWidget | |
clearMask() | QWidget | |
clearWFlags(WFlags f) | QWidget | |
clipRegion() const | QWidget | |
close(bool alsoDelete) | QWidget | |
close() | QWidget | |
closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) | QWidget | |
colorGroup() const | QWidget | |
constPolish() const | QWidget | |
contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) | QWidget | |
create(WId window=0, bool initializeWindow=TRUE, bool destroyOldWindow=TRUE) | QWidget | |
cursor() const | QWidget | |
customWhatsThis() const | QWidget | |
destroy(bool destroyWindow=TRUE, bool destroySubWindows=TRUE) | QWidget | |
download() | MyWidget | [slot] |
dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *) | QWidget | |
dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *) | QWidget | |
dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *) | QWidget | |
drawText(int x, int y, const QString &str) | QWidget | |
drawText(const QPoint &pos, const QString &str) | QWidget | |
dropEvent(QDropEvent *) | QWidget | |
enabledChange(bool oldEnabled) | QWidget | |
enterEvent(QEvent *) | QWidget | |
enum{NoFocus=0, TabFocus=0x1, ClickFocus=0x2, StrongFocus=TabFocus|ClickFocus|0x8, WheelFocus=StrongFocus|0x4} | QWidget | |
enum{WidgetOrigin, ParentOrigin, WindowOrigin, AncestorOrigin} | QWidget | |
erase() | QWidget | |
erase(int x, int y, int w, int h) | QWidget | |
erase(const QRect &r) | QWidget | |
erase(const QRegion ®) | QWidget | |
eraseColor() const | QWidget | |
erasePixmap() const | QWidget | |
event(QEvent *e) | QWidget | |
find(WId id) | QWidget | |
focusData() | QWidget | |
focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *) | QWidget | |
focusNextPrevChild(bool next) | QWidget | |
focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *) | QWidget | |
focusPolicy() const | QWidget | |
focusProxy() const | QWidget | |
focusWidget() const | QWidget | |
font() const | QWidget | |
fontChange(const QFont &oldFont) | QWidget | |
fontInfo() const | QWidget | |
fontMetrics() const | QWidget | |
foregroundColor() const | QWidget | |
frameGeometry() const | QWidget | |
frameSize() const | QWidget | |
geometry() const | QWidget | |
getWFlags() const | QWidget | |
grabKeyboard() | QWidget | |
grabMouse() | QWidget | |
grabMouse(const QCursor &cursor) | QWidget | |
hasFocus() const | QWidget | |
hasMouse() const | QWidget | |
hasMouseTracking() const | QWidget | |
height() const | QWidget | |
heightForWidth(int w) const | QWidget | |
hide() | QWidget | |
hideEvent(QHideEvent *) | QWidget | |
icon() const | QWidget | |
iconText() const | QWidget | |
imComposeEvent(QIMEvent *e) | QWidget | |
imEndEvent(QIMEvent *e) | QWidget | |
imStartEvent(QIMEvent *e) | QWidget | |
isActiveWindow() const | QWidget | |
isDesktop() const | QWidget | |
isDialog() const | QWidget | |
isEnabled() const | QWidget | |
isEnabledTo(QWidget *ancestor) const | QWidget | |
isFocusEnabled() const | QWidget | |
isFullScreen() const | QWidget | |
isHidden() const | QWidget | |
isInputMethodEnabled() const | QWidget | |
isMaximized() const | QWidget | |
isMinimized() const | QWidget | |
isModal() const | QWidget | |
isPopup() const | QWidget | |
isShown() const | QWidget | |
isTopLevel() const | QWidget | |
isUpdatesEnabled() const | QWidget | |
isVisible() const | QWidget | |
isVisibleTo(QWidget *ancestor) const | QWidget | |
keyboardGrabber() | QWidget | |
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) | QWidget | |
keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e) | QWidget | |
layout() const | QWidget | |
leaveEvent(QEvent *) | QWidget | |
lower() | QWidget | |
macEvent(MSG *) | QWidget | |
mapFrom(QWidget *parent, const QPoint &pos) const | QWidget | |
mapFromGlobal(const QPoint &pos) const | QWidget | |
mapFromParent(const QPoint &pos) const | QWidget | |
mapTo(QWidget *parent, const QPoint &pos) const | QWidget | |
mapToGlobal(const QPoint &pos) const | QWidget | |
mapToParent(const QPoint &pos) const | QWidget | |
maximumHeight() const | QWidget | |
maximumSize() const | QWidget | |
maximumWidth() const | QWidget | |
metric(int m) const | QWidget | |
microFocusHint() const | QWidget | |
minimumHeight() const | QWidget | |
minimumSize() const | QWidget | |
minimumSizeHint() const | QWidget | |
minimumWidth() const | QWidget | |
mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) | QWidget | |
mouseGrabber() | QWidget | |
mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) | QWidget | |
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) | QWidget | |
mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) | QWidget | |
move(int x, int y) | QWidget | |
move(const QPoint &) | QWidget | |
moveEvent(QMoveEvent *) | QWidget | |
MyWidget() | MyWidget | |
ownCursor() const | QWidget | |
ownFont() const | QWidget | |
ownPalette() const | QWidget | |
paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) | QWidget | |
palette() const | QWidget | |
paletteBackgroundColor() const | QWidget | |
paletteBackgroundPixmap() const | QWidget | |
paletteChange(const QPalette &oldPalette) | QWidget | |
paletteForegroundColor() const | QWidget | |
parentWidget(bool sameWindow=FALSE) const | QWidget | |
polish() | QWidget | |
pos() const | QWidget | |
prop-whether drop events are enabled for this widget | QWidget | |
prop-whether the auto mask feature is enabled for the widget | QWidget | |
prop-the widget's background brush | QWidget | |
prop-the color role used for painting the background of the widget | QWidget | |
prop-the origin of the widget's background | QWidget | |
prop-the base size of the widget | QWidget | |
prop-the window caption(title) | QWidget | |
prop-the bounding rectangle of the widget's children | QWidget | |
prop-the combined region occupied by the widget's children | QWidget | |
prop-the current color group of the widget palette | QWidget | |
prop-the cursor shape for this widget | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget wants to handle What's This help manually | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget is enabled | QWidget | |
prop-whether this widget(or its focus proxy) has the keyboard input focus | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget accepts keyboard focus | QWidget | |
prop-the way the widget accepts keyboard focus | QWidget | |
prop-the font currently set for the widget | QWidget | |
prop-geometry of the widget relative to its parent including any window frame | QWidget | |
prop-the size of the widget including any window frame | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget is full screen | QWidget | |
prop-the geometry of the widget relative to its parent and excluding the window frame | QWidget | |
prop-the height of the widget excluding any window frame | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget is explicitly hidden | QWidget | |
prop-the widget's icon | QWidget | |
prop-the widget's icon text | QWidget | |
prop-enables or disables the use of input methods for this widget | QWidget | |
prop-whether this widget is the active window | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget is a desktop widget, i.e.represents the desktop | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget is a dialog widget | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget is a modal widget | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget is a popup widget | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget is a top-level widget | QWidget | |
prop-whether this widget is maximized | QWidget | |
prop-the widget's maximum height | QWidget | |
prop-the widget's maximum size | QWidget | |
prop-the widget's maximum width | QWidget | |
prop-the currently set micro focus hint for this widget | QWidget | |
prop-whether this widget is minimized(iconified) | QWidget | |
prop-the widget's minimum height | QWidget | |
prop-the widget's minimum size | QWidget | |
prop-the recommended minimum size for the widget | QWidget | |
prop-the widget's minimum width | QWidget | |
prop-whether mouse tracking is enabled for the widget | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget uses its own cursor | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget uses its own font | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget uses its own palette | QWidget | |
prop-the widget's palette | QWidget | |
prop-the background color of the widget | QWidget | |
prop-the background pixmap of the widget | QWidget | |
prop-the foreground color of the widget | QWidget | |
prop-the position of the widget within its parent widget | QWidget | |
prop-the internal geometry of the widget excluding any window frame | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget is shown | QWidget | |
prop-the size of the widget excluding any window frame | QWidget | |
prop-the recommended size for the widget | QWidget | |
prop-the size increment of the widget | QWidget | |
prop-the default layout behavior of the widget | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget is under the mouse cursor | QWidget | |
prop-whether updates are enabled | QWidget | |
prop-whether the widget is visible | QWidget | |
prop-the width of the widget excluding any window frame | QWidget | |
prop-the x coordinate of the widget relative to its parent including any window frame | QWidget | |
prop-the y coordinate of the widget relative to its parent and including any window frame | QWidget | |
QWidget(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, WFlags f=0) | QWidget | |
QWidget() | QWidget | |
qwsEvent(QWSEvent *) | QWidget | |
raise() | QWidget | |
rect() const | QWidget | |
releaseKeyboard() | QWidget | |
releaseMouse() | QWidget | |
repaint() | QWidget | |
repaint(bool erase) | QWidget | |
repaint(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool erase=TRUE) | QWidget | |
repaint(const QRect &r, bool erase=TRUE) | QWidget | |
repaint(const QRegion ®, bool erase=TRUE) | QWidget | |
reparent(QWidget *parent, WFlags f, const QPoint &p, bool showIt=FALSE) | QWidget | |
reparent(QWidget *parent, const QPoint &p, bool showIt=FALSE) | QWidget | |
resetInputContext() | QWidget | |
resize(int w, int h) | QWidget | |
resize(const QSize &) | QWidget | |
resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) | QWidget | |
scroll(int dx, int dy) | QWidget | |
scroll(int dx, int dy, const QRect &r) | QWidget | |
setAcceptDrops(bool on) | QWidget | |
setActiveWindow() | QWidget | |
setAutoMask(bool) | QWidget | |
setBackgroundMode(BackgroundMode) | QWidget | |
setBackgroundMode(BackgroundMode m, BackgroundMode visual) | QWidget | |
setBackgroundOrigin(BackgroundOrigin) | QWidget | |
setBaseSize(const QSize &) | QWidget | |
setBaseSize(int basew, int baseh) | QWidget | |
setCaption(const QString &) | QWidget | |
setCursor(const QCursor &) | QWidget | |
setDisabled(bool disable) | QWidget | |
setEnabled(bool) | QWidget | |
setEraseColor(const QColor &color) | QWidget | |
setErasePixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap) | QWidget | |
setFixedHeight(int h) | QWidget | |
setFixedSize(const QSize &s) | QWidget | |
setFixedSize(int w, int h) | QWidget | |
setFixedWidth(int w) | QWidget | |
setFocus() | QWidget | |
setFocusPolicy(FocusPolicy) | QWidget | |
setFocusProxy(QWidget *w) | QWidget | |
setFont(const QFont &) | QWidget | |
setGeometry(int x, int y, int w, int h) | QWidget | |
setGeometry(const QRect &) | QWidget | |
setHidden(bool hide) | QWidget | |
setIcon(const QPixmap &) | QWidget | |
setIconText(const QString &) | QWidget | |
setInputMethodEnabled(bool b) | QWidget | |
setKeyCompression(bool compress) | QWidget | |
setMask(const QBitmap &bitmap) | QWidget | |
setMask(const QRegion ®ion) | QWidget | |
setMaximumHeight(int maxh) | QWidget | |
setMaximumSize(const QSize &) | QWidget | |
setMaximumSize(int maxw, int maxh) | QWidget | |
setMaximumWidth(int maxw) | QWidget | |
setMicroFocusHint(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool text=TRUE, QFont *f=0) | QWidget | |
setMinimumHeight(int minh) | QWidget | |
setMinimumSize(const QSize &) | QWidget | |
setMinimumSize(int minw, int minh) | QWidget | |
setMinimumWidth(int minw) | QWidget | |
setMouseTracking(bool enable) | QWidget | |
setPalette(const QPalette &) | QWidget | |
setPaletteBackgroundColor(const QColor &) | QWidget | |
setPaletteBackgroundPixmap(const QPixmap &) | QWidget | |
setPaletteForegroundColor(const QColor &) | QWidget | |
setShown(bool show) | QWidget | |
setSizeIncrement(const QSize &) | QWidget | |
setSizeIncrement(int w, int h) | QWidget | |
setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy) | QWidget | |
setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::SizeType hor, QSizePolicy::SizeType ver, bool hfw=FALSE) | QWidget | |
setStyle(QStyle *style) | QWidget | |
setStyle(const QString &style) | QWidget | |
setTabOrder(QWidget *first, QWidget *second) | QWidget | |
setUpdatesEnabled(bool enable) | QWidget | |
setWFlags(WFlags f) | QWidget | |
show() | QWidget | |
showEvent(QShowEvent *) | QWidget | |
showFullScreen() | QWidget | |
showMaximized() | QWidget | |
showMinimized() | QWidget | |
showNormal() | QWidget | |
size() const | QWidget | |
sizeHint() const | QWidget | |
sizeIncrement() const | QWidget | |
sizePolicy() const | QWidget | |
stackUnder(QWidget *w) | QWidget | |
style() const | QWidget | |
styleChange(QStyle &oldStyle) | QWidget | |
tabletEvent(QTabletEvent *e) | QWidget | |
testWFlags(WFlags f) const | QWidget | |
topLevelWidget() const | QWidget | |
unsetCursor() | QWidget | |
unsetFont() | QWidget | |
unsetPalette() | QWidget | |
update() | QWidget | |
update(int x, int y, int w, int h) | QWidget | |
update(const QRect &r) | QWidget | |
updateGeometry() | QWidget | |
updateMask() | QWidget | |
upload() | MyWidget | [slot] |
wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) | QWidget | |
width() const | QWidget | |
windowActivationChange(bool oldActive) | QWidget | |
winEvent(MSG *) | QWidget | |
winId() const | QWidget | |
x() const | QWidget | |
x11Event(XEvent *) | QWidget | |
y() const | QWidget | |
~MyWidget() | MyWidget | |