
LoggerDCOP Class Reference

#include <loggerDCOP.h>

Inheritance diagram for LoggerDCOP:

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 36 of file loggerDCOP.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual ASYNC LoggerDCOP::logEndSync (  )  [pure virtual]

Implemented in LogFile, and LogWidget.

virtual ASYNC LoggerDCOP::logError ( QString   )  [pure virtual]

Implemented in LogFile, and LogWidget.

virtual ASYNC LoggerDCOP::logMessage ( QString   )  [pure virtual]

Implemented in LogFile, and LogWidget.

virtual ASYNC LoggerDCOP::logProgress ( QString  ,
int  n 
) [pure virtual]

Implemented in LogFile, and LogWidget.

virtual ASYNC LoggerDCOP::logStartSync (  )  [pure virtual]

Implemented in LogFile, and LogWidget.

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