This is the complete list of members for BoardLayout, including all inherited members.
allFilled(POSITION &p) | BoardLayout | |
anyFilled(POSITION &p) | BoardLayout | |
blockedLeftOrRight(short z, short y, short x) | BoardLayout | |
BoardLayout() | BoardLayout | |
BoardLayout(const BoardLayout &boardLayout) | BoardLayout | |
clearBoardLayout() | BoardLayout | |
copyBoardLayout(UCHAR *to, unsigned short &numTiles) | BoardLayout | |
deleteTile(POSITION &p) | BoardLayout | |
getBoard() const | BoardLayout | |
getBoardData(short z, short y, short x) | BoardLayout | |
getFilename() const | BoardLayout | |
getLoadedBoard() const | BoardLayout | |
getMaxTileNum() const | BoardLayout | |
initialiseBoard() | BoardLayout | protected |
insertTile(POSITION &p) | BoardLayout | |
isTileAt(POSITION &p) | BoardLayout | inline |
loadBoardLayout(const QString &from) | BoardLayout | |
loadBoardLayout_10(const QString &from) | BoardLayout | |
m_depth | BoardLayout | |
m_height | BoardLayout | |
m_maxTiles | BoardLayout | |
m_width | BoardLayout | |
saveBoardLayout(const QString &where) | BoardLayout | |
setBoardData(short z, short y, short x, UCHAR value) | BoardLayout | |
shiftDown() | BoardLayout | |
shiftLeft() | BoardLayout | |
shiftRight() | BoardLayout | |
shiftUp() | BoardLayout | |
tileAbove(short z, short y, short x) | BoardLayout | |
tileAbove(POSITION &p) | BoardLayout | inline |
~BoardLayout() | BoardLayout | |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2020 The KDE developers.
Generated on Mon Jun 22 2020 13:18:33 by
doxygen 1.8.7 written
Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.