Kross::Action Member List
This is the complete list of members for Kross::Action, including all inherited members.
accel() const | QAction | |
Action(QObject *parent, const QString &name, const QDir &packagepath=QDir()) | Kross::Action | |
Action(QObject *parent, const QUrl &url) | Kross::Action | |
actionGroup() const | QAction | |
activate(ActionEvent event) | QAction | |
activated(int i) | QAction | |
addObject(QObject *object, const QString &name=QString(), Options options=NoOption) | Kross::ChildrenInterface | inline |
addQObject(QObject *obj, const QString &name=QString()) | Kross::Action | slot |
addTo(QWidget *w) | QAction | |
argument(int index) const | QScriptable | |
argumentCount() const | QScriptable | |
associatedGraphicsWidgets() const | QAction | |
associatedWidgets() const | QAction | |
AutoConnectSignals enum value | Kross::ChildrenInterface | |
autoRepeat | QAction | |
autoRepeat() const | QAction | |
blockSignals(bool block) | QObject | |
callFunction(const QString &name, const QVariantList &args=QVariantList()) | Kross::Action | slot |
changed() | QAction | |
checkable | QAction | |
checkConnectArgs(const char *signal, const QObject *object, const char *method) | QObject | protected |
checked | QAction | |
child(const char *objName, const char *inheritsClass, bool recursiveSearch) const | QObject | |
childEvent(QChildEvent *event) | QObject | protectedvirtual |
children() const | QObject | |
className() const | QObject | |
clearError() | Kross::ErrorInterface | inline |
code() const | Kross::Action | slot |
connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) | QObject | static |
connect(const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method, Qt::ConnectionType type) | QObject | static |
connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) const | QObject | |
connectNotify(const char *signal) | QObject | protectedvirtual |
context() const | QScriptable | |
currentPath() const | Kross::Action | slot |
customEvent(QEvent *event) | QObject | protectedvirtual |
data() const | QAction | |
dataChanged(Action *) | Kross::Action | signal |
deleteLater() | QObject | |
description() const | Kross::Action | slot |
destroyed(QObject *obj) | QObject | |
disconnect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) | QObject | static |
disconnect(const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method) | QObject | static |
disconnect(const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) | QObject | |
disconnect(const QObject *receiver, const char *method) | QObject | |
disconnectNotify(const char *signal) | QObject | protectedvirtual |
dumpObjectInfo() | QObject | |
dumpObjectTree() | QObject | |
dynamicPropertyNames() const | QObject | |
enabled | QAction | |
engine() const | QScriptable | |
ErrorInterface() | Kross::ErrorInterface | inline |
errorLineNo() const | Kross::ErrorInterface | inline |
errorMessage() const | Kross::ErrorInterface | inline |
errorTrace() const | Kross::ErrorInterface | inline |
evaluate(const QByteArray &code) | Kross::Action | slot |
event(QEvent *e) | QAction | protectedvirtual |
eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) | QObject | virtual |
file() const | Kross::Action | slot |
finalize() | Kross::Action | |
finalized(Kross::Action *) | Kross::Action | signal |
findChild(const QString &name) const | QObject | |
findChildren(const QString &name) const | QObject | |
findChildren(const QRegExp ®Exp) const | QObject | |
finished(Kross::Action *) | Kross::Action | signal |
font | QAction | |
font() const | QAction | |
fromDomElement(const QDomElement &element) | Kross::Action | |
fromDomElement(const QDomElement &element, const QStringList &searchPath) | Kross::Action | |
functionNames() | Kross::Action | slot |
hadError() const | Kross::ErrorInterface | inline |
hasObject(const QString &name) const | Kross::ChildrenInterface | inline |
hover() | QAction | |
hovered() | QAction | |
icon | QAction | |
icon() const | QAction | |
iconName() const | Kross::Action | slot |
iconSet() const | QAction | |
iconText | QAction | |
iconText() const | QAction | |
iconVisibleInMenu | QAction | |
inherits(const char *className) const | QObject | |
initialize() | Kross::Action | |
insertChild(QObject *object) | QObject | |
installEventFilter(QObject *filterObj) | QObject | |
interpreter() const | Kross::Action | slot |
isA(const char *className) const | QObject | |
isCheckable() const | QAction | |
isChecked() const | QAction | |
isEnabled() const | Kross::Action | slot |
isFinalized() const | Kross::Action | |
isIconVisibleInMenu() const | QAction | |
isOn() const | QAction | |
isSeparator() const | QAction | |
isToggleAction() const | QAction | |
isVisible() const | QAction | |
isWidgetType() const | QObject | |
killTimer(int id) | QObject | |
LastOption enum value | Kross::ChildrenInterface | |
menu() const | QAction | |
menuRole | QAction | |
menuRole() const | QAction | |
menuText() const | QAction | |
metaObject() const | QObject | virtual |
moveToThread(QThread *targetThread) | QObject | |
name() const | Kross::Action | slot |
QAction::name(const char *defaultName) const | QObject | |
NoOption enum value | Kross::ChildrenInterface | |
normalizeSignalSlot(const char *signalSlot) | QObject | protectedstatic |
object(const QString &name) const | Kross::ChildrenInterface | inline |
objectName | QObject | |
objectName() const | QObject | |
objectOption(const QString &name) const | Kross::ChildrenInterface | inline |
objectOptions() const | Kross::ChildrenInterface | inline |
objects() const | Kross::ChildrenInterface | inline |
option(const QString &name, const QVariant &defaultvalue=QVariant()) | Kross::Action | slot |
Options enum name | Kross::ChildrenInterface | |
options() const | Kross::Action | slot |
parent() const | QObject | |
parentWidget() const | QAction | |
priority | QAction | |
priority() const | QAction | |
property(const char *name) const | QObject | |
QAction(QObject *parent) | QAction | |
QAction(const QString &text, QObject *parent) | QAction | |
QAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, QObject *parent) | QAction | |
QAction(QObject *parent, const char *name) | QAction | |
QAction(const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, QObject *parent, const char *name) | QAction | |
QAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, QObject *parent, const char *name) | QAction | |
qobject(const QString &name) const | Kross::Action | slot |
QObject(QObject *parent) | QObject | |
QObject(QObject *parent, const char *name) | QObject | |
qobjectNames() const | Kross::Action | slot |
receivers(const char *signal) const | QObject | protected |
removeChild(QObject *object) | QObject | |
removeEventFilter(QObject *obj) | QObject | |
removeFrom(QWidget *w) | QAction | |
script() const | Kross::Action | |
sender() const | QObject | protected |
senderSignalIndex() const | QObject | protected |
setAccel(const QKeySequence &shortcut) | QAction | |
setActionGroup(QActionGroup *group) | QAction | |
setAutoRepeat(bool) | QAction | |
setCheckable(bool) | QAction | |
setChecked(bool) | QAction | |
setCode(const QByteArray &code) | Kross::Action | slot |
setData(const QVariant &userData) | QAction | |
setDescription(const QString &description) | Kross::Action | slot |
setDisabled(bool b) | QAction | |
setEnabled(bool enabled) | Kross::Action | slot |
setError(const QString &errormessage, const QString &tracemessage=QString(), long lineno=-1) | Kross::ErrorInterface | inline |
setError(ErrorInterface *error) | Kross::ErrorInterface | inline |
setFile(const QString &scriptfile) | Kross::Action | slot |
setFont(const QFont &font) | QAction | |
setIcon(const QIcon &icon) | QAction | |
setIconName(const QString &iconname) | Kross::Action | slot |
setIconSet(const QIcon &i) | QAction | |
setIconText(const QString &text) | QAction | |
setIconVisibleInMenu(bool visible) | QAction | |
setInterpreter(const QString &interpretername) | Kross::Action | slot |
setMenu(QMenu *menu) | QAction | |
setMenuRole(MenuRole menuRole) | QAction | |
setMenuText(const QString &text) | QAction | |
setName(const char *name) | QObject | |
setObjectName(const QString &name) | QObject | |
setOn(bool b) | QAction | |
setOption(const QString &name, const QVariant &value) | Kross::Action | slot |
setParent(QObject *parent) | QObject | |
setPriority(Priority priority) | QAction | |
setProperty(const char *name, const QVariant &value) | QObject | |
setSeparator(bool b) | QAction | |
setShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut) | QAction | |
setShortcutContext(Qt::ShortcutContext context) | QAction | |
setShortcuts(const QList< QKeySequence > &shortcuts) | QAction | |
setShortcuts(QKeySequence::StandardKey key) | QAction | |
setSoftKeyRole(SoftKeyRole softKeyRole) | QAction | |
setStatusTip(const QString &statusTip) | QAction | |
setText(const QString &text) | QAction | |
setToggleAction(bool b) | QAction | |
setToolTip(const QString &tip) | QAction | |
setVisible(bool) | QAction | |
setWhatsThis(const QString &what) | QAction | |
shortcut | QAction | |
shortcut() const | QAction | |
shortcutContext | QAction | |
shortcutContext() const | QAction | |
shortcuts() const | QAction | |
showStatusText(QWidget *widget) | QAction | |
signalsBlocked() const | QObject | |
softKeyRole | QAction | |
softKeyRole() const | QAction | |
started(Kross::Action *) | Kross::Action | signal |
startTimer(int interval) | QObject | |
statusTip | QAction | |
statusTip() const | QAction | |
text | QAction | |
text() const | QAction | |
thisObject() const | QScriptable | |
thread() const | QObject | |
timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) | QObject | protectedvirtual |
toDomElement() const | Kross::Action | |
toDomElement(const QStringList &searchPath) const | Kross::Action | |
toggle() | QAction | |
toggled(bool checked) | QAction | |
toolTip | QAction | |
toolTip() const | QAction | |
tr(const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n) | QObject | static |
trigger() | QAction | |
triggered(bool checked) | QAction | |
trUtf8(const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n) | QObject | static |
updated() | Kross::Action | signal |
version() const | Kross::Action | slot |
visible | QAction | |
whatsThis | QAction | |
whatsThis() const | QAction | |
~Action() | Kross::Action | virtual |
~QAction() | QAction | |
~QObject() | QObject | virtual |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2020 The KDE developers.
Generated on Mon Jun 22 2020 13:24:44 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2020 The KDE developers.
Generated on Mon Jun 22 2020 13:24:44 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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