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#include <KAboutData>


QList< KAboutPersonauthors
QString bugAddress
QString componentName
QList< KAboutComponentcomponents
QString copyrightStatement
QList< KAboutPersoncredits
QString desktopFileName
QString displayName
QString homepage
QList< KAboutLicenselicenses
QString otherText
QString productName
QVariant programLogo
QString shortDescription
QList< KAboutPersontranslators
QString version

Public Member Functions

 KAboutData (const KAboutData &other)
 KAboutData (const QString &componentName, const QString &displayName, const QString &version, const QString &shortDescription, enum KAboutLicense::LicenseKey licenseType, const QString &copyrightStatement=QString(), const QString &otherText=QString(), const QString &homePageAddress=QString(), const QString &bugAddress=QStringLiteral("submit@bugs.kde.org"))
 KAboutData (const QString &componentName={}, const QString &displayName={}, const QString &version={})
KAboutDataaddAuthor (const KAboutPerson &author)
KAboutDataaddAuthor (const QString &name, const QString &task, const QString &emailAddress, const QString &webAddress, const QString &kdeStoreUsername)
KAboutDataaddAuthor (const QString &name, const QString &task=QString(), const QString &emailAddress=QString(), const QString &webAddress=QString(), const QUrl &avatarUrl=QUrl())
KAboutDataaddComponent (const KAboutComponent &component)
KAboutDataaddComponent (const QString &name, const QString &description, const QString &version, const QString &webAddress, const QString &pathToLicenseFile)
KAboutDataaddComponent (const QString &name, const QString &description=QString(), const QString &version=QString(), const QString &webAddress=QString(), KAboutLicense::LicenseKey licenseKey=KAboutLicense::Unknown)
KAboutDataaddCredit (const KAboutPerson &person)
KAboutDataaddCredit (const QString &name, const QString &task, const QString &emailAddress, const QString &webAddress, const QString &kdeStoreUsername)
KAboutDataaddCredit (const QString &name, const QString &task=QString(), const QString &emailAddress=QString(), const QString &webAddress=QString(), const QUrl &avatarUrl=QUrl())
KAboutDataaddLicense (KAboutLicense::LicenseKey licenseKey)
KAboutDataaddLicense (KAboutLicense::LicenseKey licenseKey, KAboutLicense::VersionRestriction versionRestriction)
KAboutDataaddLicenseText (const QString &license)
KAboutDataaddLicenseTextFile (const QString &file)
QList< KAboutPersonauthors () const
QString bugAddress () const
QString componentName () const
QList< KAboutComponentcomponents () const
QString copyrightStatement () const
QList< KAboutPersoncredits () const
QString customAuthorPlainText () const
QString customAuthorRichText () const
bool customAuthorTextEnabled () const
QString desktopFileName () const
QString displayName () const
QString homepage () const
const char * internalBugAddress () const
const char * internalProductName () const
const char * internalProgramName () const
const char * internalVersion () const
QList< KAboutLicenselicenses () const
KAboutDataoperator= (const KAboutData &other)
QString organizationDomain () const
QString otherText () const
void processCommandLine (QCommandLineParser *parser)
QString productName () const
QVariant programLogo () const
KAboutDatasetBugAddress (const QByteArray &bugAddress)
KAboutDatasetComponentName (const QString &componentName)
KAboutDatasetCopyrightStatement (const QString &copyrightStatement)
KAboutDatasetCustomAuthorText (const QString &plainText, const QString &richText)
KAboutDatasetDesktopFileName (const QString &desktopFileName)
KAboutDatasetDisplayName (const QString &displayName)
KAboutDatasetHomepage (const QString &homepage)
KAboutDatasetLicense (KAboutLicense::LicenseKey licenseKey)
KAboutDatasetLicense (KAboutLicense::LicenseKey licenseKey, KAboutLicense::VersionRestriction versionRestriction)
KAboutDatasetLicenseText (const QString &license)
KAboutDatasetLicenseTextFile (const QString &file)
KAboutDatasetOrganizationDomain (const QByteArray &domain)
KAboutDatasetOtherText (const QString &otherText)
KAboutDatasetProductName (const QByteArray &name)
KAboutDatasetProgramLogo (const QVariant &image)
KAboutDatasetShortDescription (const QString &shortDescription)
KAboutDatasetTranslator (const QString &name, const QString &emailAddress)
bool setupCommandLine (QCommandLineParser *parser)
KAboutDatasetVersion (const QByteArray &version)
QString shortDescription () const
QList< KAboutPersontranslators () const
KAboutDataunsetCustomAuthorText ()
QString version () const

Static Public Member Functions

static QString aboutTranslationTeam ()
static KAboutData applicationData ()
static void setApplicationData (const KAboutData &aboutData)

Detailed Description

This class is used to store information about a program or plugin.

It can store such values as version number, program name, home page, address for bug reporting, multiple authors and contributors (using KAboutPerson), license and copyright information.

Currently, the values set here are shown by the "About" box (see KAboutApplicationDialog), used by the bug report dialog (see KBugReport), and by the help shown on command line (see KAboutData::setupCommandLine()).

Porting Notes: Since KDE Frameworks 5.0, the translation catalog mechanism must be provided by your translation framework to load the correct catalog instead (eg: KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain() for KI18n, or QCoreApplication::installTranslator() for Qt's translation system). This applies to the old setCatalogName() and catalogName() members. But see also K4AboutData in kde4support as a compatibility class.

Example: Setting the metadata of an application using KAboutData in code also relying on the KDE Framework modules KI18n and KDBusAddons:

// create QApplication instance
QApplication app(argc, argv);
// setup translation string domain for the i18n calls
// create a KAboutData object to use for setting the application metadata
KAboutData aboutData("foo", i18n("Foo"), "0.1",
i18n("To Foo or not To Foo"),
i18n("Copyright 2017 Bar Foundation"), QString(),
// overwrite default-generated values of organizationDomain & desktopFileName
// set the application metadata
// in GUI apps set the window icon manually, not covered by KAboutData
// needed for environments where the icon name is not extracted from
// the information in the application's desktop file
// integrate with commandline argument handling
// setup of app specific commandline args
// with the application metadata set, register to the D-Bus session
static void setApplicationData(const KAboutData &aboutData)
Sets the application data for this application.
KAboutData(const QString &componentName, const QString &displayName, const QString &version, const QString &shortDescription, enum KAboutLicense::LicenseKey licenseType, const QString &copyrightStatement=QString(), const QString &otherText=QString(), const QString &homePageAddress=QString(), const QString &bugAddress=QStringLiteral("submit@bugs.kde.org"))
static void setApplicationDomain(const QByteArray &domain)
QString i18n(const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
void process(const QCoreApplication &app)
void setWindowIcon(const QIcon &icon)
QIcon fromTheme(const QString &name)

Holds information needed by the "About" box and other classes.

Espen Sand (espen.nosp@m.@kde.nosp@m..org), David Faure (faure.nosp@m.@kde.nosp@m..org)

Definition at line 557 of file kaboutdata.h.

Property Documentation

◆ authors

QList<KAboutPerson> KAboutData::authors

Definition at line 569 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ bugAddress

QString KAboutData::bugAddress

Definition at line 566 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ componentName

QString KAboutData::componentName

Definition at line 562 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ components

QList<KAboutComponent> KAboutData::components

Definition at line 572 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ copyrightStatement

QString KAboutData::copyrightStatement

Definition at line 574 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ credits

QList<KAboutPerson> KAboutData::credits

Definition at line 570 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ desktopFileName

QString KAboutData::desktopFileName

Definition at line 575 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ displayName

QString KAboutData::displayName

Definition at line 560 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ homepage

QString KAboutData::homepage

Definition at line 565 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ licenses

QList<KAboutLicense> KAboutData::licenses

Definition at line 573 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ otherText

QString KAboutData::otherText

Definition at line 568 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ productName

QString KAboutData::productName

Definition at line 561 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ programLogo

QVariant KAboutData::programLogo

Definition at line 563 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ shortDescription

QString KAboutData::shortDescription

Definition at line 564 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ translators

QList<KAboutPerson> KAboutData::translators

Definition at line 571 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ version

QString KAboutData::version

Definition at line 567 of file kaboutdata.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KAboutData() [1/3]

KAboutData::KAboutData ( const QString & componentName,
const QString & displayName,
const QString & version,
const QString & shortDescription,
enum KAboutLicense::LicenseKey licenseType,
const QString & copyrightStatement = QString(),
const QString & otherText = QString(),
const QString & homePageAddress = QString(),
const QString & bugAddress = QStringLiteral("submit@bugs.kde.org") )


Porting Note: The catalogName parameter present in KDE4 was deprecated and removed. See also K4AboutData in kde4support if this feature is needed for compatibility purposes, or consider using componentName() instead.

componentNameThe program name or plugin name used internally. Example: QStringLiteral("kwrite"). This should never be translated.
displayNameA displayable name for the program or plugin. This string should be translated. Example: i18n("KWrite")
versionThe component version string. Example: QStringLiteral("1.0").
shortDescriptionA short description of what the component does. This string should be translated. Example: i18n("A simple text editor.")
licenseTypeThe license identifier. Use setLicenseText or setLicenseTextFile if you use a license not predefined here.
copyrightStatementA copyright statement, that can look like this: i18n("Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Name"). The string specified here is taken verbatim; the author information from addAuthor is not used.
otherTextSome free form text, that can contain any kind of information. The text can contain newlines. This string should be translated.
homePageAddressThe URL to the component's homepage, including URL scheme. "http://some.domain" is correct, "some.domain" is not. Since KDE Frameworks 5.17, https and other valid URL schemes are also valid. See also the note below.
bugAddressThe bug report address string, an email address or a URL. This defaults to the kde.org bug system.
The homePageAddress argument is used to derive a default organization domain for the application (which is used to register on the session D-Bus, locate the appropriate desktop file, etc.), by taking the host name and dropping the first component, unless there are less than three (e.g. "www.kde.org" -> "kde.org"). Use both setOrganizationDomain(const QByteArray&) and setDesktopFileName() if their default values do not have proper values.
See also
setOrganizationDomain(const QByteArray&), setDesktopFileName(const QString&)

Definition at line 570 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ KAboutData() [2/3]

KAboutData::KAboutData ( const QString & componentName = {},
const QString & displayName = {},
const QString & version = {} )


componentNameThe program name or plugin name used internally. Example: "kwrite".
displayNameA displayable name for the program or plugin. This string should be translated. Example: i18n("KWrite")
versionThe component version string.

Sets the property desktopFileName to "org.kde."+componentName and the property organizationDomain to "kde.org".

Default arguments

See also
setOrganizationDomain(const QByteArray&), setDesktopFileName(const QString&)

Definition at line 625 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ KAboutData() [3/3]

KAboutData::KAboutData ( const KAboutData & other)

Copy constructor.

Performs a deep copy.

otherobject to copy

Definition at line 651 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ aboutTranslationTeam()

QString KAboutData::aboutTranslationTeam ( )

Returns a message about the translation team.

a message about the translation team

Definition at line 991 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ addAuthor() [1/3]

KAboutData & KAboutData::addAuthor ( const KAboutPerson & author)

Add an author.

You can call this function as many times as you need. Each entry is appended to a list.

authorThe author.

Definition at line 679 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ addAuthor() [2/3]

KAboutData & KAboutData::addAuthor ( const QString & name,
const QString & task,
const QString & emailAddress,
const QString & webAddress,
const QString & kdeStoreUsername )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.


Definition at line 747 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ addAuthor() [3/3]

KAboutData & KAboutData::addAuthor ( const QString & name,
const QString & task = QString(),
const QString & emailAddress = QString(),
const QString & webAddress = QString(),
const QUrl & avatarUrl = QUrl() )

Defines an author.

You can call this function as many times as you need. Each entry is appended to a list. The person in the first entry is assumed to be the leader of the project.

nameThe developer's name. It should be translated.
taskWhat the person is responsible for. This text can contain newlines. It should be translated. Can be left empty.
emailAddressAn Email address where the person can be reached. Can be left empty.
webAddressThe person's homepage or a relevant link. Start the address with "http://". "http://some.domain" is correct, "some.domain" is not. Can be left empty.
avatarUrlURL to the avatar of the person

Definition at line 673 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ addComponent() [1/3]

KAboutData & KAboutData::addComponent ( const KAboutComponent & component)

Add a component that is used by the application.

You can call this function as many times as you need. Each entry is appended to a list.

componentThe component

Definition at line 703 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ addComponent() [2/3]

KAboutData & KAboutData::addComponent ( const QString & name,
const QString & description,
const QString & version,
const QString & webAddress,
const QString & pathToLicenseFile )

Defines a component that is used by the application with a custom license text file.

You can call this function as many times as you need. Each entry is appended to a list.

nameThe component's name. It should be translated.
descriptionShort description of the component and maybe copyright info. This text can contain newlines. It should be translated. Can be left empty.
versionThe version of the component. Can be left empty.
webAddressThe component's homepage or a relevant link. Start the address with "http://". "http://some.domain" is correct, "some.domain" is not. Can be left empty.
pathToLicenseFilePath to the file in the local filesystem containing the license text. The file format has to be plain text in an encoding compatible to the local.

Definition at line 720 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ addComponent() [3/3]

KAboutData & KAboutData::addComponent ( const QString & name,
const QString & description = QString(),
const QString & version = QString(),
const QString & webAddress = QString(),
KAboutLicense::LicenseKey licenseKey = KAboutLicense::Unknown )

Defines a component that is used by the application.

You can call this function as many times as you need. Each entry is appended to a list.

nameThe component's name. It should be translated.
descriptionShort description of the component and maybe copyright info. This text can contain newlines. It should be translated. Can be left empty.
versionThe version of the component. Can be left empty.
webAddressThe component's homepage or a relevant link. Start the address with "http://". "http://some.domain" is correct, "some.domain" is not. Can be left empty.
licenseKeyThe component's license identifier. Can be left empty (i.e. KAboutLicense::Unknown)

Definition at line 709 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ addCredit() [1/3]

KAboutData & KAboutData::addCredit ( const KAboutPerson & person)

Add a person that deserves credit.

You can call this function as many times as you need. Each entry is appended to a list.

personThe person.

Definition at line 685 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ addCredit() [2/3]

KAboutData & KAboutData::addCredit ( const QString & name,
const QString & task,
const QString & emailAddress,
const QString & webAddress,
const QString & kdeStoreUsername )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.


Definition at line 794 of file kaboutdata.h.

◆ addCredit() [3/3]

KAboutData & KAboutData::addCredit ( const QString & name,
const QString & task = QString(),
const QString & emailAddress = QString(),
const QString & webAddress = QString(),
const QUrl & avatarUrl = QUrl() )

Defines a person that deserves credit.

You can call this function as many times as you need. Each entry is appended to a list.

nameThe person's name. It should be translated.
taskWhat the person has done to deserve the honor. The text can contain newlines. It should be translated. Can be left empty.
emailAddressAn email address when the person can be reached. Can be left empty.
webAddressThe person's homepage or a relevant link. Start the address with "http://". "http://some.domain" is is correct, "some.domain" is not. Can be left empty.
avatarUrlURL to the avatar of the person

Definition at line 691 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ addLicense() [1/2]

KAboutData & KAboutData::addLicense ( KAboutLicense::LicenseKey licenseKey)

Adds a license identifier.

If there is only one unknown license set, e.g. by using the default parameter in the constructor, that one is replaced.

licenseKeyThe license identifier.
See also
setLicenseText, addLicenseText, addLicenseTextFile

Definition at line 805 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ addLicense() [2/2]

KAboutData & KAboutData::addLicense ( KAboutLicense::LicenseKey licenseKey,
KAboutLicense::VersionRestriction versionRestriction )

Adds a license identifier.

If there is only one unknown license set, e.g. by using the default parameter in the constructor, that one is replaced.

licenseKeyThe license identifier.
versionRestrictionWhether later versions of the license are also allowed. e.g. licensed under "GPL 2.0 or at your option later versions" would be OrLaterVersions.
See also
setLicenseText, addLicenseText, addLicenseTextFile

Definition at line 810 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ addLicenseText()

KAboutData & KAboutData::addLicenseText ( const QString & license)

Adds a license text, which is translated.

If there is only one unknown license set, e.g. by using the default parameter in the constructor, that one is replaced.


addLicenseText( i18n("This is my license") );
KAboutData & addLicenseText(const QString &license)
Adds a license text, which is translated.
licenseThe license text.
See also
setLicenseText, addLicense, addLicenseTextFile

Definition at line 733 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ addLicenseTextFile()

KAboutData & KAboutData::addLicenseTextFile ( const QString & file)

Adds a license text by pointing to a file where it resides.

The file format has to be plain text in an encoding compatible to the locale.

If there is only one unknown license set, e.g. by using the default parameter in the constructor, that one is replaced.

filePath to the file in the local filesystem containing the license text.
See also
addLicenseText, addLicense, setLicenseTextFile

Definition at line 755 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ applicationData()

KAboutData KAboutData::applicationData ( )

Returns the KAboutData for the application.

This contains information such as authors, license, etc., provided that setApplicationData has been called before. If not called before, the returned KAboutData will be initialized from the equivalent properties of QCoreApplication (and its subclasses), if an instance of that already exists. For the list of such properties see setApplicationData (before 5.22: limited to QCoreApplication::applicationName).

See also

Definition at line 1115 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ authors()

QList< KAboutPerson > KAboutData::authors ( ) const

Returns a list of authors.

author information (list of persons).

Definition at line 944 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ bugAddress()

QString KAboutData::bugAddress ( ) const

Returns the email address or URL for bugs.

the address where to report bugs.

Definition at line 923 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ componentName()

QString KAboutData::componentName ( ) const

Returns the application's internal name.

the internal program name.

Definition at line 858 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ components()

QList< KAboutComponent > KAboutData::components ( ) const

Returns a list of components.

component information (list of components).

Definition at line 1006 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ copyrightStatement()

QString KAboutData::copyrightStatement ( ) const

Returns the copyright statement.

the copyright statement. Can be QString() if not set.

Definition at line 1016 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ credits()

QList< KAboutPerson > KAboutData::credits ( ) const

Returns a list of persons who contributed.

credit information (list of persons).

Definition at line 949 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ customAuthorPlainText()

QString KAboutData::customAuthorPlainText ( ) const

Returns the plain text displayed around the list of authors instead of the default message telling users to send bug reports to bugAddress().

the plain text displayed around the list of authors instead of the default message. Can be QString().

Definition at line 1021 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ customAuthorRichText()

QString KAboutData::customAuthorRichText ( ) const

Returns the rich text displayed around the list of authors instead of the default message telling users to send bug reports to bugAddress().

the rich text displayed around the list of authors instead of the default message. Can be QString().

Definition at line 1026 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ customAuthorTextEnabled()

bool KAboutData::customAuthorTextEnabled ( ) const

Returns whether custom text should be displayed around the list of authors.

whether custom text should be displayed around the list of authors.

Definition at line 1031 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ desktopFileName()

QString KAboutData::desktopFileName ( ) const
The desktop file name of this application (e.g. "org.kde.foo")
See also
setDesktopFileName(const QString&)

Definition at line 1063 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ displayName()

QString KAboutData::displayName ( ) const

Returns the translated program name.

the program name (translated).

Definition at line 876 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ homepage()

QString KAboutData::homepage ( ) const

Returns the application homepage.

the application homepage URL. Can be QString() if not set.

Definition at line 918 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ internalBugAddress()

const char * KAboutData::internalBugAddress ( ) const

Provided for use by KCrash

Return the untranslated and uninterpreted (to UTF8) string for the bug mail address. Used in particular for KCrash.

Definition at line 936 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ internalProductName()

const char * KAboutData::internalProductName ( ) const

Provided for use by KCrash

Definition at line 871 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ internalProgramName()

const char * KAboutData::internalProgramName ( ) const

Provided for use by KCrash

Return the program name. It is always pre-allocated. Needed for KCrash in particular.

Definition at line 884 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ internalVersion()

const char * KAboutData::internalVersion ( ) const

Provided for use by KCrash

Return the untranslated and uninterpreted (to UTF8) string for the version information. Used in particular for KCrash.

Definition at line 908 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ licenses()

QList< KAboutLicense > KAboutData::licenses ( ) const

Returns a list of licenses.

licenses information (list of licenses)

Definition at line 1011 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ operator=()

KAboutData & KAboutData::operator= ( const KAboutData & other)

Assignment operator.

Performs a deep copy.

otherobject to copy

Definition at line 661 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ organizationDomain()

QString KAboutData::organizationDomain ( ) const

Returns the domain name of the organization that wrote this application.

See also
setOrganizationDomain(const QByteArray&)

Definition at line 928 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ otherText()

QString KAboutData::otherText ( ) const

Returns a translated, free form text.

the free form text (translated). Can be QString() if not set.

Definition at line 1001 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ processCommandLine()

void KAboutData::processCommandLine ( QCommandLineParser * parser)

Reads the processed parser and sees if any of the arguments are the ones set up from setupCommandLine().

See also

Definition at line 1233 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ productName()

QString KAboutData::productName ( ) const

Returns the application's product name, which will be used in KBugReport dialog.

By default it returns componentName(), otherwise the one which is set with setProductName()

the product name.

Definition at line 863 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ programLogo()

QVariant KAboutData::programLogo ( ) const

Returns the program logo image.

Because KAboutData is a core class it cannot use QImage/QPixmap/QIcon directly, so this is a QVariant containing a QImage/QPixmap/QIcon.

the program logo data, or a null image if there is no custom application logo defined.

Definition at line 889 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setApplicationData()

void KAboutData::setApplicationData ( const KAboutData & aboutData)

Sets the application data for this application.

In addition to changing the result of applicationData(), this initializes the equivalent properties of QCoreApplication (and its subclasses) with information from aboutData, if an instance of that already exists. Those properties are:

See also

Definition at line 1172 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setBugAddress()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setBugAddress ( const QByteArray & bugAddress)

Defines the address where bug reports should be sent.

bugAddressThe bug report email address or URL. This defaults to the kde.org bug system.

Definition at line 840 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setComponentName()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setComponentName ( const QString & componentName)

Defines the component name used internally.

componentNameThe application or plugin name. Example: "kate".

Definition at line 769 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setCopyrightStatement()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setCopyrightStatement ( const QString & copyrightStatement)

Defines the copyright statement to show when displaying the license.

copyrightStatementA copyright statement, that can look like this: i18n("Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Name"). The string specified here is taken verbatim; the author information from addAuthor is not used.

Definition at line 822 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setCustomAuthorText()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setCustomAuthorText ( const QString & plainText,
const QString & richText )

Sets the custom text displayed around the list of authors instead of the default message telling users to send bug reports to bugAddress().

plainTextThe plain text.
richTextThe rich text.

Setting both to parameters to QString() will cause no message to be displayed at all. Call unsetCustomAuthorText() to revert to the default message.

Definition at line 1036 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setDesktopFileName()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setDesktopFileName ( const QString & desktopFileName)

Sets the base name of the desktop entry for this application.

This is the file name, without the full path and without extension, of the desktop entry that represents this application according to the freedesktop desktop entry specification (e.g. "org.kde.foo").

A default desktop file name is constructed when the KAboutData object is created, using the reverse domain name of the organizationDomain() and the componentName() as they are at the time of the KAboutData object creation. Call this method to override that default name. Typically this is done when also setOrganizationDomain(const QByteArray&) or setComponentName(const QString&) need to be called to override the initial values.

The desktop file name can also be passed to the application at runtime through the desktopfile command line option which is added by setupCommandLine(QCommandLineParser*). This is useful if an application supports multiple desktop files with different runtime settings.

desktopFileNameThe desktop file name of this application
See also

Definition at line 1056 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setDisplayName()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setDisplayName ( const QString & displayName)

Defines the displayable component name string.

displayNameThe display name. This string should be translated. Example: i18n("Advanced Text Editor").

Definition at line 775 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setHomepage()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setHomepage ( const QString & homepage)

Defines the program homepage.

homepageThe program homepage string. Start the address with "http://". "http://kate.kde.org" is correct but "kate.kde.org" is not.

Definition at line 834 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setLicense() [1/2]

KAboutData & KAboutData::setLicense ( KAboutLicense::LicenseKey licenseKey)

Defines the license identifier.

licenseKeyThe license identifier.
See also
addLicenseText, setLicenseText, setLicenseTextFile

Definition at line 794 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setLicense() [2/2]

KAboutData & KAboutData::setLicense ( KAboutLicense::LicenseKey licenseKey,
KAboutLicense::VersionRestriction versionRestriction )

Defines the license identifier.

licenseKeyThe license identifier.
versionRestrictionWhether later versions of the license are also allowed. e.g. licensed under "GPL 2.0 or at your option later versions" would be OrLaterVersions.
See also
addLicenseText, setLicenseText, setLicenseTextFile

Definition at line 799 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setLicenseText()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setLicenseText ( const QString & license)

Defines a license text, which is translated.


setLicenseText( i18n("This is my license") );
KAboutData & setLicenseText(const QString &license)
Defines a license text, which is translated.
licenseThe license text.

Definition at line 726 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setLicenseTextFile()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setLicenseTextFile ( const QString & file)

Defines a license text by pointing to a file where it resides.

The file format has to be plain text in an encoding compatible to the locale.

filePath to the file in the local filesystem containing the license text.

Definition at line 748 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setOrganizationDomain()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setOrganizationDomain ( const QByteArray & domain)

Defines the domain of the organization that wrote this application.

The domain is set to kde.org by default, or the domain of the homePageAddress constructor argument, if set.

Make sure to call setOrganizationDomain(const QByteArray&) if your product is not developed inside the KDE community.

Used e.g. for the registration to D-Bus done by KDBusService from the KDE Frameworks KDBusAddons module.

Calling this method has no effect on the value of the desktopFileName property.

If your program should work as a D-Bus activatable service, the base name of the D-Bus service description file or of the desktop file you install must match the D-Bus "well-known name" for which the program will register. For example, KDBusService will use a name created from the reversed organization domain with the component name attached, so for an organization domain "bar.org" and a component name "foo" the name of an installed D-Bus service file needs to be "org.bar.foo.service" or the name of the installed desktop file "org.bar.foo.desktop" (and the desktopFileName property accordingly set to "org.bar.foo").
domainthe domain name, for instance kde.org, koffice.org, etc.
See also
setDesktopFileName(const QString&)

Definition at line 846 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setOtherText()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setOtherText ( const QString & otherText)

Defines the additional text to show in the about dialog.

otherTextSome free form text, that can contain any kind of information. The text can contain newlines. This string should be translated.

Definition at line 828 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setProductName()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setProductName ( const QByteArray & name)

Defines the product name which will be used in the KBugReport dialog.

By default it's the componentName, but you can overwrite it here to provide support for special components e.g. in the form 'product/component', such as 'kontact/summary'.

nameThe name of product

Definition at line 852 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setProgramLogo()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setProgramLogo ( const QVariant & image)

Defines the program logo.

Use this if you need to have an application logo in AboutData other than the application icon.

Because KAboutData is a core class it cannot use QImage/QPixmap/QIcon directly, so this is a QVariant that should contain a QImage/QPixmap/QIcon.

QIcon should be preferred, to be able to properly handle HiDPI scaling. If a QIcon is provided, it will be used at a typical size of 48x48.

imagelogo image.
See also

Definition at line 894 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setShortDescription()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setShortDescription ( const QString & shortDescription)

Defines a short description of what the program does.

shortDescriptionThe program description. This string should be translated. Example: i18n("An advanced text editor with syntax highlighting support.").

Definition at line 788 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setTranslator()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setTranslator ( const QString & name,
const QString & emailAddress )

Sets the name(s) of the translator(s) of the GUI.

The canonical use with the ki18n framework is:

setTranslator(i18nc("NAME OF TRANSLATORS", "Your names"),
i18nc("EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS", "Your emails"));
KAboutData & setTranslator(const QString &name, const QString &emailAddress)
Sets the name(s) of the translator(s) of the GUI.
QString i18nc(const char *context, const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)

If you are using a KMainWindow this is done for you automatically.

The name and emailAddress are treated as lists separated with ",".

If the strings are empty or "Your names"/"Your emails" respectively they will be ignored.

namethe name(s) of the translator(s)
emailAddressthe email address(es) of the translator(s)
See also

Definition at line 697 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setupCommandLine()

bool KAboutData::setupCommandLine ( QCommandLineParser * parser)

Configures the parser command line parser to provide an authors entry with information about the developers of the application and an entry specifying the license.

Additionally, it will set the description to the command line parser, will add the help option and if the QApplication has a version set (e.g. via KAboutData::setApplicationData) it will also add the version option.

Since 5.16 it also adds an option to set the desktop file name.

true if adding the options was successful; otherwise returns false.
See also

Definition at line 1213 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ setVersion()

KAboutData & KAboutData::setVersion ( const QByteArray & version)

Defines the program version string.

versionThe program version.

Definition at line 782 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ shortDescription()

QString KAboutData::shortDescription ( ) const

Returns a short, translated description.

the short description (translated). Can be QString() if not set.

Definition at line 913 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ translators()

QList< KAboutPerson > KAboutData::translators ( ) const

Returns a list of translators.

translators information (list of persons)

Definition at line 986 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ unsetCustomAuthorText()

KAboutData & KAboutData::unsetCustomAuthorText ( )

Clears any custom text displayed around the list of authors and falls back to the default message telling users to send bug reports to bugAddress().

Definition at line 1046 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

◆ version()

QString KAboutData::version ( ) const

Returns the program's version.

the version string.

Definition at line 900 of file kaboutdata.cpp.

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Generated on Fri Mar 28 2025 11:53:44 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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