class DCOPObjectProxy

You must use a proxy if you want to dispatch method calls for object IDs which dont have (yet) a corresponding DCOPObject. More...

Definition#include <dcopobject.h>
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Public Methods

Detailed Description

You must use a proxy if you want to dispatch method calls for object IDs which dont have (yet) a corresponding DCOPObject. This is somewhat like virtual object references in CORBA.

 DCOPObjectProxy ()


Create a new proxy.

 DCOPObjectProxy ( DCOPClient*)


Obsolete, do not use. DCOP clients know about object proxies automatically.

 ~DCOPObjectProxy ()



Destroy the proxy.

bool  process ( const QCString& obj, const QCString& fun, const QByteArray& data, QCString& replyType, QByteArray &replyData )



Reimplement this method to disptatch method calls.

This method is called of all proxies if the DCOPClient knows no object with the id obj. If the first proxy returns true, the DCOPClient will no longer call other proxies.

The object id obj may be empty for app-wide function calls no associated with any object.