kparts Annotated List

Annotated List
KParts::BrowserExtension The Browser Extension is an extension (yes, no kidding) to KParts::ReadOnlyPart, which allows a better integration of parts with browsers (in particular Konqueror).
KParts::BrowserHostExtension An extension class for container parts, i.
KParts::BrowserInterface The purpose of this interface is to allow a direct communication between a KPart and the hosting browser shell (for example Konqueror) .
KParts::DockMainWindow A KPart-aware main window with ability for docking widgets, whose user interface is described in XML.
KParts::Event Base class for all KParts events.
KParts::Factory A generic factory object to create a Part.
KParts::GUIActivateEvent This event is sent to a Part when its GUI has been activated or deactivated.
KParts::HistoryProvider Basic class to manage a history of "items".
KParts::MainWindow A KPart-aware main window, whose user interface is described in XML.
KParts::Part Base class for parts.
KParts::PartActivateEvent This event is sent by the part manager when the active part changes.
KParts::PartBaseBase class for all parts.
KParts::PartManager The part manager is an object which knows about a collection of parts (even nested ones) and handles activation/deactivation.
KParts::PartSelectEvent This event is sent when a part is selected or deselected.
KParts::Plugin A plugin is the way to add actions to an existing KParts application, or to a Part.
KParts::ReadOnlyPart Base class for any "viewer" part.
KParts::ReadWritePart Base class for an "editor" part.
KParts::URLArgs URLArgs is a set of arguments bundled into a structure, to allow specifying how a URL should be opened by openURL().
KParts::WindowArgs The WindowArgs are used to specify arguments to the "create new window" call (see the createNewWindow variant that uses WindowArgs).

Generated by: dfaure on on Thu Jan 17 22:17:49 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53.