class BrowserExtension

The Browser Extension is an extension (yes, no kidding) to KParts::ReadOnlyPart, which allows a better integration of parts with browsers (in particular Konqueror). More...

Full nameKParts::BrowserExtension
Definition#include <browserextension.h>
InheritsQObject (qt) [public ]
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Types

Public Methods


Public Static Methods

Protected Methods

Detailed Description

The Browser Extension is an extension (yes, no kidding) to KParts::ReadOnlyPart, which allows a better integration of parts with browsers (in particular Konqueror). Remember that ReadOnlyPart only has openURL(KURL), with no other settings. For full-fledged browsing, we need much more than that, including many arguments about how to open this URL (see URLArgs), allowing parts to save and restore their data into the back/forward history, allowing parts to control the location bar URL, to requests URLs to be opened by the hosting browser, etc.

The part developer needs to define its own class derived from BrowserExtension, to implement the virtual methods [and the standard-actions slots, see below].

The way to associate the BrowserExtension with the part is to simply create the BrowserExtension as a child of the part (in QObject's terms). The hosting application will look for it automatically.

Another aspect of the browser integration is that a set of standard actions are provided by the browser, but implemented by the part (for the actions it supports).

The following standard actions are defined by the host of the view :

[selection-dependent actions]

[normal actions]

The view defines a slot with the name of the action in order to implement the action. The browser will detect the slot automatically and connect its action to it when appropriate (i.e. when the view is active).

The selection-dependent actions are disabled by default and the view should enable them when the selection changes, emitting enableAction().

The normal actions do not depend on the selection. You need to enable 'print' when printing is possible - you can even do that in the constructor.

A special case is the configuration slots, not connected to any action directly, and having parameters.

[configuration slot]

 BrowserExtension ( KParts::ReadOnlyPart *parent, const char *name = 0L )



parentThe KParts::ReadOnlyPart that this extension ... "extends" :)
nameAn optional name for the extension.

 ~BrowserExtension ()



void  setURLArgs ( const URLArgs &args )



Set the parameters to use for opening the next URL. This is called by the "hosting" application, to pass parameters to the part.

See also: URLArgs

URLArgs  urlArgs ()



Retrieve the set of parameters to use for opening the URL (this must be called from openURL() in the part).

See also: URLArgs

int  xOffset ()



Returns the current x offset.

For a scrollview, implement this using contentsX().

int  yOffset ()



Returns the current y offset.

For a scrollview, implement this using contentsY().

void  saveState ( QDataStream &stream )



Used by the browser to save the current state of the view (in order to restore it if going back in navigation).

If you want to save additionnal properties, reimplement it but don't forget to call the parent method (probably first).

void  restoreState ( QDataStream &stream )



Used by the browser to restore the view in the state it was when we left it.

If you saved additionnal properties, reimplement it but don't forget to call the parent method (probably first).

bool  isURLDropHandlingEnabled ()



Returns whether url drop handling is enabled. See setURLDropHandlingEnabled for more information about this property.

void  setURLDropHandlingEnabled ( bool enable )


Enables or disables url drop handling. URL drop handling is a property describing whether the hosting shell component is allowed to install an event filter on the part's widget, to listen for URI drop events. Set it to true if you are exporting a BrowserExtension implementation and do not provide any special URI drop handling. If set to false you can be sure to receive all those URI drop events unfiltered. Also note that the implementation as of Konqueror installs the event filter only on the part's widget itself, not on child widgets.

void  setBrowserInterface ( BrowserInterface *impl )


BrowserInterface * browserInterface ()



bool  isActionEnabled ( const char * name )



Returns: the status (enabled/disabled) of an action. When the enableAction signal is emitted, the browserextension stores the status of the action internally, so that it's possible to query later for the status of the action, using this method.

typedef QMap<QCString,QCString> ActionSlotMap


ActionSlotMap  actionSlotMap ()



Returns a map containing the action names as keys and corresponding SLOT()'ified method names as data entries.

This is very useful for the host component, when connecting the own signals with the extension's slots. Basically you iterate over the map, check if the extension implements the slot and connect to the slot using the data value of your map iterator. Checking if the extension implements a certain slot can be done like this:

   extension->metaObject()->slotNames().contains( actionName + "()" )

(note that actionName is the iterator's key value if already iterating over the action slot map, returned by this method)

Connecting to the slot can be done like this:

   connect( yourObject, SIGNAL( yourSignal() ),
            extension, )

(where "mapIterator" is your QMap iterator)

ActionSlotMap *  actionSlotMapPtr ()



Returns: a pointer to the static action-slot map. Preferred method to get it. The map is created if it doesn't exist yet

BrowserExtension * childObject ( QObject *obj )



Queries obj for a child object which inherits from this BrowserExtension class. Convenience method.

void  enableAction ( const char * name, bool enabled )



Enables or disable a standard action held by the browser.

See class documentation for the list of standard actions.

void  openURLRequest ( const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &args = KParts::URLArgs() )



Asks the host (browser) to open url. To set a reload, the x and y offsets, the service type etc., fill in the appropriate fields in the args structure. Hosts should not connect to this signal but to openURLRequestDelayed.

void  openURLRequestDelayed ( const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &args = KParts::URLArgs() )



This signal is emitted when openURLRequest is called, after a 0-seconds timer. This allows the caller to terminate what it's doing first, before (usually) being destroyed. Parts should never use this signal, hosts should only connect to this signal.

void  openURLNotify ()



Tells the hosting browser that the part opened a new URL (which can be queried via KParts::Part::url().

This helps the browser to update/create an entry in the history. The part may not emit this signal together with openURLRequest(). Emit openURLRequest() if you want the browser to handle a URL the user asked to open (from within your part/document). This signal however is useful if you want to handle URLs all yourself internally, while still telling the hosting browser about new opened URLs, in order to provide a proper history functionality to the user. An example of usage is a html rendering component which wants to emit this signal when a child frame document changed its URL. Conclusion: you probably want to use openURLRequest() instead.

void  setLocationBarURL ( const QString &url )



Updates the URL shown in the browser's location bar to url.

void  setIconURL ( const KURL &url )



Sets the URL of an icon for the currently displayed page.

void  createNewWindow ( const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &args = KParts::URLArgs() )



Asks the hosting browser to open a new window for the given url.

The args argument is optional additionnal information for the browser,

See also: URLArgs

void  createNewWindow ( const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &args, const KParts::WindowArgs &windowArgs, KParts::ReadOnlyPart *&part )



Asks the hosting browser to open a new window for the given url and return a reference to the content part. The request for a reference to the part is only fullfilled/processed if the serviceType is set in the args . (otherwise the request cannot be processed synchroniously.

void  loadingProgress ( int percent )



Since the part emits the jobid in the started() signal, progress information is automatically displayed.

However, if you don't use a KIO::Job in the part, you can use loadingProgress() and speedProgress() to display progress information.

void  speedProgress ( int bytesPerSecond )



See also: loadingProgress

void  infoMessage ( const QString & )



void  popupMenu ( const QPoint &global, const KFileItemList &items )



Emit this to make the browser show a standard popup menu at the point global for the files items.

void  popupMenu ( KXMLGUIClient *client, const QPoint &global, const KFileItemList &items )



Emit this to make the browser show a standard popup menu at the point global for the files items.

The GUI described by client is being merged with the popupmenu of the host

void  popupMenu ( const QPoint &global, const KURL &url, const QString &mimeType, mode_t mode = (mode_t)-1 )



Emit this to make the browser show a standard popup menu at the point global for the given url.

Give as much information about this URL as possible, like the mimeType and the file type (mode: S_IFREG, S_IFDIR...)

void  popupMenu ( KXMLGUIClient *client, const QPoint &global, const KURL &url, const QString &mimeType, mode_t mode = (mode_t)-1 )



Emit this to make the browser show a standard popup menu at the point global for the given url.

Give as much information about this URL as possible, like the mimeType and the file type (mode: S_IFREG, S_IFDIR...) The GUI described by client is being merged with the popupmenu of the host

void  selectionInfo ( const KFileItemList &items )



Inform the hosting application about the current selection. Used when a set of files/URLs is selected (with full information about those URLs, including size, permissions etc.)

void  selectionInfo ( const QString &text )



Inform the hosting application about the current selection. Used when some text is selected.

void  selectionInfo ( const KURL::List &urls )



Inform the hosting application about the current selection. Used when a set of URLs is selected.

void  mouseOverInfo ( const KFileItem* item )



Inform the hosting application that the user moved the mouse over an item. Used when the mouse is on an URL.

typedef QMap<QCString,int> ActionNumberMap


void  virtual_hook ( int id, void* data )


[protected virtual]

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