libkmid Annotated List

Annotated List
AlsaOutSends MIDI events to a MIDI devices using ALSA.
DeviceManagerManages all MIDI devices and redirects MIDI events to each one as configured.
FMOutSends MIDI events to FM devices.
GUSOutSends MIDI events to GUS synths.
KMidSimpleAPIA very simple API around the rest of libkmid.
MidiEventRepresents a MIDI event.
MidiFileInfoAll the information about a MIDI file.
MidiMapperMidi Mapper.
MidiMapper::Keymap (internal)
MidiOutSends MIDI events to external MIDI devices.
MidiPlayerThe MIDI file player engine.
MidiStatusStores the MIDI status.
MidiTrackStores a MIDI track with a simple API.
NoteArrayStores an array of note on/off events.
PlayerControllerStruct used to have control over the player engine.
SpecialEventStruct used to store certain events.
SynthOutSends MIDI events to AWE synthesizers.
VoiceManagerManages internally the voices used by synth devices. (internal)
VoiceManager::voice (internal)

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