
This module is experimental and internal. The interface will likely change in the coming releases.

Generate Python bindings using Shiboken.

ecm_generate_python_bindings(PACKAGE_NAME <pythonlibrary>
                             VERSION <version>
                             WRAPPED_HEADER <filename>
                             TYPESYSTEM <filename>
                             GENERATED_SOURCES <filename> [<filename> [...]]
                             DEPENDENCIES <target> [<target> [...]]
                             QT_VERSION <version>
                             HOMEPAGE_URL <url>
                             ISSUES_URL <url>
                             AUTHOR <string>
                             README <filename> )

<pythonlibrary> is the name of the Python library that will be created.

VERSION is the version of the library.

WRAPPED_HEADER is a C++ header that contains all the required includes for the library.

TYPESYSTEM is the XML file where the bindings are defined.

GENERATED_SOURCES is the list of generated C++ source files by Shiboken that will be used to build the shared library.

QT_VERSION is the minimum required Qt version of the library.

DEPENDENCIES is the list of dependencies that the bindings uses.

HOMEPAGE_URL is a URL to the proyect homepage.

``ISSUES_URL` is a URL where users can report bugs and feature requests.

AUTHOR is a string with the author of the library.

README is a Markdown file that will be used as the project’s description on the Python Package Index.