67 Q_PROPERTY(QList<KNSCore::Entry::DownloadLinkInformation> downloadLinks READ downloadLinkInformationList)
122 StatusChangedEvent = 1, ///< Used when an event's status is set (use Entry::status() to get the new status)
123 AdoptedEvent = 2, ///< Used when an entry has been successfully adopted (use this to determine whether a call to Engine::adoptEntry() succeeded)
124 DetailsLoadedEvent = 3, ///< Used when more details have been added to an existing entry (such as the full description), and the UI should be updated
134 CatalogEntry = 0, ///< These are the main entries that KNewStuff can get the details about and download links for.
135 GroupEntry ///< these are entries whose payload is another feed. Currently only used by the OPDS provider.
void setInstalledFiles(const QStringList &files)
Set the files that have been installed by the install command.
Definition entry.cpp:334
void setLicense(const QString &license)
Sets the license (abbreviation) applicable to the object.
Definition entry.cpp:131
bool setEntryXML(QXmlStreamReader &reader)
set the xml for the entry parses the xml and sets the private members accordingly used to deserialize...
Definition entry.cpp:431
QList< DownloadLinkInformation > downloadLinkInformationList() const
A list of downloadable data for this entry.
Definition entry.cpp:354
@ StatusChangedEvent
Used when an event's status is set (use Entry::status() to get the new status)
Definition entry.h:122
@ AdoptedEvent
Used when an entry has been successfully adopted (use this to determine whether a call to Engine::ado...
Definition entry.h:123
@ DetailsLoadedEvent
Used when more details have been added to an existing entry (such as the full description),...
Definition entry.h:124
void setHomepage(const QUrl &page)
Set a link to a website containing information about this entry.
Definition entry.cpp:111
QString updateVersion() const
Retrieve the version string of the object that is available as update.
Definition entry.cpp:206
QString knowledgebaseLink() const
The link for the knowledgebase for this entry.
Definition entry.cpp:295
QImage previewImage(PreviewType type=PreviewSmall1) const
This will not be loaded automatically, instead use Engine to load the actual images.
Definition entry.cpp:226
Represents whether the current entry is an actual catalog entry, or an entry that represents a set of...
Definition entry.h:133
@ GroupEntry
these are entries whose payload is another feed. Currently only used by the OPDS provider.
Definition entry.h:135
@ CatalogEntry
These are the main entries that KNewStuff can get the details about and download links for.
Definition entry.h:134
void setSummary(const QString &summary)
Sets a description (which can potentially be very long)
Definition entry.cpp:141
void setShortSummary(const QString &summary)
Sets a short description of what the object is all about (should be very short)
Definition entry.cpp:151
void setUpdateVersion(const QString &version)
Sets the version number that is available as update.
Definition entry.cpp:211
QDate updateReleaseDate() const
Retrieve the date of the newer version that is available as update.
Definition entry.cpp:196
QString previewUrl(PreviewType type=PreviewSmall1) const
Retrieve the file name of an image containing a preview of the object.
Definition entry.cpp:216
int downloadLinkCount() const
The number of available download options for this entry.
Definition entry.cpp:349
void setEntryType(EntryType type)
The entry type is either catalog entry, or group entry.
Definition entry.cpp:309
void setUpdateReleaseDate(const QDate &releasedate)
Sets the release date that is available as update.
Definition entry.cpp:201
void setSource(Source source)
The source of this entry can be Cache, Registry or Online -.
Definition entry.cpp:319
int numberKnowledgebaseEntries() const
The number of entries in the knowledgebase for this entry.
Definition entry.cpp:286
QStringList tags() const
The set of tags assigned specifically to this content item.
Definition entry.cpp:86
void appendDownloadLinkInformation(const DownloadLinkInformation &info)
Add a new download option to this entry.
Definition entry.cpp:372
void setNumberOfComments(int comments)
Sets the number of comments in the asset.
Definition entry.cpp:251
void setNumberKnowledgebaseEntries(int num)
Set the number of knowledgebase entries for this entry.
Definition entry.cpp:290
void clearDownloadLinkInformation()
Remove all download options from this entry.
Definition entry.cpp:385
void setKnowledgebaseLink(const QString &link)
Set the link for the knowledgebase.
Definition entry.cpp:299
Source of the entry, A entry's data is coming from either cache, or an online provider this helps the...
Definition entry.h:94
void setPreviewUrl(const QString &url, PreviewType type=PreviewSmall1)
Sets the object's preview file, if available.
Definition entry.cpp:221
int numberFans() const
How many people have marked themselves as fans of this entry.
Definition entry.cpp:266
void setDonationLink(const QString &link)
Set a string representation of the URL for the donation website for this entry.
Definition entry.cpp:281
Q_SCRIPTABLE CaptureState status()
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:57:30 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:57:30 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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