Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼NKNewStuffQuick | |
CAuthor | Encapsulates a KNSCore::Author for use in Qt Quick |
CCommentsModel | Encapsulates a KNSCore::CommentsModel for use in Qt Quick |
CSettings | An object for handling KNewStuff related settings which make sense to handle without instantiating an engine (specifically, for now, whether or not this is allowed by the user's Kiosk settings) |
▼NKNSCore | |
CAuthor | KNewStuff author information |
CCategoryMetadata | Describes a category |
CCommentsModel | A model which takes care of the comments for a single Entry |
CEngineBase | KNewStuff engine |
CEntry | KNewStuff data entry container |
▼CProvider | KNewStuff Base Provider class |
CCategoryMetadata | Describes a category: id/name/displayName |
CSearchPreset | Describes a search request that may come from the provider |
CSearchRequest | Used to keep track of a search |
CProviderCore | KNewStuff Base Provider class |
CProvidersModel | A model which holds information on all known Providers for a specific Engine |
CQuestion | A way to ask a user a question from inside a GUI-less library (like KNewStuffCore) |
CQuestionListener | Implementation-side handler class for questions sent from KNewStuffCore |
CQuestionManager | The central class handling Question redirection |
CResultsStream | The ResultsStream is returned by EngineBase::search |
CSearchPreset | Describes a search request that may come from the provider |
CSearchRequest | A search request |
CTagsFilterChecker | Apply simple filtering logic to a list of tags |
CTransaction | KNewStuff Transaction |
▼NKNSWidgets | |
CAction | QAction subclass that encapsulates the logic for showing the KNewStuff dialog |
CButton | QPushButton subclass that encapsulates the logic for showing the KNewStuff dialog |
CDialog | This class is a wrapper around the QtQuick QML dialog |
CButton | A button which when clicked will open a dialog with a NewStuff.Page at the base |
CCategoriesModel | A model which shows the categories found in an Engine |
CDialogContent | The contents of the NewStuff.Dialog component |
CDownloadItemsSheet | An overlay sheet for showing a list of download options for one entry |
CDownloadLinkInfo | One downloadable item as contained within one content item |
CEngine | KNSCore::EngineBase for interfacing with QML |
CEntryCommentDelegate | A card based delegate for showing a comment from a KNewStuffQuick::QuickCommentsModel |
CEntryCommentsPage | A Kirigami.Page component used for displaying a NewStuff entry's comments |
CEntryDetails | A Kirigami.Page component used for displaying the details for a single entry |
CGridTileDelegate | Base delegate for KControlmodules based on Grid views of thumbnails Use the onClicked signal handler for managing the main action when the user clicks on the tile, modified from the original GridDelegate from the KCM module @inherits QtQuick.Templates.ItemDelegate |
CItemsModel | A model which shows the contents found in an Engine |
CQuestionAsker | A component used to forward questions from KNewStuff's engine to the UI |
CSearchPresetModel | The SearchPresetModel class |
CUploadPage | A Kirigami.Page component used for showing how to upload KNS entries to a service |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:57:30 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:57:30 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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