
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
10#include "definition.h"
11#include "ksyntaxhighlighting_export.h"
13#include <QObject>
14#include <QStringView>
18class AbstractHighlighterPrivate;
19class FoldingRegion;
20class Format;
21class State;
22class Theme;
25 * Abstract base class for highlighters.
26 *
27 * @section abshl_intro Introduction
28 *
29 * The AbstractHighlighter provides an interface to highlight text.
30 *
31 * The SyntaxHighlighting framework already ships with one implementation,
32 * namely the SyntaxHighlighter, which also derives from QSyntaxHighlighter,
33 * meaning that it can be used to highlight a QTextDocument or a QML TextEdit.
34 * In order to use the SyntaxHighlighter, just call setDefinition() and
35 * setTheme(), and the associated documents will automatically be highlighted.
36 *
37 * However, if you want to use the SyntaxHighlighting framework to implement
38 * your own syntax highlighter, you need to sublcass from AbstractHighlighter.
39 *
40 * @section abshl_impl Implementing your own Syntax Highlighter
41 *
42 * In order to implement your own syntax highlighter, you need to inherit from
43 * AbstractHighlighter. Then, pass each text line that needs to be highlighted
44 * in order to highlightLine(). Internally, highlightLine() uses the Definition
45 * initially set through setDefinition() and the State of the previous text line
46 * to parse and highlight the given text line. For each visual highlighting
47 * change, highlightLine() will call applyFormat(). Therefore, reimplement
48 * applyFormat() to get notified of the Format that is valid in the range
49 * starting at the given offset with the specified length. Similarly, for each
50 * text part that starts or ends a code folding region, highlightLine() will
51 * call applyFolding(). Therefore, if you are interested in code folding,
52 * reimplement applyFolding() to get notified of the starting and ending code
53 * folding regions, again specified in the range starting at the given offset
54 * with the given length.
55 *
56 * The Format class itself depends on the current Theme. A theme must be
57 * initially set once such that the Format%s instances can be queried for
58 * concrete colors.
59 *
60 * Optionally, you can also reimplement setTheme() and setDefinition() to get
61 * notified whenever the Definition or the Theme changes.
62 *
63 * @see SyntaxHighlighter
64 * @since 5.28
65 */
66class KSYNTAXHIGHLIGHTING_EXPORT AbstractHighlighter
69 virtual ~AbstractHighlighter();
71 /**
72 * Returns the syntax definition used for highlighting.
73 *
74 * @see setDefinition()
75 */
76 Definition definition() const;
78 /**
79 * Sets the syntax definition used for highlighting.
80 *
81 * Subclasses can re-implement this method to e.g. trigger
82 * re-highlighting or clear internal data structures if needed.
83 */
84 virtual void setDefinition(const Definition &def);
86 /**
87 * Returns the currently selected theme for highlighting.
88 *
89 * @note If no Theme was set through setTheme(), the returned Theme will be
90 * invalid, see Theme::isValid().
91 */
92 Theme theme() const;
94 /**
95 * Sets the theme used for highlighting.
96 *
97 * Subclasses can re-implement this method to e.g. trigger
98 * re-highlighing or to do general palette color setup.
99 */
100 virtual void setTheme(const Theme &theme);
103 AbstractHighlighter();
104 KSYNTAXHIGHLIGHTING_NO_EXPORT explicit AbstractHighlighter(AbstractHighlighterPrivate *dd);
106 /**
107 * Highlight the given line. Call this from your derived class
108 * where appropriate. This will result in any number of applyFormat()
109 * and applyFolding() calls as a result.
110 * @param text A string containing the text of the line to highlight.
111 * @param state The highlighting state handle returned by the call
112 * to highlightLine() for the previous line. For the very first line,
113 * just pass a default constructed State().
114 * @returns The state of the highlighting engine after processing the
115 * given line. This needs to passed into highlightLine() for the
116 * next line. You can store the state for efficient partial
117 * re-highlighting for example during editing.
118 *
119 * @see applyFormat(), applyFolding()
120 */
121 State highlightLine(QStringView text, const State &state);
123 /**
124 * Reimplement this to apply formats to your output. The provided @p format
125 * is valid for the interval [@p offset, @p offset + @p length).
126 *
127 * @param offset The start column of the interval for which @p format matches
128 * @param length The length of the matching text
129 * @param format The Format that applies to the range [offset, offset + length)
130 *
131 * @note Make sure to set a valid Definition, otherwise the parameter
132 * @p format is invalid for the entire line passed to highlightLine()
133 * (cf. Format::isValid()).
134 *
135 * @see applyFolding(), highlightLine()
136 */
137 virtual void applyFormat(int offset, int length, const Format &format) = 0;
139 /**
140 * Reimplement this to apply folding to your output. The provided
141 * FoldingRegion @p region either stars or ends a code folding region in the
142 * interval [@p offset, @p offset + @p length).
143 *
144 * @param offset The start column of the FoldingRegion
145 * @param length The length of the matching text that starts / ends a
146 * folding region
147 * @param region The FoldingRegion that applies to the range [offset, offset + length)
148 *
149 * @note The FoldingRegion @p region is @e always either of type
150 * FoldingRegion::Type::Begin or FoldingRegion::Type::End.
151 *
152 * @see applyFormat(), highlightLine(), FoldingRegion
153 */
154 virtual void applyFolding(int offset, int length, FoldingRegion region);
157 AbstractHighlighterPrivate *d_ptr;
160 Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(AbstractHighlighter)
161 Q_DISABLE_COPY(AbstractHighlighter)
166Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(KSyntaxHighlighting::AbstractHighlighter, "org.kde.SyntaxHighlighting.AbstractHighlighter")
Abstract base class for highlighters.
virtual void applyFormat(int offset, int length, const Format &format)=0
Reimplement this to apply formats to your output.
virtual void setDefinition(const Definition &def)
Sets the syntax definition used for highlighting.
Theme theme() const
Returns the currently selected theme for highlighting.
virtual void setTheme(const Theme &theme)
Sets the theme used for highlighting.
virtual void applyFolding(int offset, int length, FoldingRegion region)
Reimplement this to apply folding to your output.
Definition definition() const
Returns the syntax definition used for highlighting.
State highlightLine(QStringView text, const State &state)
Highlight the given line.
Represents a syntax definition.
Definition definition.h:83
Represents a begin or end of a folding region.
Describes the format to be used for a specific text fragment.
Definition format.h:28
Opaque handle to the state of the highlighting engine.
Definition state.h:30
Color theme definition used for highlighting.
Definition theme.h:65
Syntax highlighting engine for Kate syntax definitions.
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:50:20 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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