
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Jonathan Poelen <jonathan.poelen@gmail.com>
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
11#include "ksyntaxhighlighting_export.h"
13#include <QList>
14#include <QPair>
15#include <QString>
16#include <memory>
17#include <qobjectdefs.h>
19namespace KSyntaxHighlighting
21class Context;
22class Format;
23class KeywordList;
25class DefinitionData;
28 * Defines the insert position when commenting code.
29 * @since 5.50
30 * @see Definition::singleLineCommentPosition()
31 */
32enum class CommentPosition {
33 //! The comment marker is inserted at the beginning of a line at column 0
35 //! The comment marker is inserted after leading whitespaces right befire
36 //! the first non-whitespace character.
41 * Represents a syntax definition.
42 *
43 * @section def_intro Introduction to Definitions
44 *
45 * A Definition is the short term for a syntax highlighting definition. It
46 * typically is defined in terms of an XML syntax highlighting file, containing
47 * all information about a particular syntax highlighting. This includes the
48 * highlighting of keywords, information about code folding regions, and
49 * indentation preferences.
50 *
51 * @section def_info General Header Data
52 *
53 * Each Definition contains a non-translated unique name() and a section().
54 * In addition, for putting this information e.g. into menus, the functions
55 * translatedName() and translatedSection() are provided. However, if isHidden()
56 * returns @e true, the Definition should not be visible in the UI. The location
57 * of the Definition can be obtained through filePath(), which either is the
58 * location on disk or a path to a compiled-in Qt resource.
59 *
60 * The supported files of a Definition are defined by the list of extensions(),
61 * and additionally by the list of mimeTypes(). Note, that extensions() returns
62 * wildcards that need to be matched against the filename of the file that
63 * requires highlighting. If multiple Definition%s match the file, then the one
64 * with higher priority() wins.
65 *
66 * @section def_metadata Advanced Definition Data
67 *
68 * Advanced text editors such as Kate require additional information from a
69 * Definition. For instance, foldingEnabled() defines whether a Definition has
70 * code folding regions that can be shown in a code folding pane. Or
71 * singleLineCommentMarker() and multiLineCommentMarker() provide comment
72 * markers that can be used for commenting/uncommenting code. Similarly,
73 * formats() returns a list of Format items defined by this Definition (which
74 * equal the itemDatas of a highlighting definition file). includedDefinitions()
75 * returns a list of all included Definition%s referenced by this Definition via
76 * the rule IncludeRules, which is useful for displaying all Format items for
77 * color configuration in the user interface.
78 *
79 * @see Repository
80 * @since 5.28
81 */
85 Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name)
86 Q_PROPERTY(QString translatedName READ translatedName)
87 Q_PROPERTY(QString section READ section)
88 Q_PROPERTY(QString translatedSection READ translatedSection)
89 Q_PROPERTY(QString author READ author)
90 Q_PROPERTY(QString license READ license)
92 /**
93 * Default constructor, creating an empty (invalid) Definition instance.
94 * isValid() for this instance returns @e false.
95 *
96 * Use the Repository instead to obtain valid instances.
97 */
98 Definition();
100 /**
101 * Move constructor.
102 * This definition takes the Definition data from @p other.
103 * @note @p other may only be assigned to or destroyed afterwards.
104 * @since 5.86
105 */
106 Definition(Definition &&other) noexcept;
108 /**
109 * Copy constructor.
110 * Both this definition as well as @p other share the Definition data.
111 */
112 Definition(const Definition &other);
114 /**
115 * Destructor.
116 */
119 /**
120 * Move assignment operator.
121 * This definition takes the Definition data from @p other.
122 * @note @p other may only be assigned to or destroyed afterwards.
123 * @since 5.86
124 */
125 Definition &operator=(Definition &&other) noexcept;
127 /**
128 * Copy assignment operator.
129 * Both this definition as well as @p rhs share the Definition data.
130 */
133 /**
134 * Checks two definitions for equality.
135 */
136 bool operator==(const Definition &other) const;
138 /**
139 * Checks two definitions for inequality.
140 */
141 bool operator!=(const Definition &other) const;
143 /**
144 * @name General Header Data
145 *
146 * @{
147 */
149 /**
150 * Checks whether this object refers to a valid syntax definition.
151 */
152 bool isValid() const;
154 /**
155 * Returns the full path to the definition XML file containing
156 * the syntax definition. Note that this can be a path to QRC content.
157 */
158 QString filePath() const;
160 /** Name of the syntax.
161 * Used for internal references, prefer translatedName() for display.
162 */
163 QString name() const;
165 /**
166 * Alternate names the syntax can be referred to by.
167 *
168 * @since 6.1
169 */
172 /**
173 * Translated name for display.
174 */
175 QString translatedName() const;
177 /**
178 * The group this syntax definition belongs to.
179 * For display, consider translatedSection().
180 */
181 QString section() const;
183 /**
184 * Translated group name for display.
185 */
186 QString translatedSection() const;
188 /**
189 * Mime types associated with this syntax definition.
190 */
193 /**
194 * File extensions associated with this syntax definition.
195 * The returned list contains wildcards.
196 */
199 /**
200 * Returns the definition version.
201 */
202 int version() const;
204 /**
205 * Returns the definition priority.
206 * A Definition with higher priority wins over Definitions with lower priorities.
207 */
208 int priority() const;
210 /**
211 * Returns @c true if this is an internal definition that should not be
212 * displayed to the user.
213 */
214 bool isHidden() const;
216 /**
217 * Generalized language style, used for indentation.
218 */
219 QString style() const;
221 /**
222 * Indentation style to be used for this syntax.
223 */
224 QString indenter() const;
226 /**
227 * Name and email of the author of this syntax definition.
228 */
229 QString author() const;
231 /**
232 * License of this syntax definition.
233 */
234 QString license() const;
236 /**
237 * @}
238 *
239 * @name Advanced Definition Data
240 */
242 /**
243 * Returns whether the character @p c is a word delimiter.
244 * A delimiter defines whether a characters is a word boundary. Internally,
245 * delimiters are used for matching keyword lists. As example, typically the
246 * dot '.' is a word delimiter. However, if you have a keyword in a keyword
247 * list that contains a dot, you have to add the dot to the
248 * @e weakDeliminator attribute of the @e general section in your
249 * highlighting definition. Similarly, sometimes additional delimiters are
250 * required, which can be specified in @e additionalDeliminator.
251 *
252 * Checking whether a character is a delimiter is useful for instance if
253 * text is selected with double click. Typically, the whole word should be
254 * selected in this case. Similarly to the example above, the dot '.'
255 * usually acts as word delimiter. However, using this function you can
256 * implement text selection in such a way that keyword lists are correctly
257 * selected.
258 *
259 * @note By default, the list of delimiters contains the following
260 * characters: \\t !%&()*+,-./:;<=>?[\\]^{|}~
261 *
262 * @since 5.50
263 * @see isWordWrapDelimiter()
264 */
265 bool isWordDelimiter(QChar c) const;
267 /**
268 * Returns whether it is safe to break a line at before the character @c.
269 * This is useful when wrapping a line e.g. by applying static word wrap.
270 *
271 * As example, consider the LaTeX code
272 * @code
273 * \command1\command2
274 * @endcode
275 * Applying static word wrap could lead to the following code:
276 * @code
277 * \command1\
278 * command2
279 * @endcode
280 * command2 without a leading backslash is invalid in LaTeX. If '\\' is set
281 * as word wrap delimiter, isWordWrapDelimiter('\\') then returns true,
282 * meaning that it is safe to break the line before @c. The resulting code
283 * then would be
284 * @code
285 * \command1
286 * \command2
287 * @endcode
288 *
289 * @note By default, the word wrap delimiters are equal to the word
290 * delimiters in isWordDelimiter().
291 *
292 * @since 5.50
293 * @see isWordDelimiter()
294 */
295 bool isWordWrapDelimiter(QChar c) const;
297 /**
298 * Returns whether the highlighting supports code folding.
299 * Code folding is supported either if the highlighting defines code folding
300 * regions or if indentationBasedFoldingEnabled() returns @e true.
301 * @since 5.50
302 * @see indentationBasedFoldingEnabled()
303 */
304 bool foldingEnabled() const;
306 /**
307 * Returns whether indentation-based folding is enabled.
308 * An example for indentation-based folding is Python.
309 * When indentation-based folding is enabled, make sure to also check
310 * foldingIgnoreList() for lines that should be treated as empty.
311 *
312 * @see foldingIgnoreList(), State::indentationBasedFoldingEnabled()
313 */
316 /**
317 * If indentationBasedFoldingEnabled() returns @c true, this function returns
318 * a list of regular expressions that represent empty lines. That is, all
319 * lines matching entirely one of the regular expressions should be treated
320 * as empty lines when calculating the indentation-based folding ranges.
321 *
322 * @note This list is only of relevance, if indentationBasedFoldingEnabled()
323 * returns @c true.
324 *
325 * @see indentationBasedFoldingEnabled()
326 */
329 /**
330 * Returns the section names of keywords.
331 * @since 5.49
332 * @see keywordList()
333 */
336 /**
337 * Returns the list of keywords for the keyword list @p name.
338 * @since 5.49
339 * @see keywordLists(), setKeywordList()
340 */
341 QStringList keywordList(const QString &name) const;
343 /**
344 * Set the contents of the keyword list @p name to @p content.
345 * Only existing keywordLists() can be changed. For non-existent keyword lists,
346 * false is returned.
347 *
348 * Whenever you change a keyword list, make sure to trigger a rehighlight of
349 * your documents. In case you are using QSyntaxHighlighter via SyntaxHighlighter,
350 * this can be done by calling SyntaxHighlighter::rehighlight().
351 *
352 * @note In general, changing keyword lists via setKeywordList() is discouraged,
353 * since if a keyword list name in the syntax highlighting definition
354 * file changes, the call setKeywordList() may suddenly fail.
355 *
356 * @see keywordList(), keywordLists()
357 * @since 5.62
358 */
359 bool setKeywordList(const QString &name, const QStringList &content);
361 /**
362 * Returns a list of all Format items used by this definition.
363 * The order of the Format items equals the order of the itemDatas in the xml file.
364 * @since 5.49
365 */
366 QList<Format> formats() const;
368 /**
369 * Returns a list of Definitions that are referenced with the IncludeRules rule.
370 * The returned list does not include this Definition. In case no other
371 * Definitions are referenced via IncludeRules, the returned list is empty.
372 *
373 * @since 5.49
374 */
377 /**
378 * Returns the marker that starts a single line comment.
379 * For instance, in C++ the single line comment marker is "//".
380 * @since 5.50
381 * @see singleLineCommentPosition();
382 */
385 /**
386 * Returns the insert position of the comment marker for sinle line
387 * comments.
388 * @since 5.50
389 * @see singleLineCommentMarker();
390 */
393 /**
394 * Returns the markers that start and end multiline comments.
395 * For instance, in XML this is defined as "<!--" and "-->".
396 * @since 5.50
397 */
398 QPair<QString, QString> multiLineCommentMarker() const;
400 /**
401 * Returns a list of character/string mapping that can be used for spell
402 * checking. This is useful for instance when spell checking LaTeX, where
403 * the string \"{A} represents the character Ä.
404 * @since 5.50
405 */
408 /**
409 * @}
410 */
413 friend class DefinitionData;
414 KSYNTAXHIGHLIGHTING_NO_EXPORT explicit Definition(const DefinitionData &defData);
415 std::shared_ptr<DefinitionData> d;
421Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(KSyntaxHighlighting::Definition, Q_RELOCATABLE_TYPE);
Represents a syntax definition.
Definition definition.h:83
QString style() const
Generalized language style, used for indentation.
QStringList keywordList(const QString &name) const
Returns the list of keywords for the keyword list name.
QString singleLineCommentMarker() const
Returns the marker that starts a single line comment.
int priority() const
Returns the definition priority.
bool isValid() const
Checks whether this object refers to a valid syntax definition.
QStringList foldingIgnoreList() const
If indentationBasedFoldingEnabled() returns true, this function returns a list of regular expressions...
QString filePath() const
Returns the full path to the definition XML file containing the syntax definition.
Definition(Definition &&other) noexcept
Move constructor.
Definition & operator=(Definition &&other) noexcept
Move assignment operator.
CommentPosition singleLineCommentPosition() const
Returns the insert position of the comment marker for sinle line comments.
bool isHidden() const
Returns true if this is an internal definition that should not be displayed to the user.
bool indentationBasedFoldingEnabled() const
Returns whether indentation-based folding is enabled.
Definition(const Definition &other)
Copy constructor.
QStringList alternativeNames() const
Alternate names the syntax can be referred to by.
Definition & operator=(const Definition &rhs)
Copy assignment operator.
Default constructor, creating an empty (invalid) Definition instance.
QList< QString > mimeTypes() const
Mime types associated with this syntax definition.
bool operator!=(const Definition &other) const
Checks two definitions for inequality.
bool foldingEnabled() const
Returns whether the highlighting supports code folding.
bool setKeywordList(const QString &name, const QStringList &content)
Set the contents of the keyword list name to content.
bool operator==(const Definition &other) const
Checks two definitions for equality.
QPair< QString, QString > multiLineCommentMarker() const
Returns the markers that start and end multiline comments.
QList< QPair< QChar, QString > > characterEncodings() const
Returns a list of character/string mapping that can be used for spell checking.
bool isWordWrapDelimiter(QChar c) const
Returns whether it is safe to break a line at before the character .
bool isWordDelimiter(QChar c) const
Returns whether the character c is a word delimiter.
QList< QString > extensions() const
File extensions associated with this syntax definition.
int version() const
Returns the definition version.
QList< Format > formats() const
Returns a list of all Format items used by this definition.
QStringList keywordLists() const
Returns the section names of keywords.
QString indenter() const
Indentation style to be used for this syntax.
QList< Definition > includedDefinitions() const
Returns a list of Definitions that are referenced with the IncludeRules rule.
Describes the format to be used for a specific text fragment.
Definition format.h:28
Syntax highlighting engine for Kate syntax definitions.
Defines the insert position when commenting code.
Definition definition.h:32
@ AfterWhitespace
The comment marker is inserted after leading whitespaces right befire the first non-whitespace charac...
Definition definition.h:37
@ StartOfLine
The comment marker is inserted at the beginning of a line at column 0.
Definition definition.h:34
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:50:20 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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