
2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2015 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * This file is part of the KD Chart library.
5 *
6 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
7 */
12#include "KChartAbstractCoordinatePlane.h"
14namespace KChart {
16 class Chart;
17 class PaintContext;
18 class AbstractDiagram;
19 class CartesianAxis;
20 class CartesianGrid;
22 /**
23 * @brief Cartesian coordinate plane
24 */
25 class KCHART_EXPORT CartesianCoordinatePlane : public AbstractCoordinatePlane
26 {
29 Q_DISABLE_COPY( CartesianCoordinatePlane )
30 KCHART_DECLARE_PRIVATE_DERIVED_PARENT( CartesianCoordinatePlane, Chart* )
32 friend class CartesianAxis;
33 friend class CartesianGrid;
35 public:
36 explicit CartesianCoordinatePlane ( Chart* parent = nullptr );
37 ~CartesianCoordinatePlane() override;
39 void addDiagram ( AbstractDiagram* diagram ) override;
41 /**
42 * If @p onOff is true, enforce that X and Y distances are scaled by the same factor.
43 * This makes the plane's height a function of its width, and hasHeightForWidth()
44 * will return true.
45 */
46 void setIsometricScaling ( bool onOff );
48 bool doesIsometricScaling() const;
50 const QPointF translate ( const QPointF& diagramPoint ) const override;
52 /**
53 * \sa setZoomFactorX, setZoomCenter
54 */
55 qreal zoomFactorX() const override;
56 /**
57 * \sa setZoomFactorY, setZoomCenter
58 */
59 qreal zoomFactorY() const override;
61 /**
62 * \sa setZoomFactorX,setZoomFactorY
63 */
64 void setZoomFactors( qreal factorX, qreal factorY ) override;
65 /**
66 * \sa zoomFactorX, setZoomCenter
67 */
68 void setZoomFactorX( qreal factor ) override;
69 /**
70 * \sa zoomFactorY, setZoomCenter
71 */
72 void setZoomFactorY( qreal factor ) override;
74 /**
75 * \sa setZoomCenter, setZoomFactorX, setZoomFactorY
76 */
77 QPointF zoomCenter() const override;
79 /**
80 * \sa zoomCenter, setZoomFactorX, setZoomFactorY
81 */
82 void setZoomCenter( const QPointF& center ) override;
84 /**
85 * Allows to specify a fixed data-space / coordinate-space relation. If set
86 * to true then fixed bar widths are used, so you see more bars as the window
87 * is made wider.
88 *
89 * This allows to completely restrict the size of bars in a graph such that,
90 * upon resizing a window, the graphs coordinate plane will grow (add more
91 * ticks to x- and y-coordinates) rather than have the image grow.
92 */
93 void setFixedDataCoordinateSpaceRelation( bool fixed );
94 bool hasFixedDataCoordinateSpaceRelation() const;
96 /**
97 * Allows to fix the lower bound of X axis to zero when diagram is in first quadrant.
98 *
99 * The default behavior is to lower x or y bound to be 0. If this behaviour is not wanted,
100 * either \a CartesianCoordinatePlane::setHorizontalRange could be used instead of letting
101 * KChart auto-adjust the ranges, or this method can be used to disable this behavior.
102 */
103 void setXAxisStartAtZero(bool fixedStart);
104 bool xAxisStartAtZero() const;
106 /**
107 * \brief Set the boundaries of the visible value space displayed in horizontal direction.
108 *
109 * This is also known as the horizontal viewport.
110 *
111 * By default the horizontal range is adjusted to the range covered by the model's data,
112 * see setAutoAdjustHorizontalRangeToData for details.
113 * Calling setHorizontalRange with a valid range disables this default automatic adjusting,
114 * while on the other hand automatic adjusting will set these ranges.
115 *
116 * To disable use of this range you can either pass an empty pair by using the default
117 * constructor QPair() or you can set both values to the same which constitutes
118 * a null range.
119 *
120 * \note By default the visible data range often is larger than the
121 * range calculated from the data model (or set by setHoriz.|Vert.Range(), resp.).
122 * This is due to the built-in grid calculation feature: The visible start/end
123 * values get adjusted so that they match a main-grid line.
124 * You can turn this feature off for any of the four bounds by calling
125 * GridAttributes::setAdjustBoundsToGrid() for either the global grid-attributes
126 * or for the horizontal/vertical attrs separately.
127 *
128 * \note To set only one of the ends of the range to a fixed value while keeping
129 * the other dynamically adjusted, use std::numeric_limits< qreal >::quiet_NaN()
130 * for the dynamic value.
131 *
132 * \note If you use user defined vertical ranges together with logarithmic scale, only
133 * positive values are supported. If you set it to negative values, the result is undefined.
134 *
135 * \param range a pair of values representing the smallest and the largest
136 * horizontal value space coordinate displayed.
137 *
138 * \sa setAutoAdjustHorizontalRangeToData, setVerticalRange
139 * \sa GridAttributes::setAdjustBoundsToGrid()
140 */
141 void setHorizontalRange( const QPair<qreal, qreal> & range );
143 /**
144 * \brief Set the boundaries of the visible value space displayed in vertical direction.
145 *
146 * This is also known as the vertical viewport.
147 *
148 * By default the vertical range is adjusted to the range covered by the model's data,
149 * see setAutoAdjustVerticalRangeToData for details.
150 * Calling setVerticalRange with a valid range disables this default automatic adjusting,
151 * while on the other hand automatic adjusting will set these ranges.
152 *
153 * To disable use of this range you can either pass an empty pair by using the default
154 * constructor QPair() or you can set setting both values to the same which constitutes
155 * a null range.
156 *
157 * \note By default the visible data range often is larger than the
158 * range calculated from the data model (or set by setHoriz.|Vert.Range(), resp.).
159 * This is due to the built-in grid calculation feature: The visible start/end
160 * values get adjusted so that they match a main-grid line.
161 * You can turn this feature off for any of the four bounds by calling
162 * GridAttributes::setAdjustBoundsToGrid() for either the global grid-attributes
163 * or for the horizontal/vertical attrs separately.
164 *
165 * \note To set only one of the ends of the range to a fixed value while keeping
166 * the other dynamically adjusted, use std::numeric_limits< qreal >::quiet_NaN()
167 * for the dynamic value.
168 *
169 * \note If you use user defined vertical ranges together with logarithmic scale, only
170 * positive values are supported. If you set it to negative values, the result is undefined.
171 *
172 * \param range a pair of values representing the smallest and the largest
173 * vertical value space coordinate displayed.
174 *
175 * \sa setAutoAdjustVerticalRangeToData, setHorizontalRange
176 * \sa GridAttributes::setAdjustBoundsToGrid()
177 */
178 void setVerticalRange( const QPair<qreal, qreal> & range );
180 /**
181 * @return The largest and smallest visible horizontal value space
182 * value. If this is not explicitly set,or if both values are the same,
183 * the plane will use the union of the dataBoundaries of all
184 * associated diagrams.
185 * \see KChart::AbstractDiagram::dataBoundaries
186 */
187 QPair<qreal, qreal> horizontalRange() const;
189 /**
190 * @return The largest and smallest visible horizontal value space
191 * value. If this is not explicitly set, or if both values are the same,
192 * the plane will use the union of the dataBoundaries of all
193 * associated diagrams.
194 * \see KChart::AbstractDiagram::dataBoundaries
195 */
196 QPair<qreal, qreal> verticalRange() const;
198 /**
199 * \brief Automatically adjust horizontal range settings to the ranges covered by
200 * the model's values, when ever the data have changed, and then emit horizontalRangeAutomaticallyAdjusted.
201 *
202 * By default the horizontal range is adjusted automatically, if more than 67 percent of
203 * the available horizontal space would be empty otherwise.
204 *
205 * Range setting is adjusted if more than \c percentEmpty percent of the horizontal
206 * space covered by the coordinate plane would otherwise be empty.
207 * Automatic range adjusting can happen, when either all of the data are positive or all are negative.
208 *
209 * Set percentEmpty to 100 to disable automatic range adjusting.
210 *
211 * \param percentEmpty The maximal percentage of horizontal space that may be empty.
212 *
213 * \sa horizontalRangeAutomaticallyAdjusted
214 * \sa autoAdjustHorizontalRangeToData, adjustRangesToData
215 * \sa setHorizontalRange, setVerticalRange
216 * \sa setAutoAdjustVerticalRangeToData
217 */
218 void setAutoAdjustHorizontalRangeToData( unsigned int percentEmpty = 67 );
220 /**
221 * \brief Automatically adjust vertical range settings to the ranges covered by
222 * the model's values, when ever the data have changed, and then emit verticalRangeAutomaticallyAdjusted.
223 *
224 * By default the vertical range is adjusted automatically, if more than 67 percent of
225 * the available vertical space would be empty otherwise.
226 *
227 * Range setting is adjusted if more than \c percentEmpty percent of the horizontal
228 * space covered by the coordinate plane would otherwise be empty.
229 * Automatic range adjusting can happen, when either all of the data are positive or all are negative.
230 *
231 * Set percentEmpty to 100 to disable automatic range adjusting.
232 *
233 * \param percentEmpty The maximal percentage of horizontal space that may be empty.
234 *
235 * \sa verticalRangeAutomaticallyAdjusted
236 * \sa autoAdjustVerticalRangeToData, adjustRangesToData
237 * \sa setHorizontalRange, setVerticalRange
238 * \sa setAutoAdjustHorizontalRangeToData
239 */
240 void setAutoAdjustVerticalRangeToData( unsigned int percentEmpty = 67 );
242 /**
243 * \brief Returns the maximal allowed percent of the horizontal
244 * space covered by the coordinate plane that may be empty.
245 *
246 * \return A percent value indicating how much of the horizontal space may be empty.
247 * If more than this is empty, automatic range adjusting is applied.
248 * A return value of 100 indicates that no such automatic adjusting is done at all.
249 *
250 * \sa setAutoAdjustHorizontalRangeToData, adjustRangesToData
251 */
252 unsigned int autoAdjustHorizontalRangeToData() const;
254 /**
255 * \brief Returns the maximal allowed percent of the vertical
256 * space covered by the coordinate plane that may be empty.
257 *
258 * \return A percent value indicating how much of the vertical space may be empty.
259 * If more than this is empty, automatic range adjusting is applied.
260 * A return value of 100 indicates that no such automatic adjusting is done at all.
261 *
262 * \sa setAutoAdjustVerticalRangeToData, adjustRangesToData
263 */
264 unsigned int autoAdjustVerticalRangeToData() const;
267 /**
268 * Set the attributes to be used for grid lines drawn in horizontal
269 * direction (or in vertical direction, resp.).
270 *
271 * To disable horizontal grid painting, for example, your code should like this:
272 * \code
273 * GridAttributes ga = plane->gridAttributes( Qt::Horizontal );
274 * ga.setGridVisible( false );
275 * plane-setGridAttributes( Qt::Horizontal, ga );
276 * \endcode
277 *
278 * \note setGridAttributes overwrites the global attributes that
279 * were set by AbstractCoordinatePlane::setGlobalGridAttributes.
280 * To re-activate these global attributes you can call
281 * resetGridAttributes.
282 *
283 * \sa resetGridAttributes, gridAttributes
284 * \sa setAutoAdjustGridToZoom
285 * \sa AbstractCoordinatePlane::setGlobalGridAttributes
286 * \sa hasOwnGridAttributes
287 */
288 void setGridAttributes( Qt::Orientation orientation, const GridAttributes & );
290 /**
291 * Reset the attributes to be used for grid lines drawn in horizontal
292 * direction (or in vertical direction, resp.).
293 * By calling this method you specify that the global attributes set by
294 * AbstractCoordinatePlane::setGlobalGridAttributes be used.
295 *
296 * \sa setGridAttributes, gridAttributes
297 * \sa setAutoAdjustGridToZoom
298 * \sa AbstractCoordinatePlane::globalGridAttributes
299 * \sa hasOwnGridAttributes
300 */
301 void resetGridAttributes( Qt::Orientation orientation );
303 /**
304 * \return The attributes used for grid lines drawn in horizontal
305 * direction (or in vertical direction, resp.).
306 *
307 * \note This function always returns a valid set of grid attributes:
308 * If no special grid attributes were set foe this orientation
309 * the global attributes are returned, as returned by
310 * AbstractCoordinatePlane::globalGridAttributes.
311 *
312 * \sa setGridAttributes
313 * \sa resetGridAttributes
314 * \sa AbstractCoordinatePlane::globalGridAttributes
315 * \sa hasOwnGridAttributes
316 */
317 const GridAttributes gridAttributes( Qt::Orientation orientation ) const;
319 /**
320 * \return Returns whether the grid attributes have been set for the
321 * respective direction via setGridAttributes( orientation ).
322 *
323 * If false, the grid will use the global attributes set
324 * by AbstractCoordinatePlane::globalGridAttributes (or the default
325 * attributes, resp.)
326 *
327 * \sa setGridAttributes
328 * \sa resetGridAttributes
329 * \sa AbstractCoordinatePlane::globalGridAttributes
330 */
331 bool hasOwnGridAttributes( Qt::Orientation orientation ) const;
333 /**
334 * Disable / re-enable the built-in grid adjusting feature.
335 *
336 * By default additional lines will be drawn in a Linear grid when zooming in.
337 *
338 * \sa autoAdjustGridToZoom, setGridAttributes
339 */
340 void setAutoAdjustGridToZoom( bool autoAdjust );
342 /**
343 * Return the status of the built-in grid adjusting feature.
344 *
345 * \sa setAutoAdjustGridToZoom
346 */
348 const bool autoAdjustGridToZoom() const;
350 bool autoAdjustGridToZoom() const;
353 AxesCalcMode axesCalcModeY() const;
354 AxesCalcMode axesCalcModeX() const;
356 /** Specifies the calculation modes for all axes */
357 void setAxesCalcModes( AxesCalcMode mode );
358 /** Specifies the calculation mode for all Ordinate axes */
359 void setAxesCalcModeY( AxesCalcMode mode );
360 /** Specifies the calculation mode for all Abscissa axes */
361 void setAxesCalcModeX( AxesCalcMode mode );
363 /** reimpl */
364 void paint( QPainter* ) override;
366 /** reimpl */
367 AbstractCoordinatePlane* sharedAxisMasterPlane( QPainter* p = nullptr ) override;
369 /**
370 * Returns the currently visible data range. Might be greater than the
371 * range of the grid.
372 */
373 QRectF visibleDataRange() const;
375 /**
376 * Returns the logical area, i.e., the rectangle defined by the very top
377 * left and very bottom right coordinate.
378 */
379 QRectF logicalArea() const;
381 /**
382 * Returns the (physical) area occupied by the diagram. Unless zoom is applied
383 * (which is also true when a fixed data coordinate / space relation is used),
384 * \code diagramArea() == drawingArea() \endcode .
385 * \sa setFixedDataCoordinateSpaceRelation
386 * \sa drawingArea
387 */
388 QRectF diagramArea() const;
390 /**
391 * Returns the visible part of the diagram area, i.e.
392 * \code diagramArea().intersected( drawingArea() ) \endcode
393 * \sa diagramArea
394 */
397 /**
398 * Sets whether the horizontal range should be reversed or not, i.e.
399 * small values to the left and large values to the right (the default)
400 * or vice versa.
401 * \param reverse Whether the horizontal range should be reversed or not
402 */
403 void setHorizontalRangeReversed( bool reverse );
405 /**
406 * \return Whether the horizontal range is reversed or not
407 */
408 bool isHorizontalRangeReversed() const;
410 /**
411 * Sets whether the vertical range should be reversed or not, i.e.
412 * small values at the bottom and large values at the top (the default)
413 * or vice versa.
414 * \param reverse Whether the vertical range should be reversed or not
415 */
416 void setVerticalRangeReversed( bool reverse );
418 /**
419 * \return Whether the vertical range is reversed or not
420 */
421 bool isVerticalRangeReversed() const;
423 /**
424 * reimplemented from AbstractCoordinatePlane
425 */
426 void setGeometry( const QRect& r ) override;
428 // reimplemented
429 Qt::Orientations expandingDirections() const override;
432 public Q_SLOTS:
433 /**
434 * \brief Adjust both, horizontal and vertical range settings to the
435 * ranges covered by the model's data values.
436 *
437 * \sa setHorizontalRange, setVerticalRange
438 * \sa adjustHorizontalRangeToData, adjustVerticalRangeToData
439 * \sa setAutoAdjustHorizontalRangeToData, setAutoAdjustVerticalRangeToData
440 */
441 void adjustRangesToData();
443 /**
444 * Adjust horizontal range settings to the ranges covered by the model's data values.
445 * \sa adjustRangesToData
446 */
449 /**
450 * Adjust vertical range settings to the ranges covered by the model's data values.
451 * \sa adjustRangesToData
452 */
455 protected:
456 QRectF getRawDataBoundingRectFromDiagrams() const;
457 QRectF adjustedToMaxEmptyInnerPercentage(
458 const QRectF& r, unsigned int percentX, unsigned int percentY ) const;
459 virtual QRectF calculateRawDataBoundingRect() const;
460 DataDimensionsList getDataDimensionsList() const override;
461 // the whole drawing area, includes diagrams and axes, but maybe smaller
462 // than (width, height):
463 virtual QRectF drawingArea() const;
464 public:
465 const QPointF translateBack( const QPointF& screenPoint ) const;
466 protected:
467 void paintEvent ( QPaintEvent* );
468 void layoutDiagrams() override;
469 // the following three return true if the new value is different from the old
470 bool doneSetZoomFactorX( qreal factor );
471 bool doneSetZoomFactorY( qreal factor );
472 bool doneSetZoomCenter( const QPointF& center );
474 void handleFixedDataCoordinateSpaceRelation( const QRectF& geometry );
476 // reimplemented from QLayoutItem, via AbstractLayoutItem, AbstractArea, AbstractCoordinatePlane
477 bool hasHeightForWidth() const override;
478 int heightForWidth( int w ) const override;
479 QSize sizeHint() const override;
481 protected Q_SLOTS:
482 void slotLayoutChanged( KChart::AbstractDiagram* );
484 private:
485 void setHasOwnGridAttributes(
486 Qt::Orientation orientation, bool on );
487 };
QRect geometry() const override
pure virtual in QLayoutItem
AbstractDiagram defines the interface for diagram classes.
The class for cartesian axes.
QRectF visibleDataRange() const
Returns the currently visible data range.
void setAxesCalcModeX(AxesCalcMode mode)
Specifies the calculation mode for all Abscissa axes.
QRectF visibleDiagramArea() const
Returns the visible part of the diagram area, i.e.
bool hasOwnGridAttributes(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
void setVerticalRange(const QPair< qreal, qreal > &range)
Set the boundaries of the visible value space displayed in vertical direction.
unsigned int autoAdjustVerticalRangeToData() const
Returns the maximal allowed percent of the vertical space covered by the coordinate plane that may be...
void adjustVerticalRangeToData()
Adjust vertical range settings to the ranges covered by the model's data values.
void adjustHorizontalRangeToData()
Adjust horizontal range settings to the ranges covered by the model's data values.
unsigned int autoAdjustHorizontalRangeToData() const
Returns the maximal allowed percent of the horizontal space covered by the coordinate plane that may ...
void layoutDiagrams() override
Distribute the available space among the diagrams and axes.
void setZoomFactors(qreal factorX, qreal factorY) override
void setGeometry(const QRect &r) override
reimplemented from AbstractCoordinatePlane
void adjustRangesToData()
Adjust both, horizontal and vertical range settings to the ranges covered by the model's data values.
const QPointF translate(const QPointF &diagramPoint) const override
Translate the given point in value space coordinates to a position in pixel space.
void setAutoAdjustGridToZoom(bool autoAdjust)
Disable / re-enable the built-in grid adjusting feature.
void setVerticalRangeReversed(bool reverse)
Sets whether the vertical range should be reversed or not, i.e.
AbstractCoordinatePlane * sharedAxisMasterPlane(QPainter *p=nullptr) override
Qt::Orientations expandingDirections() const override
pure virtual in QLayoutItem
void setAutoAdjustVerticalRangeToData(unsigned int percentEmpty=67)
Automatically adjust vertical range settings to the ranges covered by the model's values,...
const GridAttributes gridAttributes(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
void addDiagram(AbstractDiagram *diagram) override
Adds a diagram to this coordinate plane.
void setXAxisStartAtZero(bool fixedStart)
Allows to fix the lower bound of X axis to zero when diagram is in first quadrant.
void setHorizontalRangeReversed(bool reverse)
Sets whether the horizontal range should be reversed or not, i.e.
QRectF logicalArea() const
Returns the logical area, i.e., the rectangle defined by the very top left and very bottom right coor...
QSize sizeHint() const override
pure virtual in QLayoutItem
void setIsometricScaling(bool onOff)
If onOff is true, enforce that X and Y distances are scaled by the same factor.
void setAxesCalcModes(AxesCalcMode mode)
Specifies the calculation modes for all axes.
void setAutoAdjustHorizontalRangeToData(unsigned int percentEmpty=67)
Automatically adjust horizontal range settings to the ranges covered by the model's values,...
void setZoomCenter(const QPointF &center) override
void setFixedDataCoordinateSpaceRelation(bool fixed)
Allows to specify a fixed data-space / coordinate-space relation.
void setHorizontalRange(const QPair< qreal, qreal > &range)
Set the boundaries of the visible value space displayed in horizontal direction.
QRectF diagramArea() const
Returns the (physical) area occupied by the diagram.
bool autoAdjustGridToZoom() const
Return the status of the built-in grid adjusting feature.
void resetGridAttributes(Qt::Orientation orientation)
Reset the attributes to be used for grid lines drawn in horizontal direction (or in vertical directio...
void setGridAttributes(Qt::Orientation orientation, const GridAttributes &)
Set the attributes to be used for grid lines drawn in horizontal direction (or in vertical direction,...
void setAxesCalcModeY(AxesCalcMode mode)
Specifies the calculation mode for all Ordinate axes.
Class for the grid in a cartesian plane.
A chart with one or more diagrams.
Definition KChartChart.h:85
A set of attributes controlling the appearance of grids.
Stores information about painting diagrams.
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:01:30 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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