Go to the documentation of this file.
55 \li \c GranularitySequence_10_20 Step widths can be 1, or 2, but they never can be 2.5 nor 5, nor 1.25.
56 \li \c GranularitySequence_10_50 Step widths can be 1, or 5, but they never can be 2, nor 2.5, nor 1.25.
57 \li \c GranularitySequence_25_50 Step widths can be 2.5, or 5, but they never can be 1, nor 2, nor 1.25.
58 \li \c GranularitySequence_125_25 Step widths can be 1.25 or 2.5 but they never can be 1, nor 2, nor 5.
59 \li \c GranularitySequenceIrregular Step widths can be all of these values: 1, or 1.25, or 2, or 2.5, or 5.
141 \li \c LayoutPolicyShiftVertically Shift the text baseline upwards (or downwards, resp.) and draw a connector line between the text and its anchor.
142 \li \c LayoutPolicyShiftHorizontally Shift the text baseline to the left (or to the right, resp.) and draw a connector line between the text and its anchor.
197 Measure calculation mode: the way how the absolute value of a KChart::Measure is determined during KChart's internal geometry calculation time.
199 KChart::Measure values either are relative (calculated in relation to a given AbstractArea), or they are absolute (used as fixed values).
201 Values stored in relative measure always are interpreted as per-mille of a reference area's height (or width, resp.) depending on the orientation set for the KChart::Measure.
203 \li \c MeasureCalculationModeAbsolute Value set by setValue() is absolute, to be used unchanged.
204 \li \c MeasureCalculationModeRelative Value is relative, the reference area is specified by setReferenceArea(), and orientation specified by setOrientation().
205 \li \c MeasureCalculationModeAuto Value is relative, KChart will automatically determine which reference area to use, and it will determine the orientation too.
206 \li \c MeasureCalculationModeAutoArea Value is relative, Orientation is specified by setOrientation(), and KChart will automatically determine which reference area to use.
207 \li \c MeasureCalculationModeAutoOrientation Value is relative, Area is specified by setReferenceArea(), and KChart will automatically determine which orientation to use.
267 Measure orientation mode: the way how the absolute value of a KChart::Measure is determined during KChart's internal geometry calculation time.
269 KChart::Measure values either are relative (calculated in relation to a given AbstractArea), or they are absolute (used as fixed values).
271 Values stored in relative measure take into account the width (and/or the height, resp.) of a so-called reference area,
272 that is either specified by KChart::Measure::setReferenceArea, or determined by KChart automatically, respectively.
274 \li \c MeasureOrientationAuto Value is calculated, based upon the width (or on the height, resp.) of the reference area: KChart will automatically determie an appropriate way.
275 \li \c MeasureOrientationHorizontal Value is calculated, based upon the width of the reference area.
276 \li \c MeasureOrientationVertical Value is calculated, based upon the height of the reference area.
277 \li \c MeasureOrientationMinimum Value is calculated, based upon the width (or on the height, resp.) of the reference area - which ever is smaller.
278 \li \c MeasureOrientationMaximum Value is calculated, based upon the width (or on the height, resp.) of the reference area - which ever is smaller.
Contains KChart macros.
Project global class providing some enums needed both by KChartParams and by KChartCustomBox.
Definition KChartEnums.h:27
static GranularitySequence stringToGranularitySequence(const QString &string)
Converts the specified string to a granularity sequence enum value.
Definition KChartEnums.h:119
GranularitySequence specifies the values, that may be applied, to determine a step width within a giv...
Definition KChartEnums.h:78
Measure calculation mode: the way how the absolute value of a KChart::Measure is determined during KC...
Definition KChartEnums.h:211
Text layout policy: what to do if text that is to be drawn would cover neighboring text or neighborin...
Definition KChartEnums.h:147
static MeasureCalculationMode stringToMeasureCalculationMode(const QString &string)
Converts the specified string to a measure calculation mode enum value.
Definition KChartEnums.h:251
Numerical values of the static KChart::Position instances, for using a Position::value() with a switc...
Definition KChartEnums.h:180
static QString measureCalculationModeToString(MeasureCalculationMode mode)
Converts the specified measure calculation mode enum to a string representation.
Definition KChartEnums.h:227
static QString granularitySequenceToString(GranularitySequence sequence)
Converts the specified granularity sequence enum to a string representation.
Definition KChartEnums.h:95
static MeasureOrientation stringToMeasureOrientation(const QString &string)
Converts the specified string to a measure orientation enum value.
Definition KChartEnums.h:322
static QString layoutPolicyToString(TextLayoutPolicy type)
Converts the specified text layout policy enum to a string representation.
Measure orientation mode: the way how the absolute value of a KChart::Measure is determined during KC...
Definition KChartEnums.h:282
static TextLayoutPolicy stringToLayoutPolicy(const QString &string)
Converts the specified string to a text layout policy enum value.
static QString measureOrientationToString(MeasureOrientation mode)
Converts the specified measure orientation enum to a string representation.
Definition KChartEnums.h:298
QObject(QObject *parent)
QString fromLatin1(QByteArrayView str)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:51:36 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:51:36 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.