class KIconLoader

Iconloader for KDE. More...

Definition#include <kiconloader.h>
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Detailed Description

Iconloader for KDE.

KIconLoader will load the current icon theme and all its base themes. Icons will be searched in any of these themes. Additionally, it caches icons and applies effects according the the user's preferences.

In KDE, it is encouraged to load icons by "Group". An icon group is a location on the screen where icons are being used. Standard groups are: Desktop, Toolbar, MainToolbar, Small and Panel. Each group has some centrally configured properties bound to it, including the icon size and effects. This makes it possible to offer a consistent icon look in all KDE applications.

The standard groups are defined below.

The icons are stored on disk in an icon theme or in a standalone directory. The icon theme directories contain multiple sizes and/or depths for the same icon. The iconloader will load the correct one based on the icon group and the current theme. Icon themes are stored globally in share/icons, or, application specific in share/apps/$appdir/icons.

The standalone directories contain just one version of an icon. The directories that are searched are: $appdir/pics and $appdir/toolbar. Icons in these directories can be loaded by using the special group "User".

 KIconLoader (const QString& appname=QString::null, KStandardDirs *dirs = 0)


Construct the iconloader.

appnameAdd the data directories of this application to the icon search path for the "User" group. The default argument adds the directories of the current application.
theKStandardDirs object to use. If null the global one is used

 ~KIconLoader ()



void  addAppDir (const QString& appname)


Add appname to the list of application specific directories.

appnameThe application name.

QPixmap  loadIcon (const QString& name, int group, int size=0, int state=KIcon::DefaultState, QString *path_store=0L, bool canReturnNull=false)



Load an icon. It will try very hard to find an icon which is suitable. If no exact match is found, a close match is searched. If neither an exact nor a close match is found, a null pixmap or the "unknown" pixmap is returned, depending on the value of the canReturnNull parameter.

nameThe name of the icon, without extension.
groupThe icon group. This will specify the size of and effects to be applied to the icon.
sizeIf nonzero, this overrides the size specified by group.
stateThe icon state: DefaultState, ActiveState or DisabledState. Depending on the user's preferences, the iconloader may apply a visual effect to hint about its state.
path_storeIf not null, the path of the icon is stored here.
canReturnNullCan return a null pixmap? If false, the "unknown" pixmap is returned when no appropriate icon has been found.

QString  iconPath (const QString& name, int group_or_size, bool canReturnNull=false)



Returns the path of an icon.

nameThe name of the icon, without extension.
group_or_sizeIf positive, search icons whose size is specified by the icon group group_or_size. If negative, search icons whose size is - group_or_size.
canReturnNullCan return a null pixamp?

QStringList  loadAnimated (const QString& name, int group, int size=0)



Load an animated icon. In the future, this will be replaced by a routine which loads an MNG animation and returns a QMovie.

nameThe name of the icon.
groupThe icon group. See loadIcon().
sizeOverride the default size for group.

Returns: A QStringList containing the absolute path of all the frames making up the animation.

QStringList  queryIcons (int group_or_size, int context=KIcon::Any)



Query all available icons for a specific group, having a specific context.

group_or_sizeThe icon group or size. See iconPath.
contextThe icon context.

QStringList  queryIconsByContext (int group_or_size, int context=KIcon::Any)



Query all available icons for a specific context.

group_or_sizeThe icon preferred group or size. If available at this group or size, those icons will be returned, in other case, icons of undefined size will be returned.
contextThe icon context.

Returns: A QStringList containing the icon names available for that context

int  currentSize (int group)


Returns: the current size for an icon group.

KIconThemetheme ()


Returns a pointer to the current theme. Can be used to query available and default sizes for groups.

KIconEffecticonEffect ()


Returns a pointer to the KIconEffect object used by the icon loader.

void  reconfigure ( const QString& _appname, KStandardDirs *_dirs )


Called by KInstance::newIconLoader to reconfigure the icon loader

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