Singleton Object that handles a binary cache on top of the http cache management of kio.
A limited number of HTML pages are stored in this cache. This cache is used for the history and operations like "view source". These operations always want to use the original document and don't want to fetch the data from the network again.
It operates completely independent from the kio_http cache.
KHTMLPageCache * self ()
| self |
static "constructor".
Returns: returns a pointer to the cache, if it exists. creates a new cache otherwise.
~KHTMLPageCache ()
| ~KHTMLPageCache |
long createCacheEntry ()
| createCacheEntry |
Create a new cache entry.
Returns: a cache entry ID is returned.
void addData (long id, const QByteArray &data)
| addData |
Add data
to the cache entry with id id
void endData (long id)
| endData |
Signal end of data for the cache entry with id id
After calling this the entry is marked valid
void cancelEntry (long id)
| cancelEntry |
Cancel the entry.
bool isValid (long id)
| isValid |
Returns: true when the cache entry with id is
still valid.
and can be accessed for reading.
void fetchData (long id, QObject *recvObj, const char *recvSlot)
| fetchData |
Fetch data for cache entry id
and send it to slot recvSlot
in the object recvObj
void cancelFetch (QObject *recvObj)
| cancelFetch |
Cancel sending data to recvObj
void saveData (long id, QDataStream *str)
| saveData |
Save the data of cache entry id
to the datastream str
Generated by: dfaure on Tue Feb 27 12:47:29 2001, using kdoc 2.0a50. |