class KCursor

A QCursor wrapper allowing "themed" cursors and auto-hiding cursors. More...

Definition#include <kcursor.h>
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Methods

Public Static Methods

Detailed Description

A wrapper around QCursor that allows for "themed" cursors.

Currently, the only themed cursor is a hand shaped cursor.

A typical usage would be


 KCursor ()



Does not do anything so far.

QCursor  handCursor ()



Retrieve the proper hand cursor according to the current GUI style (static function).

QCursor  arrowCursor ()



Retrieve the proper arrow cursor according to the current GUI style (static function).

QCursor  upArrowCursor ()



Retrieve the proper up arrow cursor according to the current GUI style (static function).

QCursor  crossCursor ()



Retrieve the proper cross-hair cursor according to the current GUI style (static function).

QCursor  waitCursor ()



Retrieve the proper hourglass cursor according to the current GUI style (static function).

QCursor  ibeamCursor ()



Retrieve the proper text cursor according to the current GUI style (static function).

QCursor  sizeVerCursor ()



Retrieve the proper vertical resize cursor according to the current GUI style (static function).

QCursor  sizeHorCursor ()



Retrieve the proper horizontal resize cursor according to the current GUI style (static function).

QCursor  sizeBDiagCursor ()



Retrieve the proper diagonal resize (/) cursor according to the current GUI style (static function).

QCursor  sizeFDiagCursor ()



Retrieve the proper diagonal resize (\) cursor according to the current GUI style (static function).

QCursor  sizeAllCursor ()



Retrieve the proper all-directions resize cursor according to the current GUI style (static function).

QCursor  blankCursor ()



Retrieve a blank or invisible cursor (static function).

void  setAutoHideCursor ( QWidget *w, bool enable )



Sets auto-hiding the cursor for widget w. Enabling it will result in the cursor being hidden when

The cursor will be shown again when the focus is lost or a mouse-event happens.

Side effect: when enabling auto-hide, mouseTracking is enabled for the specified widget, because it's needed to get mouse-move-events. So don't disable mouseTracking for a widget while using auto-hide for it.

When disabling auto-hide, mouseTracking will be disabled, so if you need mouseTracking after disabling auto-hide, you have to reenable mouseTracking.

If you want to use auto-hiding for widgets that don't take focus, e.g. a QCanvasView, then you have to pass all key-events that should trigger auto-hiding to autoHideEventFilter().

void  setAutoHideCursor ( QWidget *w, bool enable, bool customEventFilter )



Overloaded method for the case where you have an event-filter installed on the widget you want to enable auto-cursor-hiding.

In this case set customEventFilter to true and call autoHideEventFilter() from the beginning of your eventFilter().

See also: autoHideEventFilter

void  setHideCursorDelay ( int ms )



Sets the delay time in milliseconds for auto-hiding. When no keyboard events arrive for that time-frame, the cursor will be hidden.

Default is 5000, i.e. 5 seconds.

int  hideCursorDelay ()



Default is 5000, i.e. 5 seconds.

Returns: the current auto-hide delay time.

void  autoHideEventFilter ( QObject *, QEvent * )



KCursor has to install an eventFilter over the widget you want to auto-hide. If you have an own eventFilter() on that widget and stop some events by returning true, you might break auto-hiding, because KCursor doesn't get those events.

In this case, you need to call setAutoHideCursor( widget, true, true ); to tell KCursor not to install an eventFilter. Then you call this method from the beginning of your eventFilter, for example:

 edit = new KEdit( this, "some edit widget" );
 edit->installEventFilter( this );
 KCursor::setAutoHideCursor( edit, true, true );


 bool YourClass::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e )
     if ( o == edit ) // only that widget where you enabled auto-hide!
         KCursor::autoHideEventFilter( o, e );

     // now you can do your own event-processing

Note that you must not call KCursor::autoHideEventFilter() when you didn't enable or after disabling auto-hiding.