class ReadOnlyPart

Base class for any "viewer" part. More...

Contains pure virtuals
Full nameKParts::ReadOnlyPart
Definition#include <part.h>
InheritsKParts::Part [public ]
Inherited byReadWritePart
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Methods

Public Slots


Protected Methods

Protected Slots

Protected Members

Detailed Description

Base class for any "viewer" part.

This class takes care of network transparency for you, in the simplest way (synchronously). To use the built-in network transparency, you only need to implement openFile(), not openURL(). To prevent network transparency, or to implement it another way (e.g. asynchronously), override openURL().

KParts Application can use the signals to show feedback while the URL is being loaded.

ReadOnlyPart handles the window caption by setting it to the current URL (set in openURL(), and each time the part is activated). If you want another caption, set it in openFile() and (if the part might ever be used with a part manager) in guiActivateEvent()

 ReadOnlyPart ( QObject *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 )


Constructor See also Part for the setXXX methods to call.

 ~ReadOnlyPart ()




void  showProgressInfo ( bool show )


Call this to turn off the progress info dialog used by the internal KIO job. Use this if you provide another way of displaying progress info (e.g. a statusbar), using the signals emitted by this class, and/or those emitted by the Job given by started.

bool  openURL ( const KURL &url )


[virtual slot]

Only reimplement openURL if you don't want synchronous network transparency Otherwise, reimplement openFile() only .

If you reimplement it, don't forget to set the caption, usually with emit setWindowCaption( url.prettyURL() );

const KURL &  url ()


[const virtual]

Retrieves the currently in part used URL.

Returns: The current used URL.

bool  closeURL ()



Called when closing the current url (e.g. document), for instance when switching to another url (note that openURL() calls it automatically in this case). If the current URL is not fully loaded yet, aborts loading. Deletes the temporary file used when the url is remote.

Returns: always true, but the return value exists for reimplementations

void  started ( KIO::Job * )



The part emits this when starting data. If using a KIO::Job, it sets the job in the signal, so that progress information can be shown. Otherwise, job is 0.

void  completed ()



Emit this when you have completed loading data. Hosting apps will want to know when the process of loading the data is finished, so that they can access the data when everything is loaded.

void  completed ( bool pendingAction )



Same as the above signal except besides indicating that the data has been completely loaded it also informs the host, by setting the flag, that a pending action has been generated as a result of completing the requested task (loading the data). An example of this is meta-refresh tags on HTML pages which result in the page either being refreshed or the viewer being redirected to another page. By emitting this signal after appropriately setting the flag, the part can tell the host of the pending scheduled action inorder to give it a chance to accept or cancel that action.

pendingAction if true, a pending action exists (ex: a scheduled refresh)

void  canceled ( const QString &errMsg )



Emit this if loading is canceled by the user or by an error.

void  slotJobFinished ( KIO::Job * job )


[protected slots slot]

bool  openFile ()


[protected pure virtual]

If the part uses the standard implementation of openURL(), it must reimplement this, to open m_file. Otherwise simply define it to { return false; }

void  abortLoad ()



void  guiActivateEvent ( GUIActivateEvent *event )


[protected virtual]

Reimplemented from Part, so that the window caption is set to the current url (decoded) when the part is activated This is the usual behaviour in 99% of the apps Reimplement if you don't like it - test for event->activated() !

Technical note : this is done with GUIActivateEvent and not with PartActivateEvent because it's handled by the mainwindow (which gets the even after the PartActivateEvent events have been sent)

Reimplemented from Part.

KURL m_url



QString m_file



bool m_bTemp



Generated by: faure on on Wed Jun 20 13:27:02 2001, using kdoc 2.0a53.