class KAccel

Configurable key binding support. More...

Definition#include <kaccel.h>
InheritsQAccel (qt) [public ]
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Detailed Description

Handle keyboard accelerators.

Allow an user to configure key bindings through application configuration files or through the KKeyChooser GUI.

A KAccel contains a list of accelerator items. Each accelerator item consists of an action name and a keyboard code combined with modifiers (Shift, Ctrl and Alt.)

For example, "Ctrl+P" could be a shortcut for printing a document. The key codes are listed in ckey.h. "Print" could be the action name for printing. The action name identifies the key binding in configuration files and the KKeyChooser GUI.

When pressed, an accelerator key calls the slot to which it has been connected. Accelerator items can be connected so that a key will activate two different slots.

A KAccel object handles key events sent to its parent widget and to all children of this parent widget.

Key binding reconfiguration during run time can be prevented by specifying that an accelerator item is not configurable when it is inserted. A special group of non-configurable key bindings are known as the standard accelerators.

The standard accelerators appear repeatedly in applications for standard document actions such as printing and saving. Convenience methods are available to insert and connect these accelerators which are configurable on a desktop-wide basis.

It is possible for a user to choose to have no key associated with an action.

The translated first argument for insertItem() is used only in the configuration dialog.

 KAccel *a = new KAccel( myWindow );
 // Insert an action "Scroll Up" which is associated with the "Up" key:
 a->insertItem( i18n("Scroll up"), "Scroll Up", "Up" );
 // Insert an action "Scroll Down" which is not associated with any key:
 a->insertItem( i18n("Scroll down"), "Scroll Down", 0);
 a->connectItem( "Scroll up", myWindow, SLOT( scrollUp() ) );
 // a->insertStdItem( KStdAccel::Print ); //not necessary, since it
	// is done automatially with the
	// connect below!
 a->connectItem(KStdAccel::Print, myWindow, SLOT( printDoc() ) );


If a shortcut has a menu entry as well, you could insert them like this. The example is again the KStdAccel::Print from above.

 int id;
 id = popup->insertItem("&Print",this, SLOT(printDoc()));
 a->changeMenuAccel(popup, id, KStdAccel::Print );

If you want a somewhat "exotic" name for your standard print action, like id = popup->insertItem(i18n("Print &Document"),this, SLOT(printDoc())); it might be a good idea to insert the standard action before as a->insertStdItem( KStdAccel::Print, i18n("Print Document") ) as well, so that the user can easily find the corresponding function.

This technique works for other actions as well. Your "scroll up" function in a menu could be done with

    id = popup->insertItem(i18n"Scroll &up",this, SLOT(scrollUp()));
    a->changeMenuAccel(popup, id, "Scroll Up" );

Please keep the order right: First insert all functions in the acceleratior, then call a -> readSettings() and then build your menu structure.

 KAccel ( QWidget * parent, const char *name = 0 )


Create a KAccel object with a parent widget and a name.

void  clear ()


Remove all accelerator items.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

void  connectItem ( const QString& action, const QObject* receiver, const char *member, bool activate = true )


Connect an accelerator item to a slot/signal in another object.


actionThe accelerator item action name.
receiverThe object to receive a signal.
memberA slot or signal in the receiver.
activateIndicates whether the accelerator item should be enabled immediately.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

void  connectItem ( KStdAccel::StdAccel accel, const QObject* receiver, const char *member, bool activate = true )


Same as the preceding connectItem(), but used for standard accelerators.

If the standard accelerator was not inserted so far, it will be inserted automatically.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

uint  count ()



Retrieve the number of accelerator items.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

int  currentKey ( const QString& action )



Retrieve the key code of the accelerator item with the action name action, or zero if either the action name cannot be found or the current key is set to no key.

QString  description ( const QString& action )



Retrieve the description of the accelerator item with the action name action, or QString::null if the action name cannot be found. Useful for menus.

void  setDescription (const QString &action, const QString &description)


int  defaultKey ( const QString& action)



Retrieve the default key code of the accelerator item with the action name action, or zero if the action name cannot be found.

void  disconnectItem ( const QString& action, const QObject* receiver, const char *member )


Disconnect an accelerator item from a function in another object.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

QString  findKey ( int key )



Rerieve the identifier of the accelerator item with the keycode key, or QString::null if the item cannot be found.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

bool  insertItem ( const QString& descr, const QString& action, int defaultKeyCode, bool configurable = true )


Insert an accelerator item.

If an action already exists the old association and connections will be removed.

descrThe localized name of the action, useful in menus or the keybinding editor.
actionThe internal accelerator item action name. It is supposed to be the same for all languages.
defaultKeyCodeA key code to be used as the default for the action. Set it to 0 for no default key (It still may be configured later.)
configurableIndicates whether a user can configure the key binding using the KKeyChooser GUI and whether the key will be written back to configuration files when writeSettings() is called.

Returns: true if successful.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

bool  insertItem ( const QString& descr, const QString& action, KKey defaultKeyCode3, KKey defaultKeyCode4, bool configurable = true )


Reimplemented from QAccel.

bool  insertItem ( const QString& descr, const QString& action, int defaultKeyCode, int id, QPopupMenu *qmenu, bool configurable = true )


Insert an accelerator item.

If an action already exists the old association and connections will be removed.

descrThe localized name of the action, useful in menus or the keybinding editor.
actionThe internal accelerator item action name. It is supposed to be the same for all languages.
defaultKeyCodeA key code to be used as the default for the action. Set it to 0 for no default key (It still may be configured later.)
idMenu index of menu items associated with this action.
qmenuMenu containing items associated with this action.
configurableIndicates whether a user can configure the key binding using the KKeyChooser GUI and whether the key will be written back to configuration files when writeSettings() is called.

Returns: true if successful.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

bool  insertItem ( const QString& descr, const QString& action, KKey defaultKeyCode3, KKey defaultKeyCode4, int id, QPopupMenu *qmenu, bool configurable = true )


Reimplemented from QAccel.

bool  insertItem ( const QString& descr, const QString& action, const QString& defaultKeyCode, bool configurable = true )


Insert an accelerator item.

If an action already exists the old association and connections will be removed.

descrThe localized name of the action, useful in menus or the keybinding editor.
actionThe internal accelerator item action name. It is supposed to be the same for all languages.
defaultKeyCodeA key plus a combination of Shift, Ctrl and Alt to be used as the default for the action.
idMenu index of menu items associated with this action.
qmenuMenu containing items associated with this action.
configurableIndicates whether a user can configure the key binding using the KKeyChooser GUI and whether the key will be written back to configuration files when writeSettings() is called.

Returns: true if successful.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

bool  insertItem ( const QString& descr, const QString& action, const QString& defaultKeyCode, int id, QPopupMenu *qmenu, bool configurable = true )


Insert an accelerator item.

If an action already exists the old association and connections will be removed..

descrThe localized name of the action, useful in menus or the keybinding editor.
actionThe internal accelerator item action name. It is supposed to be the same for all languages.
defaultKeyCodeA key plus a combination of Shift, Ctrl and Alt to be used as the default for the action.
configurableIndicates whether a user can configure the key binding using the KKeyChooser GUI and whether the key will be written back to configuration files when writeSettings() is called.

Returns: true if successful.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

bool  insertStdItem ( KStdAccel::StdAccel id, const QString& descr = QString::null )


Insert a standard accelerator item.

If an action already exists the old association and connections will be removed. param id One of the following: Open, New, Close, Save, Print, Quit, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo, Find, Replace, Insert, Home, End, Prior, Next, or @pHelp. param descr You can optionally also assign a description to the standard item which may be used a in a popup menu.

bool  insertItem ( const QString& action, int defaultKeyCode, bool configurable = true )


Convenience function form of insertItem() without the need to specify a localized function name for the user.

This is useful if the accelerator is used internally only, without appearing in a menu or a keybinding editor.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

bool  insertItem ( const QString& action, int defaultKeyCode, int id, QPopupMenu *qmenu, bool configurable = true )


Convenience function for of insertItem() without the need to specify a localized function name for the user.

This is useful if the accelerator is only used internally, without appearing in a menu or a keybinding editor.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

void  removeItem ( const QString& action )


Remove the accelerator item with the action name action.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

void  changeMenuAccel ( QPopupMenu *menu, int id, const QString& action )


Shortcuts should be visible in the menu structure of an application.

Use this function for that purpose. Note that the action must have been inserted before!

void  changeMenuAccel ( QPopupMenu *menu, int id, KStdAccel::StdAccel accel )


Same as changeMenuAccel() but for standard accelerators.

bool  setKeyDict ( const KKeyEntryMap& nKeyDict )


Set the dictionary of accelerator action names and KKeyEntry objects to nKeyDict.

Note that only a shallow copy is made so that items will be lost when the KKeyEntry objects are deleted.

KKeyEntryMap  keyDict ()



Retrieve the dictionary of accelerator action names and KKeyEntry objects. Note that only a shallow copy is returned so that items will be lost when the KKeyEntry objects are deleted.

const KKeyMapOrder&  keyInsertOrder ()



KKeyMapOrder&  keyInsertOrder ()


void  readSettings (KConfig* config = 0)


Read all key associations from config, or (if config is zero) from the application's configuration file KGlobal::config().

The group in which the configuration is stored can be set with setConfigGroup().

void  readKeyMap ( KKeyEntryMap &aKeyMap, const QString &group, KConfigBase *config = 0 )



void  writeSettings (KConfig* config = 0)



Write the current configurable associations to config, or (if config is zero) to the application's configuration file.

void  writeKeyMap ( const KKeyEntryMap &aKeyMap, const QString& group, KConfig *config = 0, bool global = false )



More flexible version of @see writeSettings. You can specify your own key map. ( writeSettings calls this function internally )

void  setConfigGroup ( const QString& group )


Set the group in the configuration file in which the accelerator settings are stored.

By default, this is "Keys".

QString  configGroup ()



Retrieve the name of the group in which accelerator settings are stored.

void  setConfigGlobal ( bool global )


If global is true, KAccel writes to the global configuration file, instead of the application configuration file.

bool  configGlobal ()



Will KAccel write to the global configuration file (instead of the application configuration file)?

void  setEnabled ( bool activate )


Enable all accelerators if activate is true, or disable it if activate is false.

Individual keys can also be enabled or disabled.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

bool  isEnabled ()



Are accelerators enabled?

Reimplemented from QAccel.

void  setItemEnabled ( const QString& action, bool activate )


Enable or disable an accelerator item.

actionThe accelerator item action name.
activateSpecifies whether the item should be enabled or disabled.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

bool  isItemEnabled ( const QString& action )



Check whether a specific accelerator, action, is enabled.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

bool  configurable ( const QString &action )



Returns true if keyentry can be modified.

bool  updateItem ( const QString &action, int keyCode)


Change the keycode for an accelerator.

void  clearItem (const QString &action)


Remove the keycode for an accelerator.

void  removeDeletedMenu (QPopupMenu *menu)


Clear any pointers to a menu.

bool  useFourModifierKeys ()



void  useFourModifierKeys ( bool b )



bool  qtSupportsMetaKey ()



int  stringToKey ( const QString& sKey )



Retrieve the key code corresponding to the string sKey or zero if the string is not recognized.

The string must be something like "Shift+A", "F1+Ctrl+Alt" or "Backspace" for example. That is, the string must consist of a key name plus a combination of the modifiers Shift, Ctrl and Alt.

N.B.: sKey must not be i18n()'d!

Reimplemented from QAccel.

QString  keyToString ( int keyCode, bool i18_n = FALSE )



Retrieve a string corresponding to the key code keyCode, which is empty if keyCode is not recognized or zero.

Reimplemented from QAccel.

enum ModKeysIndex { ModShiftIndex, ModCapsLockIndex, ModCtrlIndex, ModAltIndex, ModNumLockIndex, ModModeSwitchIndex, ModMetaIndex, ModScrollLockIndex, MOD_KEYS }


void  readModifierMapping ()



uint  stringToKey ( const QString& keyStr, uchar *pKeyCodeX, uint *pKeySymX, uint *pKeyModX )



Reimplemented from QAccel.

uint  keyCodeXToKeySymX ( uchar keyCodeX, uint keyModX )



void  keyEventXToKeyX ( const XEvent *pEvent, uchar *pKeyCodeX, uint *pKeySymX, uint *pKeyModX )



uint  keyEventXToKeyQt ( const XEvent *pEvent )



int  keySymXIndex ( uint keySym )



void  keySymXMods ( uint keySym, uint *pKeyModQt, uint *pKeyModX )



uint  keyCodeXToKeyQt ( uchar keyCodeX, uint keyModX )



uint  keySymXToKeyQt ( uint keySymX, uint keyModX )



void  keyQtToKeyX ( uint keyCombQt, uchar *pKeyCodeX, uint *pKeySymX, uint *pKeyModX )



uint  keyEventQtToKeyQt ( const QKeyEvent* )



QString  keyCodeXToString ( uchar keyCodeX, uint keyModX, bool bi18n )



QString  keySymXToString ( uint keySymX, uint keyModX, bool bi18n )



uint  keyModXShift ()



uint  keyModXLock ()



uint  keyModXCtrl ()



uint  keyModXAlt ()



uint  keyModXNumLock ()



uint  keyModXModeSwitch ()



uint  keyModXMeta ()



uint  keyModXScrollLock ()



uint  accelModMaskQt ()



uint  accelModMaskX ()



bool  keyboardHasMetaKey ()



void  keycodeChanged ()



int aAvailableId



KKeyEntryMap aKeyMap



bool bEnabled



bool bGlobal



QString aGroup

